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Messages - Stuck in Limbo

Pages: 1 ... 63 64 [65]
I guess I'll post.))

Tonx, all tensed up and stiff resembling the likes of a small elderly lady, exits an alley following a failed attempt to find nourishment and begins making her way down the street. Her body jumps at every small noise, causing her to freeze and dart her eyes. She could only hope it was just a figment of her imagination, and she seemed to be right. As far as she knew, she was the only living thing on this street. She starts walking again, giving a quiet moan whenever her joints make a *snap* noise - which was with every step.
Tonx stops again as her eyes direct down a junction, the hairs in her arms and neck erect as she gets the thought that someone was standing at the end if it, looking back at her. Fast as she could go -which wasn't very fast at all- she goes druthers down the street, trying to tell herself she was worrying about nothing but it didn't seem to work, she still feels a knot of worry in her stomach.
The thought of something watching her begins to over-rule her mind and she turns into an alley.  She slides stiffly down the wall next to a dumpster, just at the entrance of the ended open-head tunnel. She pulls her knees to her chest, a painful exercise.  

"It figures..." The girl huffs under her breath "Either everyone's dead or don't want me about." Blowing her fringe out of her left eye, she tries convincing herself that she was being stupid by thinking that. Her body freezes as she thinks she hears footsteps but, again she figures its only her own mind.  
Tonx pulls her skinny arms through the sleeves of her t-shirt and wraps them around her thin frame. She wished she was as warm as her feet, which were safely consealed in her Uggs. She runs her tongue on the roof of her mouth, which is dry with dehydration.
A thought runs through her head. What idiot would corner themselves' in an alley with no way of escaping if confronted with danger? Trying to stand up would be more painful than staying where she was, she decides to stay put and just pray that nothing hostile would find her.

Gotcha and thanks ^.^


Tonx Keena Evergreen



Tonx is a nervous individual who is easily frightened and upset at most worrying situations. She doesn't tend to speak that often and is often wary of people she doesn't know but very loyal to people she does know and trust. She is also a sweet and very kind person and it is rare for her to say anything negative about anyone. Naturally this makes her fairly vulnerable but she can hold her own when it is needed. If she is in pain, physically or emotionally she tends to hide it as not to worry people. She feels safest when in company of other people. Tonx suffers from depression but its the kind of depression you'd see from Eeyore in 'Winnie the Pooh' when there is a rather sweet quality to it.

Tonx was born in the poorer area of the city but it was only when Tonx was six that things turned nasty. During the next years, her mother had seven other children. Her folks cared more for parties and booze than their family which often meant that Tonx was left to care for the kids. As they didn't receive discipline, they often wrecked the small house. Breaking windows, drawing and punching holes into the wall, breaking the stair-banisters, dinner plates, all those things. Despite the kids being the perpetrators, it was Tonx that would be punished for "not watching the little brats close enough!!"
She started to mimic her father's violent behaviour on her siblings in order for them to listen to her, but that only got her into more trouble.
When Tonx was 11, she finally got her 'comeuppance' from her father as he grabbed and threw her down the front stairs of the house before hitting her with a lead pipe. Out of fear, she left her family and went to live on the streets.
Tonx only survived because of peoples "generosity" (Honestly, even the pigeons were better treated) and doing small jobs for certain shops and diners (washing dishes, emptying bins, doing all the shit no one wants to) She would be forced to move from town to town by the townsfolk who complained about either her unwashed smell, her begging or the fact that she brought down the image of what was supposed to be a perfect place to live.

After the Apocalypse happened, Tonx met a small band of survivors who she stayed with for a while. The group, however, didn't really like having her about as -due to her bad health- she couldn't really contribute in helping them, she struggled to keep up with them and would have to have been carried at times and was just seen as dead weight, which caused Tonx to eventually being abandoned by the group.



Sooty has a nervous character much like her owner but is very loyal to her group but she doesnt tend to get involved with the other dogs and can be unsettled if her routine changes. She can be defensive towards people she doesnt know but is a good dog overall.

Suffers from chronic and crippling arthritis in every joint except her fingers.
Is slightly hunch-backed

Hello. I have a female human character who I used to use in FH until the rp died. Is it possible to join this rp?))

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