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Messages - Zophrenia

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Thank you so much! <3
I love the animations and the only problem i've ever had with it was the eye thing that urks me so much. Will certainly be getting this.

I uploaded it to a different site to see if that would work.

For some reason the images aren't showing up for me... Anyone else? owo Or is it just my computer being durpy? I doubt that it's being durpy, the Internet connection is fine...
Odd. o3o
Other person seems to have seen it so there should be no reason for it not to show

Just thought id share a sneak peek into what my current map project is. ;)

It'll take me some time to complete, but i plan on making all the maps.

Even though i swore to myself that i wouldnt.
Because knowning me i need to have every little detail down.

And make custom textures for it.
What am i doing with my life.

Game Help / Re: Mesh/Map Question.
« on: November 14, 2015, 03:43:44 pm »
Ah yes, i remember seeing a few of their things.
Thats slighltly different as they are still using a different program rather than placing the models themselves back in the game as an object.

Game Help / Mesh/Map Question.
« on: November 14, 2015, 11:30:47 am »
Hellur, once again i'm here asking something about Maps/Meshes.

I was curious as to if it was perfectly fine to turn the FH Canine and Feline models into Objects for maps?
After getting hold of the blender files for the models to help with item making (If i ever get around to it), I thought about using them to make NPC like beings placed around current maps i'm making for public use. Just to make the worlds seem more.. Alive?

And if so, would i be able to convert models for people to retexture and use on their own maps for simular use? (Under the conditions they don't ask people to pay to use the re-textured model/map with said model of course.)
Seeing as not everyone is blender savvy.

Or simply use it for private use?

If not thats fine, twas just an idea. :3

Praise / Re: Paris
« on: November 14, 2015, 02:19:56 am »
Yes.. It's very unfortunate to those in paris that have lost a loved one to this tragedy,
I was watching the news livestream as the whole thing unfolded and saw some disturbing things from other sorces.

Don't forget to pray or give a thought to japan as they suffered an earthquake just recently, news of it is being drowned out over the Paris tragedy.

Game Discussion / Re: What Does a Username Tell You?
« on: November 13, 2015, 11:43:08 pm »
Once again, I echo what many others who have commented before me posted.
You can't judge a book by its cover. Never know the true nature of the person behind the screen until you talk to them yourself.
Even then it's still limited.

However, I do like to come up with stories as to why a person may have a specific user. Certainly could be interesting.
For example; Someone has the name "Fluffybuns12". I then think that maybe they named it after a well loved pet, the number may be random or specific time in their life that they enjoyed.
Or my user "Zophrenia" as another example. I made it after a character or a fursona that really connects to me, as well as fond memories of rping that character.

Sometimes I tend to judge people (Not harshly, Don't worry.) on peoples way of typing more so then the username as i tend to notice certain age groups use certain ways of speaking or mannerisms. But even then i'm careful as I've known older people to type poorly. vuv

Would be a pretty neat idea if you can manage to get it to work!

Three of the animals i Roleplay the most that are neither canine or Large feline would be Cats, Rodents and Horses. I see tons of Cats and horses, though Rodent chara are less seen around.

Game Help / Re: Map Making question!~
« on: November 11, 2015, 04:40:41 pm »
Darn. Well, thanks anyway.
I'll just have to deal with it.

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