Author Topic: Nekomata no chi: Chapter 2  (Read 1238 times)

Offline DungeonSiegeWolf

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Nekomata no chi: Chapter 2
« on: November 23, 2011, 02:20:27 am »
~~~Nekomata No Chi~~~
~~Chapter 2~~
~Scent of blood~[/size]

 It was morning. The cat eailer wounded stretched her legs, her tails still low on the ground. Her shoulder still aching from the bullet within it. The first scent she picked up was the scent of flowers and prey, the next scent was blood. The cat knew it wasn't her own blood, it was dry and smelled somewhat awful, but this scent was fresh. She followed the scent, walking akwardly. She soon came upon and nearly tripped over a small, sharpened branch. It was stained in dry blood, which was not the kind she was looking for.

 Still walking akwardly something soon caught her eye. It was a white figure, horribly almost red. The she-cat ran over to it realizing it was not only a figure, but a body of a cat. Its eyes were closed, its flank going up and down rapidly. "Poor thing" the she-cat mumured and continued "And still you're breathing?" She noticed 4 straight line gaps on cat's forehead. She leaned closer to it, her nose tip touching it. With that the cat suddenly had a muslce spasm in the hind leg, weakly kicking the female cat's front of the shoulder, a little bit where the bullet wound was. She jumped back a little feeling pain in her shoulder "Ow dangit.." She looked at her shoulder than looked back at the body which looked totally harmless. In spite of her injury she picked up the white cat by the scruff, lighter and smaller than she was, and looked for a place where it could be out of harm's way.

My chapter titles are suckish aren't dey? Wellz.. Have a good Thanksgiving on Thursday ^^ Cuz I won't be active unless I don't forget my DSI