Author Topic: Rant: People who don't complete requests  (Read 3744 times)

Offline LordSuragaha

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Rant: People who don't complete requests
« on: November 04, 2013, 12:29:30 am »
This is a small rant about people who don't finish map, preset, or art requests.

Now I understand if things suddenly came up in your life and you had no time or inspiration but what gets me upset is when these people don't tell people who requested them for something what's going on and just up and leave without any care or consideration.

 Recently I had been accepting art requests from people of Deviant Art and for a while all was going well until I got very ill early last month. I tried my best to complete the art and preset requests I have but I felt to weak and depressed to do it so I reluctantly decided it was time I write a Deviant Art journal and apologize to the people for my delay and explain to them that I just can't bring myself to finish their requests as of the moment... I evened offered them their points back in the meantime. Why can't other people be mature like this?

Numerous times in the past I have checked out the Map request section of this forum. I was afraid to ask anyone for a map request but one day this user who was a familiar on the forum at the time posted a thread for taking people's map requests. I lept on the offer and sent them a request for a small map. The map was too be no larger than Lonely Cave for heavens sake and with a simple design... No special meshes nothing crazy. The user agreed to make my map and at first everything was going fine. I told them I'd be patient and not rush them. They started the map and sent me an update once and then after that never again. The thread went silent so I stayed patient... Waited.... A Whole Month. It does not take a month to make such a simple small map and this user was coming on to the forum everyday so I decided to ask on the thread how was progress. I got ignored. This user continued to post on other threads and even come online and never once answered me. Months passes by and I grew tired of waiting and relying on other so I taught myself how to make maps and did it myself. I couldn't believe how that user never bothered to tell me anything as to why they never finished my request. I think I'd be more upset if someone didn't do my request and didn't tell me why then if they didn't do my request but at least told me why.

Funny thing is that I see this happening all the time not only to just me. I recall a time when I posted a thread in the request art section and I asked if anyone was willing to draw this simple picture for me. A particular user volunteered to do it for me and then never followed with their promise.... SO WHY DID YOU COME ON MY REQUEST THEN?!

I've seen users post up requesting a preset and people responding that they'll do it bad then never doing it. Why?

Point in all of this is if you can't be faithful and finish someone's request or a challenge don't accept it in the first place or at least tell them and be mature about it and don't just leave them hanging with out an explanation as to why you gave up and left....especially if you still have the time to get online to do other nonsense things...

Be considerate

Offline Krimzen

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Re: Rant: People who don't complete requests
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2013, 12:54:01 am »
One of the problems lies in the fact that it is in itself, nothing more than a request. A request, is not really a binding contract, as no currency is exchanged. You lose nothing if they don't do it, sure, maybe a bit of frustration, but really, if it benefits them in no way and they come upon a time when they cannot do it, they are not bound by anything to complete it.

On the subject of the "requests" you took on DA, those were no longer requests if a currency is exchanged, and they are then a commission, in which you were right to offer refunds. But there are differences between the two.

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Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Rant: People who don't complete requests
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2013, 01:15:15 am »
One of the problems lies in the fact that it is in itself, nothing more than a request. A request, is not really a binding contract, as no currency is exchanged. You lose nothing if they don't do it, sure, maybe a bit of frustration, but really, if it benefits them in no way and they come upon a time when they cannot do it, they are not bound by anything to complete it.

Again this "rant" is not so much about them not doing their request but more about why do they bother accepting a request if they're reluctant to do it. Sure there is no binding contract to requests but that doesn't mean the person doesn't have to be courteous. If you decide that you don't want to go through with the request then say that. What does it kill them to say that? It's rude and immature to just accept a request and leave a person thinking you're going to do something for them and then high tail it and run without looking back. There's a big difference with deciding not to do a request and politely saying so then lying about doing a request and then not doing it or telling the people that they're not doing it. Just because someone isn't paying for something doesn't mean you can be rude about it and provide them with garbage service. Definitely not how I was taught.

Whether it's free or not doesn't make a difference. I don't buy it.

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Re: Rant: People who don't complete requests
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2013, 01:22:04 am »
I entirely feel you within this subject, and I see you're reasoning, which is basically just 'If you're going to accept the request, why not actually do it?' or, 'If you accept the request, and are unable to do it, why can't this be explained?'

I understand how frustrating it can be when people, especially when active, do not go through with your requests, or even worse- commissions (and do not other refunds). On one hand, knowing a person is active and entirely capable of using their time to fill out your requests can be frustrating even after they've confirmed they can't do it (but hell! At least they told you that!), but it is an entirely different story when 1) they are active. 2) you have contacted them in regarding your requests and whether or not they can carry it out, as well as how long it might take, and 3) receiving no reply whats-so-ever to mere questions; not demands that they get your little project done.

While as Krimzen mentioned that one of the problems itself is that it is a request, thus done for free and the person taking them up is receiving nothing other than the joy of bringing out the results and presenting a finished project to you, let's put it this way:
  If you're going to accept requests, then maybe you should do them or say that they can't be done, as you are either 1) currently unwilling to do so (which is, once more, entirely understandable to say; because as these are requests, you are not receiving any currency in exchange for the project. You're just doing it out of the goodness of your heart.), or 2) Unable to do so, or not having the energy to bring out the results you'd like, or the results you think would be most appreciated.

But as typed unfortunately before I could post this (I was ninja'd yay), whether a request or not, you shouldn't give them something you made in five minutes and said 'here you go i made this be grateful'. All-in-all, I suppose it depends on who you are requesting something from on how the results will turn out.

As rude as it may sound, I for one would not spend as much time on a request as on a commission. But it's simply nice to give an at least half-hearted effort into the completion of the project, and if it can not be completed, merely the existence of an explanation.

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Rant: People who don't complete requests
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2013, 01:37:08 am »

While as Krimzen mentioned that one of the problems itself is that it is a request, thus done for free and the person taking them up is receiving nothing other than the joy of bringing out the results and presenting a finished project to you, let's put it this way:
  If you're going to accept requests, then maybe you should do them or say that they can't be done, as you are either 1) currently unwilling to do so (which is, once more, entirely understandable to say; because as these are requests, you are not receiving any currency in exchange for the project. You're just doing it out of the goodness of your heart.), or 2) Unable to do so, or not having the energy to bring out the results you'd like, or the results you think would be most appreciated.

That's actually a good way to put it. I can understand where Krimzen was coming from so perhaps if the person was opening requests but was unsure of it they could add those details in their posting etc, that way if they did decide to cease work on the request it would be more understandable because they gave you a warning.

As rude as it may sound, I for one would not spend as much time on a request as on a commission. But it's simply nice to give an at least half-hearted effort into the completion of the project, and if it can not be completed, merely the existence of an explanation.

An understandable point too. I actually wrote about this in two previous threads. Best bet is for these people to put strict requirements on their requests then or just not open requests at all and stick to payed commission. Point is though don't accept the requests or open up to them if you can't stay faithful. It's never nice to lead people on believing their request is accepted just to leave them dry and empty handed. This is another big reason why soo many are reluctant to make requests. You can't rely on the goodness of peoples' hearts anymore. It's always "what's in this for me?" That's what commissions are for.

Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: Rant: People who don't complete requests
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2013, 02:20:12 am »
I take art requests and preset requests sometimes.
Recently I had been accepting art requests from people of Deviant Art and for a while all was going well until I got very ill early last month. I tried my best to complete the art and preset requests I have but I felt to weak and depressed to do it

I fell ill too when I was doing a preset request and I didn't have the strength to do it. The preset was hard for me and I couldn't tackle it. When the person Pmed me that day how the preset was going, I told them I wasn't feeling well and I had a lot of tests that week. I apologized and said the preset wasn't very easy for me, and I told them it might be finished much later.

When I couldn't finish it, I offered to make a new preset for Halloween that was a little simpler, and I managed to finish it...but...I was so stupid I forgot to send the preset to them, so they never got it for the party...I feel so bad :c

Anyway back onto the topic.

Funny thing is that I see this happening all the time not only to just me. I recall a time when I posted a thread in the request art section and I asked if anyone was willing to draw this simple picture for me. A particular user volunteered to do it for me and then never followed with their promise.... SO WHY DID YOU COME ON MY REQUEST THEN?!

One time there was an amazing artist and I wanted a request done by them. I requested, it was accepted, I waited. It was like three months when until the artist got online and pmed me saying that they couldn't finish the art. I was fine with that...but it took him/her that long to pm me? I thought he/she forgot about my request...but I later realized that he/she couldn't finish all the requests people had made. I was perfectly fine with that, and at least he/she informed us about it.

Okay so he/she gave me the sketch of the picture and told me I could finish it, or let someone else do it as long as if I gave him/her the credit. Found another amazing artist, requested using that sketch, was accepted, wait. For a year. And they never finished it or told me what was going on. So the request was never finished, but I didn't mind. What provoked me was that the person never did anything nor told me why he/she couldn't finish it. I mean, I'm not so angry I want to just ban that member (to extreme), I just was annoyed that they didn't even start on the request.

It's not fair or considerate to others when you don't even start on the request map, art, etc. and don't tell them at all. They're waiting for it...and it's not like they already know you're not going to complete it. >.<

Be considerate


Offline longjump

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Re: Rant: People who don't complete requests
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2013, 04:06:09 pm »
I made a few maps for people and could almost always finish the request (The odd time out being when my computer harddrive died, I'd been working on that map for so long I couldn't bring myself to remake the whole thing). I stopped when someone took the map I made, made a NEW map request thread, and put a link to the download and said "I would like a map like this but with more detail and a lot bigger" Despite the fact that it was the exact size they wanted and was detailed to the point of having dish sets in the houses.

I don't have an issue with someone not being able to do the request if something like that happened and they're insecure about theft, having their work thrown out/not used at all, or being really busy. It's pretty unprofessional and foolish to not actually tell the person who requested from you, though.

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Re: Rant: People who don't complete requests
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2013, 08:06:04 pm »
If people can't finish requests they shouldn't open them in the first place I feel. I understand what everyone is saying though and I agree. Honestly that's why I never hardly open or take on requests for anything; because I know I procrastinate, get bored easily and wont do them. x)

Also doesn't help when someone requests a map, you make it for them and then they /never/ use it. It's happened a lot to me :I I ended up getting their permission to make the maps public, but really. Why request if you wont use something after I took the time to make it for you for absolutely free? ._.

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Re: Rant: People who don't complete requests
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2013, 07:51:47 pm »
I know the feel. It's really irresponsible not to finish maps, especially small if you're offering your skills to people. Many maps don't take more than hour to be done with proper objects. Yet we should have some respect, many stuff can happen making them unable to finish like health problems or emergencies that I wouldn't like to happen even to my worst enemies. That's all I've got.
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