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Messages - Mondevu

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Zamina, while I do agree that everyone has their own styles, when those styles include taking the word "literate" and changing its meaning to "must use wolf-speak," many of us draw the line. And as even you have pointed out, when others can't understand what you're saying, it's time to drop the charade.

Back on topic, here's a couple wolf-speak quotes I found. :P

"Yes, true as it may be, the emptiness of the time between the departure and return will be prevalent until later occurs."

"Love, I've been curious to fathom a personal query that's been plaguing my mind for what it seems to be decades. Mind answering it with honesty if I were to convey said question?"

Who on earth talks like that? XD I mean, seriously. This may be tame compared to other posts on this thread, but wow. "Fathom a personal query."

1. A unit of length equal to six feet (1.8 meters): used chiefly in nautical measurements.
Verb (used with object)
2. To measure the depth of by means of a sounding line; sound.
3. To penetrate to the truth of; comprehend; understand: to fathom someone's motives.

With the definition revealed, "fathom a personal query" makes no sense, even if using the third definition from the list. How can you not understand your own question? XD

A quick add-on in response to one of the examples in the first post.

An estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of brackish water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea.

Tearless, that was absolutely amazing. XD

And terrifying, yes. /)_(\ But so worth it! I think this one came out better than the one at the beginning of the thread. Also, love the note about wings versus hats. XD

Game Discussion / Re: Funniest General Chat
« on: May 21, 2013, 05:20:38 pm »
Well, there was some weird break-up chat going on through movies in Fluorite at about 3AM recently. XD That was pretty funny.

Saving this thread because that table at the beginning and that picture... absolute gold. XD

And oh my word, the crazy, completely-non-intelligible posts that people make! I've even caught my friends doing it, and I'm like, "-_- No." And smacked 'em for it (figuratively, of course). That being said, at least the "wolfspeak" that said friend was using was a heck of a lot easier to understand. But it didn't change the ridiculousness of it.

"A nose was upon her dermal pushing warm breath, that steamed from the winter pelt she grew."

Okay, I get what you're trying to say. But this is what I see when I read that:

"A nose was on her skin and her fur was breathing."

I could rant about the uselessness of wolfspeak all day, but then I'd never be done posting. XD

EDIT: Bottom line is this: if nobody can understand your post, you're not roleplaying, you're vomiting words.

EDIT 2: To everyone who thinks wolfspeak is literate, here is the definition of the word "literate"

"A PERSON WHO IS ABLE TO READ AND WRITE." That's it! Get over yourselves!

Presets & Markings / Re: Mondevu's Free Markings
« on: May 17, 2013, 01:15:17 am »
Faolan, this is the incorrect thread to be asking for help. You should try the Game Help seciton or Member Created Tutorials. ;)

Not to mention the backlash it could have on Feral Heart as a whole. x_X

Game Discussion / Re: Favorite Typos?
« on: May 12, 2013, 07:55:34 pm »
LOL! WhiteLight, I about died at that picture. XD That was just amazing.

Game Discussion / Re: Why don't people RP with other animals?
« on: May 12, 2013, 06:02:09 am »
I never understood people who got on your case just because you weren't some sort of dog or cat type character. We were playing dogs and dragons and various other things on Impressive Title and nobody hardly said anything over there. These people have no right (and clearly no understanding of creativity) to get onto others and make them feel bad simply because they want to use their imaginations. I myself roleplay several things on Feral Heart, including people. I just don't understand the closed-minded hate. :/ And honestly, I'm not sure I want to. After all, we communicate through text, and we even describe our own actions within the text we use. That is where all of the imagination and effort goes. The visuals are there as more of a bonus, than anything (in RP terms).

Suragaha, I think your tongue glitch may have inspired one of my emotes. XDDD

Game Discussion / Re: Favorite Typos?
« on: May 12, 2013, 05:51:57 am »
Oh my word, I friggin' LOVE typos. I actually have a bunch that I have collected over the years. XD Here are some good ones I've caught on Feral Heart:




You inspired me for a shirt post

Do not be afraid. I am going to harm you.


must be aiterate and lactive

It must be cold in the room because I'm sweating

Mappless (seen this one a lot XD)

And here are some of the ones from my collection:

Despite his words and his fury, his voice holds that same, eerie clam to it.

You may now kill the bride (actual post from a wedding RP XD)

Perhaps we should both weren't

He spat another one, directated at her head

Bring a mammory card this weekend

Genesis rose up to his full height and smirked at his wife, then feigned a lunch.

mwahahaha ::drats:


Dies at him

The pain starts to hurt

A blonde hair with brown eyes and a short black dress on walks in

He looks around with an evil stair in his eyes

You don't have a since of human

He lands against the sound of a rock falling

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