Author Topic: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting  (Read 16069 times)

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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2016, 05:55:38 am »

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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2016, 06:00:43 am »

Accepted! As stated before, we may start if you'd like.
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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2016, 01:56:23 am »
(Guess I'll make the first post)


"No one's going to be there forever, sometime you'll have to walk alone."
Location: Cliffs/Forest
Accompanied by: Herself
Interacting with: None
Health: 95% - few small cuts and bruises

A harsh cold remained in the breeze as it swept through the giant forest, though the sun was yet to fully arrive, its appearance hadn't gone unnoticed; yet the bitterness masked it perfectly. The snow had only recently melted, the ground now clearing up, though the dead trees and few iced over lakes hadn't gone unnoticed either. Today, unlike any other, seemed somewhat calm, and the beasts of the forest were yet to let out their deafening roars. Though still rather grey, the skies had slowly grew blue, night finally over with day quickly dawning. Surely this'd be another entertaining day? For no day was really 'boring' out in this place, and you'd be lucky to even get a few minutes rest. Night were fairly sleepless, and the slightest sounds would wake most animals; though this winter seemed to keep beasts hidden longer, sleeping longer even, which gave the more, 'new' as some may say, inhabitants a chance. With spring quickly dawning, it'd only be a matter of time until the prey was plentiful once more; when the weather was harsher, so was the prey. With the silence lasting a fair amount of time, it wasn't too long after that a bellowing roar would echo through the jungle, causing winged creatures to flee from the trees, and other creatures would stir in their sleep; the forest was finally alive.

With her wake up call being sounded, the overgrown husky would stir in her sleep, tossing and turning, kicking at the stone walls repetitively. Her dreams had once again gotten the better of her, like most nights, causing the canid a number of restless sleeps; though the dream was constant, always the same, though planning out slightly different each time. With a few more moments of thrashing around, the blue eyed canine woke with a growl which echoed through the small cave she had found herself. Chest heaving, breaths rapid, the lasses head would pound for a few, before she gave herself a vicious shake. "G'mornin to you too" Makenna would growl viciously as she pushed her mass to her paws. Shaking off her dark coloured pelt, the large fae would take a few lazy, yet confident strides forward. Halting near the ledge, the lass would cast her gaze over the gorge, then the forest. Pushing out an exaggerated sigh, she began walking along a thin piece of stone, which lead her to a heap of rocks. Leaping down them quickly and swiftly, she'd carefully hit the hard ground. Though living in these parts was pretty dangerous, and the more dangerous predators lived here, it seemed to be one of the safest dens; Not high enough for the rexes to see in, and if a raptor wondered in, her meal had been delivered. The thought of raptors, or any prey for the matter, caused a loud rumble in the females stomach. Time for breakfast.

Carefully, the large canine would make her way through the gorge, hopping over rocks and fallen debris, as well as trying to make the effort to not fall; though she had gotten use to her living space, so getting in and out of the area wasn't too much of a problem, the large stones seemed to block the majority of the cold out too. Though, once past the stone 'walls' of her home, the cold soon hit her. Being use to these climates meant it didn't bother her too much however, she sure did notice the cold. Huffing once more, Makenna would hurry through the forest, muscle rippling with each stride. Now, what did she want to hunt today? There was the choice of raptor, though for such early mornings she'd prefer something a little less challenging; those meat eaters surely put up a great fight, though now, since her species had evolved, rapors weren't too big of a deal, and some if not all were smaller. Running her tongue over her darkened lips, the husky would head off to the meadows, near one of the more famous watering spots, hopefully there she'd find some decent game which would tickle her fancy.


"You stay ahead of the game when you don't wait for others to catch up."
Location: Forest/Lake
Accompanied by: Kamikaze
Interacting with: Kamikaze
Health: 100%


"When you feel like quitting, thing about why you started."
Location: Forest/Lake
Accompanied by: Allie
Interacting with: Allie
Health: 95% - Headache

The old brute had been awake for quite some time, his chocolate coloured gaze wondering the forest. Kamikaze had managed to find the two shelter the previous night, underneath, or inside, a tree stump; though their size was huge, they were able to push themselves in. With his forepaws crossed, and rear towards the gap, his tail would slowly sweep to and fro across the terrain, every breath he took being visible. Unlike previous days, or months, the forest seemed somewhat calm, silent even. From his years of being here though, he knew it was only until the winter month passed, only then would all reveal themselves, and their lives would once more return to a game of survival. Allowing a snort to flare past his nostrils, the sound of rustling behind him caught his attention, causing the mammoth of a lad to turn his head, brow raised as he glanced in the darkened hole. Only moments later would his young companion, Allie, bound out. "Morning" the brute would speak, offering the mutt a smile. "Morning Kaze! What we doing today, then? Adventure? Hunting? .... Fighting?!" She'd bark, tail raised and rapidly swaying too and from. Giving his head a shake, he'd then roll his shoulders "I cannot tell you, lass, for I don't know myself" his voice at its usual deep tone, watching as his younger companion parked her rear, he'd then look off back in to the forest. "I thought you'd have the day planned out Kamikaze, honestly, we're just like sitting ducks right now, and I-" the echoing roar soon cut the youngsters babbling "And that's our que" the mongrel would speak, giving his eyes a roll as he pushed himself to his paws, Allie tilting her head, though soon followed the males actions, setting off along side him.

Walking along side one another, Kaze seemed a lot more focused, how he usually was. He'd walk calmly, observing and remembering everything that they passed; taking in scents, sound, and what he heard. The screeching roars had now stopped, though distant sounds could be heard. The bests had finally risen. Allowing his ears to stand perked, the large canid would allow his tail to raise slightly, then sway slowly. Meanwhile, Allie had now fallen behind slightly, her known surroundings seeming to cause the youngster to go off track. Prancing behind the older canine, she'd leap up and down, run to and fro, as well as trying to chase anything which crossed her path. Very energetic she was, something the older male admired, though sometimes grew annoyed by. "So Kaze ..." she'd speak up, striding towards the lad "Where we going? I hope it's some where fun, being in this forest all the times boring" an exaggerated huff would be emitted. Rolling his eyes briefly, he'd turn to her "We're heading towards the lake, plenty of food, and we can clean ourselves up" his voice at its now stern tone. Shrugging, the youngster would prance ahead once more, the lake soon coming in to view - they'd be there within a few minutes and, it seemed a crowd had already gathered. How fortunate for them.

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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2016, 10:53:10 am »


The morning sun warmed up Tana's silver pelt, the night was cold and quiet, she got to her paws and shook the little bit of frost that collected on her fur. The canine didn't get any sleep that night, she had too much too much on her mind about the events that happened the day before. Tana's amber gaze carefully scanned her surroundings, the morning sun was quickly rising and waking up the beasts that resided here, she needed to be careful. Even though she was quite large, there were still creatures bigger than she and would love to make a meal out of her. The female decided to make her way to one of the more popular water sources, there were normally other canines there, she wasn't very social but she liked to know if anything interesting had happened. As she padded through the colorful forest a screech sounded that would wake up the forest as well as scare away any prey that was nearby.

Tana took her time getting to her destination, she wasn't in a rush to be around other dogs or whatever else might be there. She could hear a small rustle coming from her left in some shrubbery, she used her nose to sniff the air, she didn't smell anything interesting. She decided to ignore it and to just keep going. She never was fond of exploring or going after strange noises, that was a quick way to end up dead around here. Tana could smell the scent of three other dogs, they smelled familiar but not familiar enough for her to know who they were. It seemed she was a little ways behind two of the canines, she could smell them but not see them. She decided to ignore them and not draw attention to herself this early in the morning, she didn't like mornings. In the distance she could see the silhouette of the two canines as well as the lake in front of them a little ways. She slowed to a stop so she didn't get too close to them, she decided to wait and see what they might do.

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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2016, 02:36:52 pm »
[[*casusally steals Taylor's post format cause is amaze* <3


"All choices have consequences"
Location: Watering hole
Accompanied by: N/A
Interacting with: None
Health: 100%

Another near sleepless night had finally ended. More bold than usual, Jannu had chosen to spend this past night in a rather open area with little care or regard for the beasts that lurk in the night. Possible death was no fear of his, and he cared little. Fortunately, he managed to remain undisturbed through the night hours, blinking awake as the warm morning sun finally shone upon his face. Licking his muzzle, the laika reluctantly pulled himself to his paws and slid down into a long stretch, followed by a yawn.

With a bored expression, Jannu straightened and lazily gazed over his surroundings. He had been sleeping beside a boulder, mere feet from one of the region's most popular watering spots- a reckless decision for any sane canine around here. Already, the morning was abuzz with activity. While, from the sound of it, the beasts of the land remained dormant for now, the scent of his own kind lingered in the misty air. With a huff from his nostrils, the large dog gave his thick pelt a quick shake before stepping out of the shadow of his boulder and towards the water's edge.

Walking with a confident stride, fluffy tail hooked over his back, the male casually strolled to the rocky shoreline. Immediately, he noticed the presence of a few other dogs, though they seemed to be still a decent distance away. Jannu merely cocked an eyebrow at them before shrugging and nonchalantly ducking his head to take in a few laps of water. No doubt the lake would quickly become crowded with annoying bottom dwelling creatures, the likes of which Jannu would rather not associate himself with. Most canines he didn't mind usually. With a confident huff, the dog shifted onto his haunches, shooting an occasional glance over at the strangers as well as the forest tree-line to make sure none of those reptilian beasts disturbed his morning.
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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2016, 09:14:45 pm »

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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2016, 12:01:02 am »
(Heh <3)


"No one's going to be there forever, sometime you'll have to walk alone."
Location: Lake
Accompanied by: Herself
Interacting with: None
Health: 95% - few small cuts and bruises

Though the skies were now lit, the canopy of trees above left the forest floor rather dark; giving everything a more sinister appeal. This didn't bother the purebred much, in fact, she found the darkness beneficial for when she was hunting, though this was something she wouldn't associate with until a little later on in the day. With a quick flick of her curled tail, she'd allow it to curl a little over, though still gently swaying. Her usual stern expression was plastered across her face; brows furrowed, and the corner of her mouth barely turned in to that of a soft smile. Judging by the time of day it was, this was the time when the dinos were less likely to be gathered at the watering hole, though she was aware that the canines often gathered at this time. Sometimes she felt it'd be better to spend her first hours awake with those beasts, rather than her own kind. Letting out a deep huff, she'd hurry towards the scents and sounds, all familiar, though she wasn't sure exactly who they are. Kena remembered each scent from around the forest, though she had never actually met the mutt they belonged too, and right now, she didn't plan on doing so. With several more quick strides, Makenna would emerge from the large shrubs, before coming to a halt. As guessed, several dogs already seemed to be gathered, though no dinos at this point; she was aware of the crocs resting on the bank, though they were a lot smaller than the prehistoric ones which luckily hadn't found refuge in this place. These ones seeming merely like lizards to her.

Giving her darkened pelt a shake, the lass would take a few strides forward, setting herself away from the others which had gathered. Letting out a snort, the husky would lower herself down in to a crouching position, and lean towards the liquid. As she lapped up the cold liquid, it sent a chill down her spine - the cold weather had made the water near enough freezing, just how she enjoyed it. Having several more sips, the fae would slide herself backwards, and would drop herself on to her haunches. Giving her broad head a quick shake, Makenna would allow her dark-blue gaze to rest on each canine; two seeming too happy for her at this time in the morning, whereas the other four or so seemed relatively calm. Allowing a snort to flare from her nostrils, Kena remained silent, her tail sweeping at the bank.


"You stay ahead of the game when you don't wait for others to catch up."
Location: Lake
Accompanied by: Kamikaze
Interacting with: Kamikaze
Health: 100%


"When you feel like quitting, thing about why you started."
Location: Lake
Accompanied by: Allie
Interacting with: Allie
Health: 95% - Headache

Luckily the duos 'den' wasn't too far away from the lake, so they were able to arrive within a few minutes - though when they got there it was near enough empty, if you didn't count the horrid group of reptiles which were laying upon the bank. Seeming the two had made it in the early morning, so not many creatures would be gathered here for at least another two hours or so. Perking his audits, Kamikaze would raise a brow as he looked around, were the hell was Allie? "One, two three ..." the brute would count, then step aside. Charging, the younger canine leapt, only to hit the ground with the thud, then roll a little way forward. Giving his head a shake, the older lad would walk past, nudging the youngster "Better luck next time kid" he'd smirk, lashing out his tail as he picked his pace up to a quick stride. Furrowing her brows, Allie would shake her head, then quickly push herself to her paws "You know I could have broken something, right?" She'd question, padding to her companions side "The ground?" the lad commented with a smile. Snorting, then nudging the older canine "Umm no ... Your face" she'd comment with a smirk, before letting out a sinister chuckle, then setting off at a slow loping run. Giving his head a shake, the old timer would also let out a chuckle, though his walk to the lake was a lot slower.

Once at the waters edge, the two set down for a much needed drink; the water was cold and plentiful. After several large gulps, the large mutt would take a step or two back, before sliding himself down on to his stomach, tail sweeping at the dusty ground beneath him. His dark gaze had wondered to the crocs once more, though they didn't seem interested, even if they tried to attack them on land, they'd be made an easy meal of. Snorting, his attention would turn to the other canines. First his eyes wondered on to a canine which looked a lot like a wolf, she had emerged from the right of him, quickly followed by a light coated canid, who was left of him, then joined by what seemed to be another duo, more in front of him, to the right, and lastly, a dark pelted canine revealed several minutes after the rest, and sat again almost in front of him, though more to the right. His face remained expressionless though, as he observed each canine carefully, all had been unknown to him, though their scents somewhat familiar.

Whilst her companion had been observing their surroundings and making sure everything was safe, Allie too had gotten up to her own thing. She had finished quenching her thirst, and was now laying on her stomach, pawing at the water as it sat somewhat still. Though slightly dark, the waters were lush and blue, no beasts was swimming around, though the silhouettes of fish didn't go unnoticed. A mischievous smirk formed upon the mutts lips as she pushed herself up in to a crouched position, and began slowly crawling in to the water. Once her forepaws were in the shallows, the lass would pick herself up and hop in deeper waters, her jumps causing water to splash here, there, and everywhere, as well as the sound echoing slightly. Now, Al found herself paddling in slightly deeper water, her head raised above, and now and then she'd dive down, watching the fish worryingly dart away before they were turned in to a meal. Resurfacing, she'd smile "Hey Kaze, why don't you hop in? Can't swim?" The youngster would question  "No young one, I don't believe I'd make as good of a meal for the crocodiles as you would and oh, they're heading in for their feast!" The old male would speak up, a smile across his lips. Allies brows would raise as she paddled towards shore, then hopped out of the shallows "You know I hate those things!" she barked "So don't do that!" she'd pant slightly, which only caused Kaze to laugh more "Don't worry, I don't think they'd chance it" his voice seeming a little more joyful now, as he turned to see another reptile slide its way in to the lake. Flopping on to his side, he rested his head on the ground, Allie shaking off her pelt, and then joining her companion, though she lay on her stomach with her hind legs kicked out.
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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2016, 03:00:00 pm »
You may skip me for now, writer's block.)

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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2016, 06:23:22 pm »

"May it be, an evening star, shines down, upon you."

Name: Juno
Nickname: Onuj
Gender: Female
Breed: Husky
Sub-breed: Purebred
Age: 2

Personality: She usually doesn't talk much, and is scared of insects. She can be calm at times, and she gets angry when she is provoked.

History: She was born on this very island, and she was the only puppy in the litter with ice-blue eyes. Her ancestors were from a sled dog team, but they have always lived on this island, so not much of her past is known. She has been living her life defending herself against the beasts. When she was younger, her father said he was going to go hunting, but he never came back. She travels alone, which is considered risky.

Pack/Clan: N/A, travels alone.

Parents: Faolan (Father, deceased) Misty (Mother, deceased)
Siblings: (Open)
Crush: N/A, may change.
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
Other: Has some scars.
If this post was made before June 2015, STOP! My views have changed since then.
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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2016, 11:32:00 pm »

Accepted, feel free to post.
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