Author Topic: Welcome to Camp Half Blood| Open and Accepting  (Read 21369 times)


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Re: Welcome to Camp Half Blood| Open and Accepting
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2014, 10:43:15 pm »
Um, it would be used by training?

Plus, whenever you go to the outside world, it would be used then.)


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Re: Welcome to Camp Half Blood| Open and Accepting
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2014, 10:53:20 pm »
(Sorry I really don't know how to explain any further. >.< It can be very confusing, yes)


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Re: Welcome to Camp Half Blood| Open and Accepting
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2014, 06:43:03 pm »
Alright. I can't wait any longer, let's begin)

Being a Goddess and all seemed like a great thing to be - especially at the age when your just a child and want nothing but to be superhero, or someone who can at least have magical powers. Well, life isn't so great once your exiled from your own father's palace - and world and sent down to mother earth, where the danger really starts to haunt you. And of course, you'll be the person who's all alone confused about the mistake you have done, in which you had no clue you ended up here. Well, sadly, that was her.

Waking up with a uneasy start, the sun's bright radiant light hitting against her face, Lydia fluttered her eyes opened and started out her morning with the usual groans of discomfort and her anxiety. Lydia wasn't usually a morning person, she would usually wake in either in the late morning, where breakfast would be already served, or in the afternoon. However, she seemed to wake up early for a first. Strolling out of her bedroom and towards the bathroom, she ran the sink pipe but on cold. She cupped her two hands together and collected the running water onto her hands before splashing onto her face, the cold water managing to fresh her exhausted eyes into brighten ones. She smiled at the mirror and lifted a finger, twirling it around in a circular manner. Suddenly, with the current clothes she had from last night, it exchanged her clothes into new clothes. Smiling at the near appearance, part of her felt pleased it didn't have to wear the stupid logo shirt at which most kids were assigned to wear. As a Goddess, she basically do whatever she desire.

Smiling, her light green eyes brighten under in the sun's sunlight after she closed her [personal] home door behind and began walking her way towards back to the camp. Though, as you may now, instead of living within a cabin, she had her own area - and house, and it was other side of the camp. Most of times people couldn't find it because it was either blocked from the millions of trees, or just because she had it under a trace spell it so people wouldn't harass any of her personal belongs. However, she seemed to enjoy the personal space.

Again, with the simple movement of her finger swinging circular motion, it then zapped her and transported her to where the food were usually at. Now, standing at the entrance of the area, Lydia noticed quarter of kids were inside but not all. Wearing her Fitted Boyfriend Dot Oxford Shirt from Gap; Dainty Daze Skater Skirt from Forever 21 she had brought from her last visit to New York, she calmly walked in. Still guessing it was still early, since she couldn't blame them in which she could of have been also been still sleeping), she glanced up at the group over at the table and said her greetings. "Morning everyone" And passed them straight, heading to the way where her and her friends usually hung out.

With few knowing about her true identify and who she really is, she said nothing further about herself and just claimed she was seventeen, and her father was Zeus.

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Re: Welcome to Camp Half Blood| Open and Accepting
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2014, 10:17:24 pm »

God of Mischief and Lies

"And try not to get caught next time." Jasper stepped forward, turning to glance at the guard who pushed him towards the food area. With a teasing smile, Jasper held his bound hands out towards the man, who hesitantly unlocked the cuffs. "Don't get to cocky, boy." He growled, slipping the cuffs onto his belt, "I'll see you soon." With a single wink, Jasper turned on his heels. He strolled towards the common room, not slowing as he shoved past the double doors, entering the cafeteria. It was as if the room nearly silenced itself at his prideful entrance. Jasper raised a perfectly kept brow, its dirty blonde color standing out Against his pale skin. His golden hair sat slicked back, his emerald gaze searching the room. He came to a stop, raising his chin at all the staring eyes before him. He gave one look around the room before continuing with an unnatural, cocky pep in his step. A smile parted his lips as he caught sight of his target. "Gi-my little song bird- miss me?" He cooed, sliding into a seat beside the girl.

Goddess of Sins and Redemption

Gianna's large optics and curled, chocolate hair glimmered in sunlight that managed ro slip in through the windows as the cafeteria's noise level lowered dramatically. She needn't look to recognize the sly voice that slid in beside her. "No." She muttered, her lips pursed. Jasper sat straighter, he was much taller than her. He let a ticking noises slip past his lips, "You're still upset about that?" He reached a hand out to graze her face, and without even looking, her hand flew up, catching it before he touched her with unnatural speed and grace. Jasper sat back, a bit startled at first, before slyly smiling. "Yes, you almost got me killed, Jasper. You know, Claire tells me to leave you every time this happens."

"And you have. Many times, but always return to my side, so what's the point?" He hissed, trailing a finger across her hand. She frowned, snatching it away. "I deserve better." She pouted. "Of course you do, my darling. But we must sti-" he reached up, sliding an arm over her shoulders as he spoke. In mid sentence, she elbowed him, pulling a deep grunt from him as she scooted a seat away. "Stay away from me." She rolled her eyes.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Welcome to Camp Half Blood| Open and Accepting
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2014, 08:08:37 am »

Goddess of Entertainment and Manipulation

Light, rhythmic footsteps echoed along the hall as Penelope made her way the dining hall. As usual, she looked stunning. Her mahogany hair was bundled up into a messy bun on top of her head, a few loose strands framing her face and her lips held a smug, prideful smile. She wore unusually old-fashioned clothes that only she could ever dream of getting away with. A white, aged blouse with a leather waistcoat and leather pants that fit snugly to her slender legs. Her eyes darted around her as she walked, looking for any points of interested. A huff escaped her lips. This place gets more boring by the hour.

The doors to the dining hall slid open as if automatic as she walked in, her hands making a little wave behind her as the doors shut again. Pursing her lips, Penelope's gaze slid around the room, searching for something worth her time. Her eyes lit up as they rested on the camp's top couple, Jasper and Gianna, who were seemingly in a fight at this moment in time. She often found their on-off relationship quite entertaining, so silently drifted over to the table they were sitting at, just in time to fully see Gianna deliver a harsh blow to the stomach. Smiling now, Penelope's hand reached out as if to grab a seat, but it hovered over one and twisting slightly. The seat made a screeching noise against the floor as it pulled out from the table, allowing Penelope to sit. "Good Morning." The words slipped from her lips silkily, like glass, just as deadly as it is beautiful.

"Trust my rage."


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Re: Welcome to Camp Half Blood| Open and Accepting
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2014, 10:31:35 am »
(Kai,  are still interested or nah?)


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Re: Welcome to Camp Half Blood| Open and Accepting
« Reply #26 on: October 25, 2014, 01:35:49 am »

Just that exact moment she heard loud noising and was about to turn her head, the was prepared and to feasted everyone in the table. A small smile came across the Goddess lips as she realized the two maidens had respectful their bow their, and held the trays low for her see. "Anything you wish?" They asked. However, just by looking at the trays, she wanted everything. Bacon, scramble eggs, a piece of bread, harsh browns, and many other food you can think. Lydia's watered as she looked up and smiled calmly, "Everything" She requested the two ladies, as who then nodded their heads and gave her everything she had asked. Once they walked away and continued to more of the teenage kids ahead, Lydia attention drew to somewhere else besides the fresh scents of her food, in which ran up to her nostrils. With her high quality of listening powers hearing the noises from earlier, she noticed in the distance a group of loud yet well familiar faces had entered. Smiling, she well knew it was her friends and looked away then.

She knew they wouldn't come any time sooner unless they got some food.


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Re: Welcome to Camp Half Blood| Open and Accepting
« Reply #27 on: October 25, 2014, 03:27:32 am »

Name: Astral Lynn Pfister
Age: 15
Birthdate: July 23rd
Gender: ? (Female)
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual // Lesbian
God Parent: Hestia (Just wanted to point out Hestia is actually one of the major goddesses, although not mentioned frequently in the P.J series or H.o.O.)
Powers: Her skin is oddly warm to the touch, she can maintain her body temperature, she can never get cold, flames are drawn to her, she can start flames randomly, and she can emit small flames from her fingertips.
She holds a switchblade in her pocket with an oddly hot orange gemstone.
Mist: She's typically seen as the average redhead, however it can't mask the unusual hot (HEAT, I meant HEAT) sensation of her skin.
Personality: Astral can come off rather timid and quiet once you first lay your eyes on her. She's not that talkative with new and unfamiliar people, and once you approach her you might think she's mute. She has a very bad case of ADHD, constantly drumming her fingers and Astral has a habit to twitch her legs as if "matching a beat", as she likes to call it. However, once you get to know her unusually weird self, she's rather feisty and kind. The young girl can be quite optimistic at times, although she's naturally bubbly and sarcastic and doesn't really think twice.
Bio: Nah.
Crush?: Nope, no crush. Zip, zero, zilch.
Bf/Gf?: No.
Likes: Anything warm, fire, marshmallows, cats, donkeys, the scent of smoke and pumpkin.
Dislikes: Meat, anything alchohol-based, rude people & liars.
Other: She's a vegetarian, and 5`3.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2014, 03:30:14 am by Re. »


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Re: Welcome to Camp Half Blood| Open and Accepting
« Reply #28 on: October 25, 2014, 10:31:11 am »

Name: Astral Lynn Pfister
Age: 15
Birthdate: July 23rd
Gender: ? (Female)
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual // Lesbian
God Parent: Hestia (Just wanted to point out Hestia is actually one of the major goddesses, although not mentioned frequently in the P.J series or H.o.O.)
Powers: Her skin is oddly warm to the touch, she can maintain her body temperature, she can never get cold, flames are drawn to her, she can start flames randomly, and she can emit small flames from her fingertips.
She holds a switchblade in her pocket with an oddly hot orange gemstone.
Mist: She's typically seen as the average redhead, however it can't mask the unusual hot (HEAT, I meant HEAT) sensation of her skin.
Personality: Astral can come off rather timid and quiet once you first lay your eyes on her. She's not that talkative with new and unfamiliar people, and once you approach her you might think she's mute. She has a very bad case of ADHD, constantly drumming her fingers and Astral has a habit to twitch her legs as if "matching a beat", as she likes to call it. However, once you get to know her unusually weird self, she's rather feisty and kind. The young girl can be quite optimistic at times, although she's naturally bubbly and sarcastic and doesn't really think twice.
Bio: Nah.
Crush?: Nope, no crush. Zip, zero, zilch.
Bf/Gf?: No.
Likes: Anything warm, fire, marshmallows, cats, donkeys, the scent of smoke and pumpkin.
Dislikes: Meat, anything alchohol-based, rude people & liars.
Other: She's a vegetarian, and 5`3.


Astral is ~.~accepted~.~

Announcement @

The gender balance is beginning to get uneven , which means Females won't be accepted until further notice.)


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Re: Welcome to Camp Half Blood| Open and Accepting
« Reply #29 on: October 25, 2014, 10:49:51 am »

Thank ylu. Jason is ~.~accepted~.~

However,females would still not be accepted.)