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Topics - zady

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Game Help / So i broke FH
« on: January 26, 2014, 11:26:51 pm »
In a way i'v never broken it before.
Now i'v broken FH quite a few times, each time pretty much meaning i have to completely re-download the game.
I'm just hoping this time it might be fixable.

Ok so you know when you lose connection to the map server and it will give you an option to try and re-connect, but it never re-connects it just sends you to an empty FH world void of players?

I'm getting that void world all the time, no matter what I do, I re-started the game and logged back in, I go to void world, no players, no one on my FL, no groups, no nothing.


Tried - different characters, restarting the game

this is nothing serious as you may have gathered but it is indeed something fun to be doing~

a few of my friends and i have put the foundations of a derpish group down.
it's called DJ Rin's froot loins

or... fruit lions.

lions must be realistically coloured save for the mane and tail tip which must be a fruity colour~

if you plan on joining our froot loin family then post in reply to this thread your character name and the froot you are!!

send a join request to the group and when i am next online ( which is always) i will accept you into the group~

Game Discussion / Has everyone enjoyed FHORD?
« on: September 28, 2013, 10:44:18 pm »
Ah... today was fun wasn't it? did you floofs have fun? I certainly did, between streaming my radio for the floofs of FH and RPing with the floofs of FH there wasn't much i saw that went wrong.

I saw complete strangers get up and start to RP together, I saw almost no fights, in fact the only fight i saw was my own... and the freat potatoes battling the mash potato army...

Again another good thing about my day is i had the biggest turn out of people listening to my radio /EVER/.
28 of you came and listened to DJ Rin's radio at one point and i just want to say thank you each of you <3

and i'm getting side tracked again...

haha what i really want to hear is how the day went for all of you lot out there, What did you do? whether it just be carried on as normal, or dived head first into FHORD, feel free to share your day, any screenshots you may have, THROW THEM UP HERE, i want to hear alllll about it!

Game Discussion / Marking limit
« on: September 08, 2013, 03:11:12 am »
how many of you knew there was a marking limit?

i certainly didn't, not till i started to make my own markings.

i found that i could not add anymore markings to my current list or it would repeat the markings from the very begining, none, cheetah, blah blah blah, but yeah... did anyone know? i believe if you have the marking pack that i have the markings stop at some bird marking that i can't remeber the name of, then the last few markings begin the repeat markings from the begining of the list, which is also why people may have the vommon miss conception that "wait these markings atlre the same as defult! that's rubbish" where as actually... they DO have their own marking but you can't
see it due to the marking limit.

To me it seems a little silly to have a marking limit but it can't be changed can it?

either way yes you heard me right, zady is working on a marking pack <3

Screenshots / Zady fun times :D
« on: September 03, 2013, 01:24:36 pm »

J_ch1x, Zady, Spiritsilverwolf

Toby ish nawt amused

a few from red's parade around FH

Screenshots from Kendi Pride

Screenshots of Dani

Now moar random tiems

i was a gengen cloneee XD

me fun when i'm making cri's preset XD

lots of jumping XD i can pull off the mini lion oh yes  8)

snugsss :D

and some edited screenies

Art Gallery / Zady's stoof Vask's request done (10/04/2014)
« on: August 31, 2013, 01:53:47 am »

Requests closed
Fill out this form when requests are open.

FH user:
DA user(optional):
Character reff:
Extra info:
Requested pose/mood:

Keep an eye out for the next opening!

Art over my time on FH that i have made for various people in and out of FH!

Previous Updates, Click Show to see them!

Forum Games / One word story
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:48:22 am »

Ask Me / Ask WhiteRose!
« on: August 26, 2013, 12:21:52 am »
I'v seen a few of these gloating around and wanted to give i a go myself!!


Whiterose is my fursona
I am often sitting around the N/Z or SB with her.
Her reff can be found on my DA (Zadyyy)

Game Discussion / Realistic or not?
« on: August 26, 2013, 12:12:33 am »
In terms of a character

what do you prefer?
a neutral toned realistic looking character,
or a wild colourful and unrealistic looking character??

as it says, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

You can only play the game one more time forever and always, after that the game disappears, what would you spend your time doing?

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