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Topics - Finley

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720p viewing is the best!

As mature pack, we've been on Feral Heart for over a year now. We began in late July 2011.
We've just had a revamp, and now we're bigger and badder than ever. We'll require a RP sample upon your interest, but overall we look for the best in personality.

We boast:
+ A pack-wide plot that everyone can get involved in, old and new.
+ One huge map. No messing around with portals and loading screens.
+ Pack-exclusive markings to help create the most realistic characters possible
+ A friendly community spirit within the group
+ Epic roleplays every weekend and sometimes during the week
+ Freedom to choose breed (within reason, see our FAQ) and gender

Interested? Message / Friend Request Finley or Bruton ingame with any queries or applications, or comment below.

Our website, has an in-depth FAQ, map guide and new member guide.

Game Help / Using custom music in custom maps?
« on: June 28, 2011, 08:57:34 pm »
Hi there :) I don't know if there is a thread about this already, but I searched and found nothing. I also asked in General in Fluorite, but I guess no one knew. I'm unsure how to use this new Music feature on custom maps. I might just be being silly and missing the obvious but I've been trying with it for about half an hour now :P I have two different tracks ready to be used so I can try out the methods as someone's telling me :)

Could anyone shed some light?

Game Help / Object groups not exporting
« on: June 02, 2011, 02:20:00 pm »
Hi there. I've been having an issue with some of my maps recently. I can't export half of my object groups. I always make at least one object group for whatever map im making. However, it is failing to export the object pack and there isn't really any reasons i can see. Could someone help me out? I can explain in more detail if you wish :)

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / I~The Olympus Pride~I
« on: April 02, 2011, 11:59:12 pm »

Welcome to the Olympus Pride! We are the original group of Greek-themed lions looking for members! We are searching for keen roleplayers who would be interested in our pride, and can download our maps.

We have a forum, but please only join if you are going to be in the pride :P Feel free to post in the guest board nearer the bottom if you have any questions.


After joining, head to the Introductions board and make a thread saying hi, then head over to the Leonum board and make yourself a bio for your first character. Must include a picture! :)


Zeus is the King of the pride, with his mate Hera as queen. His second-born son, Dionysus, is the Heir to leadership. Our header hunter is Gaia, our head guard is Kratos. When you make a character, they can either be a Guard, or a Hunter, it is your choice.

In-game, look for Zeus (Finley) or Hera (cypress123) to ask to join :) or, respond here.


A map only avaliable to our members. When you joint he forum, and either you have shown me your character in game or made a bio on the Leonum board, you will be made an Olympian. This means you can download the map! The maps feature lush hunting grounds, a jungle, waterfalls, a beach, islands, and most importantly... Mount Olympus!



The pride is back to normality after the events of Zeus's return. As the King grows older, Dionysus grows stronger and wiser by the day, which is pleasing in his father's eyes. Hemera was made Healer, Kratos was made Head Guard and Gaia was made Head hunter. Also, one of our lionesses (Karis) is expecting cubs soon with the father being Kratos!

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