Author Topic: It's time to stop  (Read 41338 times)

Offline Azurain

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It's time to stop
« on: July 22, 2020, 02:18:55 am »

Alright, now that I've put a smile on everyone's faces, it's time to get down to business. Not to defeat the Huns (is that how you spell it? God I dunno, I should have listened in history better.) but to defeat what has befallen our beloved games.

I've seen what's been going on the last few days. And it's awful. It's sad. I'm watching everything I love crumble before me. But guys, it doesn't have to be that way.

No. I'm not saying "Well, don't play FH if you can't handle it! Just go to FHU!" because no, that is not going to solve the problem. I agree with many of the people that have been posting. I have for years. I used to be someone, if any of you even still remember, that would speak out against the staff myself. I did it in the worst way possible, but I've learned from my mistakes.

Do I agree with the horrible things being flung at the staff in the surveys by rouges that just want to troll. Not. At. All. The people doing that are disgusting human beings and should be ashamed of themselves and never be allowed on FH or FHU if they could ever be found. However, I do not agree with how things have been handled by staff. Things should have been different.

xSpirit's post should not have been removed. It is true what Ressy did say, how people could have come to seek help and have been led astray, but, that person also could have the option to message someone for help too. TO be guided, not fixed or anything of the sort, I'm not saying that. FeralHeart members and staff are not trained therapists and shouldn't be held up to that level. But we CAN send people to help. With the help of the thread or ourselves in general. Having it removed was a very bad decision and was a bad blow.

Sura should not have...what do they call it....soft doxxed? Birdie and Applecider. Whether they were the same person or not, Applecider asked a very simple question. THe answer could have easily been to guide them to the help they sought. Instead they were called out, accused of someone possibly different entirely, and publicly humiliated. That was blow #2.

Sura also shouldn't have banned countless people. Some of the bans were probably justified but I'm not talking about them. THe people who just pretty well existed were flung off at a high rate of speed into the edges of the cosmos. Which wasn't right either. I totally understand the strain Sura is under, but as many people have said, a moderator HAS to have a strong head on their shoulders, not just start handing out bans when things seem rough. This is not hate being flung at Sura. I am genuinely concerned for them. I want nothing bad to happen to her. Despite our differences, despite sometimes getting frustrated, I love her as a friend and I want no harm to come to her. But I want her to do the right thing. I hate seeing this flung at her.

The FHU staff. While some were civil about this, some really didn't help. Rather they fueled the flames. They poked the cornered bear. And that's not right either. They are staff for FHU. What happens over here does not concern them anymore. You guys have much better things to do now. So much more to work with. So much responsibilities now, rather than coming over here and throwing yourselves into the fray. Did some deserve the bans they got just for being here? No. But they shouldn't have done what they did.

Guys, I am not at all saying we should ignore the problems with FH and its staff. I want things to change just as much. I don't have the power to do much, even as MOTS, but I sure as hell will try my best. That is why I am adding my words to yours. But the biggest thing? We ALL need to remember where we came from. We all came from one place, FeralHeart. Without FeralHeart, there would be no FeralHeart Unleashed. Give credit where it is due. Yes, maybe the time is coming to move on to bigger better things but...isn't there a chance that people can love and enjoy both? FeralHeart for nostalgic purposes, and FeralHeart Unleashed for when things are a bit too slow here?

Razmirz and xSpirit are admins of two wonderful games. BOTH games are equally as good. Yes, there are problems but what games DON'T have these problems? If people want to play FH, fine. If people want to play FHU, fine. If people want to play both, fine. If people want to play none, fine. Nobody from either side should condemn anyone from playing either just because of where they came from.

Because remember guys. Remember this please. Without this game...there could be no FHU. Without this game, you wouldn't have met the friends you have today. Without this game, you wouldn't have a place to go relax and chat. Without this game, you wouldn't be guided to the help you needed.

We. Come. From. The. Same. Place. We are in this together, despite our differences. We can make the difference. Everyone can.

Peace between both games must come. There has to be an agreement. Please. All of this really what we want? No. It's not. Most people I see genuinely want what is best for FeralHeart. Let us speak. Let us have a voice too.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2020, 04:51:51 am by Azura »


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Re: It's time to stop
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2020, 02:37:43 am »
Not to sound rude or anything, but can you change the text color? It's really hard on the eyes


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Re: It's time to stop
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2020, 02:55:06 am »
Hey this was a really good post. I like the little bits of lightheartedness you sprinkled in there too. Gotta agree with most of what you said, and I'm also concerned for the staff after all this, whether they were in the wrong or not. Sounded like you wrote this with a level head, you go gurl.

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Re: It's time to stop
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2020, 02:57:38 am »
Azura, the FHU staff members I have seen posting have been nothing but civil, so I don't know what you're talking about with fanning the flames. The people who are working on FHU, like you said, come from FH. And a lot of them still want to see FH thrive, so they chimed in. Just like we all have. This has absolutely nothing to do with FHU, aside from the fact they've been targeted by FH staff

If you can provide proof of FHU staff misbehaviour I'm pretty sure they'll listen, but don't try to make this a "we were all at fault" thing. Because it's pretty clear who did wrong. Depending on who you ask, Sura broke a law, or at the very least toed the edge.

All privacy policy concerns have been swept under the rug and their privacy policy page as it is right now, as well as their treatment of it, are not compliant with the GDPR, which means they are breaking laws in the EU

They deleted help hotline numbers because they didn't want to be held responsible if someone chose not to seek help/got hurt/didn't get the help they need. Which is like saying "Let's not call the ambulance just in case in makes things worse/Let's not teach kids how to dial 911." The only real reason it was deleted was because XSpirit wrote it.

And what have the FHU staff done? Get a little snippy, maybe, but that's not on the same level. Not remotely.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2020, 02:59:35 am by Falconry »

Offline Azurain

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Re: It's time to stop
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2020, 03:10:58 am »
Not to sound rude or anything, but can you change the text color? It's really hard on the eyes

Nah you're not sounding rude at all. I had someone else actually tell me the same thing. Is it the white or the purple that was bugging you? I changed it from purple to white cause bf said it was too dark.

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Re: It's time to stop
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2020, 03:18:59 am »
This resumes it all of my thoughs. I do think that what has been done was terribly wrong and should have been managed better. I couldn't really share it as I was pretty scared to do so and wish I wouldn't have to but you resumed it all Azu, thank you. I agree with this thread. Once again I mention it, I hope the FHU and FH staff resolve their differences and rivalry to continue in peace our community's way (from both games) and also wait for the staff to hear us. ❤️

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Re: It's time to stop
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2020, 03:20:19 am »
Yea, what is up with all the drama lately? I agree with this post!

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Re: It's time to stop
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2020, 03:48:55 am »
Not to sound rude or anything, but can you change the text color? It's really hard on the eyes

Nah you're not sounding rude at all. I had someone else actually tell me the same thing. Is it the white or the purple that was bugging you? I changed it from purple to white cause bf said it was too dark.

Ah the white is too bright on a dark background, just hurts the eyes a bit maybe try teal or something? Or maybe just default perhaps

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Re: It's time to stop
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2020, 03:51:48 am »
Appreciate the civil response, but I do have a few points of concern. If we're all from the same game, and we all come from the same place, then why are FHU staff, or people associating with FHU in general, no longer able to share their concerns/issues they're having here? Especially if they faced unjust situations? I understand that many people are uncomfortable with the level of ire people are reaching right now. I get that people don't like drama. But people are upset. People are losing their patience. A lot of community members just want accountability.

Like you said, we're linked. One game originated from the other. And so I believe people have the right to address an issue, regardless of which game they're leaning more towards. Staff member or not.

Not to mention, the problem started here. It originated on this site. A problem popped up with an FHU staff member. It escalated to include more developers- some just by ASSOCIATION, ie they got roped into it without even being directly involved. It snowballed and snowballed to the point of people getting more and more upset, and wanting answers. They deserve those answers. We deserve those answers!

However, like you said, it definitely shouldn't escalate to the point of sending people anonymous malice. Regardless of any errors, no one needs to be sent threats and hatred. But it also shouldn't escalate to point of silencing others either.

Either way, thank you for speaking out, and hopefully further discussion will develop.

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Re: It's time to stop
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2020, 04:08:35 am »
I'm really glad you said this, Az. It's really nice to have someone speak on behalf of both sides because sometimes it can be very one-sided. It's very nice to see someone else who wants the whole thing to stop and that we can set our differences aside. We shouldn't end the year with everything chaotic. We have events coming up, many fun ideas and they are made to keep the game alive. We should be celebrating, especially with our 10 year(I believe?) anniversary coming up. :) Thank you for this post bc someone had to do it honestly and it's a really brave thing that you did. Much respect.

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