Author Topic: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]  (Read 8026 times)


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Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« on: May 19, 2018, 01:28:35 am »
Apologies if this has already been done.

This topic has been on my mind for some time now. I often mention how I think that the FH community has kind of drifted away from the forums, amongst other things, but I’d like to know why that is.

So, in the spirit of discussion, I’d like to know the community’s opinion on the following:
(Feel free to add more, these are just some questions that I thought would spark an interesting conversation)

1.Do you think that the forums today come up short in activity compared to previous years?
2.Where do you see more activity? On the forums, or in the game?
3.Do you think that newer discussion topics are lacking in replies? If so, why do you think that is?
4.Have topic ideas/subjects been exhausted? Could that be why we’re not seeing many new ones?
5.If you think the forums are less active, do you have any suggestions on how to improve activity?

Here’s my stance on all of this.

1.Do you think that the forums today come up short in activity compared to previous years?

Yes. Though the forum stats show a steady decline in both posts made and topics started, I myself have seen a difference between 2013 and 2018 when it comes to engagement in discussions and other forum activities.

2.Where do you see more activity? On the forums, or in the game?

I actually see more activity in the game, though sometimes that vacillates depending on the time of day.

3.Do you think that newer discussion topics are lacking in replies? If so, why do you think that is?

I’m not sure about that. I think it depends on the topic, yet it’s hard to predict which one will have a larger pool of replies. There could be a new and interesting topic that barely gets a few replies, but a different topic might get more, despite the fact that it could very well be less engaging than the first. I don’t know what that depends on. I’ve seen topics being posted when a lot of users are online, yet they don’t get a lot of views. And on the flip side, I’ve seen topics posted overnight that seem to garner a lot of attention, so I’m a bit mystified.

4.Have topic ideas/subjects been exhausted? Could that be why we’re not seeing many new ones?

Perhaps. I do know that in the earlier days there was more to be discussed, since a lot of people were encountering various things in the game. Perhaps with dwindling activity comes the declining of discussion ideas. I don’t think that ideas can really be exhausted, especially on these forums, where the members of the community seem to cycle in and out. Sometimes bringing back a subject that’s already been discussed could be interesting, since you get new points of view from new members.

5.If you think the forums are less active, do you have any suggestions on how to improve activity?

I have been thinking about that. I’m not sure what we could do. There already are some incentives to be active around the forums, such as ranks and MoTS, which rely on being known around the community. If anything, there could be some events that take place exclusively on the forums, though I don’t know what those might be.

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2018, 01:46:47 am »
Very interesting topic here, Lucius!

1.       Do you think that the forums today come up short in activity compared to previous years?
Yes, I do believe it has. When I was around in the early 2011-2015 years it was bustling with activity, in-game and out.
2.       Where do you see more activity? On the forums, or in the game?
In-game for sure.
3.       Do you think that newer discussion topics are lacking in replies? If so, why do you think that is?
Some of them more than others, the main reason being some are more inclined to respond to certain ones rather than others due to being or not being interested.
4.       Have topic ideas/subjects been exhausted? Could that be why we’re not seeing many new ones?
I don't think so, no. I think the community is just a bit dry of opinions recently.
5.       If you think the forums are less active, do you have any suggestions on how to improve activity?
Okay. Change registration, at least let it be open for SET TIMES that the public knows about if is possible. More bonding events like movie nights, maybe something different to draw others in. Expand on advertising. Utilize everything! I'm sure the update will reel in some older members to the forums as well so there's some hope there. A forum update or touch up might draw some attention as well. c:

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2018, 02:11:13 am »
1. Do you think that the forums today come up short in activity compared to previous years?
Yes, definitely. The forums used to be really active during the first few years but since 2015 it's been more and more quieter.

2. Where do you see more activity? On the forums, or in the game?
Tbh they're kind of the same. If I have to choose then in-game. Not everyone goes on the forums, maybe like 10% of the community posts/posted here often.

3. Do you think that newer discussion topics are lacking in replies? If so, why do you think that is?
Depending on the topic replies are sent pretty quick once they're posted but die as soon as all the active forum members post.

4. Have topic ideas/subjects been exhausted? Could that be why we’re not seeing many new ones?
It's not that ideas or subjects are exhausted. I think it's pressure.

5. If you think the forums are less active, do you have any suggestions on how to improve activity?
I honestly don't know. Maybe updating it again would get some interest because tbh the forums are still a mess.
I kind of agree with what Ailuska said but I don't think advertising would do much.

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2018, 02:35:50 am »
Interesting topic! I've been thinking about this a bit myself. I'm quite interested in reading other people's responses, but here's my take on it:

1. Do you think that the forums today come up short in activity compared to previous years?
Definitely. I remember waking up in the morning and having to open a TON of tabs with threads there were new replies to. Now I'll probably open an interesting post like.. once a day. The forum used to be much more busy and active, with plenty of different people cycling in and out. Now it seems like there's just a small amount of active users who've just stayed active for the past few years, without too many new faces popping up.
2. Where do you see more activity? On the forums, or in the game?        
I don't go in-game too often, but it still seems most of the activity takes place in-game.

3. Do you think that newer discussion topics are lacking in replies? If so, why do you think that is?
Yeah, I'd say so. Same few members, and pretty much the same threads without many other interesting topics (it seems to mostly be intros, repetitive help threads, and forum games as of now... it's rare to see discussion threads pop up nowadays).
4. Have topic ideas/subjects been exhausted? Could that be why we’re not seeing many new ones?    
I'm not sure. You could probably say so, things are slow on Feralheart, there's not many new topics to discuss that haven't been discussed before. FH also has a bit of a new 'personality' ever since the update, the little funny things that made FH so memorable haven't really been around since then and aren't as endearing as they used to be (y'know, mate beggars, adoption centers, powerplayers, official TLK characters... they're around once in a while, but definitely not to the extent they were before). Used to be able to go on all day about funny experiences like that but now being in-game is just... slow, in my experience.

5. If you think the forums are less active, do you have any suggestions on how to improve activity?
Well.... a finished forum would be nice. It's been 'in progress' for at least a year or two? There was a lot of promising updates in the first few weeks, but now its just kinda at this ugly stage. Not sure if it will ever be finished or if we're just stuck with this, but I think a prettier forum with more functions that players have been asking for would draw in some more people. And the removal of those random letters and orange dots all over, they're driving me crazy lol

Otherwise, more people coming to the game means more people on the forums. Opening registration longer and removing the login page would probably help significantly with that. I'm sure another update would give a temporary boost like it did last time, but there'd have to be more than that to have those people actually stick around.

bro what if i put my feralheart cave next to yours.. bro what if they only had one flattened bush mesh to lay on and we had to share... haha just kidding... unless...?

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2018, 02:37:01 am »

1.       Do you think that the forums today come up short in activity compared to previous years?

Indeed I do, I'd say most likely due to lack of members who participate on the forums as well as lack of things to do on the forums. The help threads are few as most members by now know how to fix their own issues (again no new members who aren't sure what the nuzzle button does), contests are in short supply which keep people busy, discussion threads pertain to rather random topics or topics that have appeared so often they're no longer interesting to respond to, and just members knowing that if they do post something it might get 3 replies. Maybe.

2.       Where do you see more activity? On the forums, or in the game?

In-game I see a more diverse number of players when it's not deadish, however the forums are populated by the same 15 members, I could probably name them off the top of my head lol There's not much here to draw in-game members to the forums.

3.       Do you think that newer discussion topics are lacking in replies? If so, why do you think that is?

I do indeed, as I mentioned above, the discussion topics aren't necessarily as new as they are recycled or worded differently. And again, as mentioned, the same few members are the ones replying, so if they don't find it interesting they won't respond. Hence fewer replies.

4.       Have topic ideas/subjects been exhausted? Could that be why we’re not seeing many new ones?

The topics have been exhausted in my opinion because there's not much activity to begin with, so users, myself included, attempt to start up a discussion that we think may catch people's attention but they just don't because the forum user activity base is so low.

5.       If you think the forums are less active, do you have any suggestions on how to improve activity?

Host more forum contests, events, take a look at the old news archives and see what worked then. Open registration as soon as it's possible. There are a lack of new members, the registration was closed because there were too many members but now there are too few.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 02:49:32 am by Bloo. »

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2018, 12:42:48 am »
I've also been thinking about this.

1.       Do you think that the forums today come up short in activity compared to previous years?
         Absolutely. The forum is... pretty empty nowadays. There's usually only a handful of new threads each week, and most of the time (that I'm online at least), there's only 5 or 10 people online in the Who's Online board. Sometimes it's even just me and one or two other people. Some sections are completely dead on the forums, such as the roleplay boards. There used to be a couple active forum rps going at a time, but they've gone pretty stale.

2.       Where do you see more activity? On the forums, or in the game?
         Definitely in game. The traffic in the Grounds is pretty standard compared to the more popular old maps, and the other maps aren't usually too empty either.

3.       Do you think that newer discussion topics are lacking in replies? If so, why do you think that is?
         I don't necessarily think it's the number of replies (although participation is definitely on the downside), but the number of topics open to discuss.

4.       Have topic ideas/subjects been exhausted? Could that be why we’re not seeing many new ones?
         Maybe. There's only so many original ideas, so many topics are copies of old discussions, or try too hard to be unique and loose relatability.

5.       If you think the forums are less active, do you have any suggestions on how to improve activity?
                   As several mentioned, registration, but also more... things to do, I guess? Back when I first got involved in the forums, there was always something new to see. New roleplays, new art, something.

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2018, 03:36:16 am »
1.  Do you think that the forums today come up short in activity compared to previous years?
Yes I do. Back when I first joined the FH community there was more forum activity and more thread discussions. Now? Not as much as there used to be.

2.  Where do you see more activity? On the forums, or in the game?
I see more activity going on in the games, mostly.

3.  Do you think that newer discussion topics are lacking in replies? If so, why do you think that is?
I think it's due to less users on the forums. Back then I saw many more users come to the forums to be part of discussions, but now that number has decreased.

4.   Have topic ideas/subjects been exhausted? Could that be why we’re not seeing many new ones?
Defiantly. There have been topics that have been discussed over, and over, and over again in the past and it's probably gotten old. People probably don't reply to topics that have already been discussed once before because they've already given their opinion once. Why do it over and over again?

5.   If you think the forums are less active, do you have any suggestions on how to improve activity?
Others have given some good suggestions, and I will agree with some of them. Have more contests on the forums. I think we should have more art contests, story contests, or even another character contest like we had once.  Opening up the registration could help the community as well. 

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2018, 03:41:58 pm »
1. Do you think that the forums today come up short in activity compared to previous years?
Recently, a decline within forum activity has been noticed. Being here since around 2012 sort of had its perks. There was always a whole lot of members browsing the forums, whether it be searching for help or holding a conversion on the discussion board. Now, whenever I pop up on the forum, there is at most five people online.

2. Where do you see more activity? On the forums, or in the game?
Certainly in-game, though before the hacking.. There was a whole lot of members who played feral-heart. Compared to then, there has been a noticeable decline in both of the areas. More on the forum than the game. To be honest, everyone still mourns the loss of the older maps. Yes we can download them now, but it is rather depressing seeing fluorite plains void of recruiting roleplays. Those maps have a more mental connection to the members, more than the newer ones. In all honesty, many agree that Fluorite, Southpole, or any of the maps could have been atleast touched up to improve its realistic quality. Like add more plants, camps, ect instead of adding in the newer maps.

3. Do you think that newer discussion topics are lacking in replies? If so, why do you think that is?
Yes, I indeed think they are lacking in replies. Usually, there would be a lot of people who would find the current topics of the threads interesting but now.. It just seems completely worn out due to the questions being either already asked or having no attention catcher which manages to reel in others.

4. Have topic ideas/subjects been exhausted? Could that be why we’re not seeing many new ones?
I believe they have. Some questions have either been repeated, or talked about so much that the replies slowly begin to decline. Not counting the topics which have are locked or have the 'warning- this post has not been posted in for atleast 20 days' at the bottom.

5. If you think the forums are less active, do you have any suggestions on how to improve activity?
How could the activity be improved? A new, cleaner forum could be provided. Change up the colors, don't make them too dull but also not blindingly neon. A perfect balance of colors would be nice, to keep everyone interested. Also, as many have suggested, contests should return. Whether it be stories, presets, art, or animation. It would bring in the older members and also any newer ones which have managed to catch the registration page open. Upon that topic, set up certain times for the registration to be open and release those times to the public. It would allow members to know when it would be open next, so it'd be easier to catch instead of it being pure luck of the draw.

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2018, 06:16:10 pm »
1. Do you think that the forums today come up short in activity compared to previous years?
Definitely. I wasn't active on the forums back in the day, but from what I saw, they were very active- even as recently as 2015, the forums were more active than they are now.
2. Where do you see more activity? On the forums, or in the game?
In-game. There's at most ~200-300 on at a given time, whereas on the forums it's the same few people who post frequently.
3. Do you think that newer discussion topics are lacking in replies? If so, why do you think that is?
Yes, and I'd say there are multiple reasons- the lack of activity on the forums, and the repetitiveness of content being posted that many people may simply not want to reply to.
4. Have topic ideas/subjects been exhausted? Could that be why we’re not seeing many new ones?
As I said above, I think so. Topics get very repetitive- the same questions and complaints, with very few creative topics and sharing of in-game creations/art/etc.
5. If you think the forums are less active, do you have any suggestions on how to improve activity?
I feel the website could use a new layout- it feels like a site from the early 2000's, and I know that can be off-putting for a lot of people. Look at the forums on popular websites like FlightRising, Furvilla, or even they're modern and clean, and I think that's what FH should strive for. The addition of forum vistas may be a cool idea- default vistas could be pretty images of default FH maps, with exclusive (or custom) vistas for MOTS, contest winners, etc.
And, as others are suggesting, more frequent activities: contests, movie nights, and so on.

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2018, 10:02:07 pm »
there just isn't anything interesting happening here anymore

that's it there you go

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