Author Topic: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes  (Read 22124 times)

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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"Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« on: April 12, 2013, 09:25:43 pm »
"Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes

In the game of Feral Heart, have you ever come across a character that had the word "pretty", "beautiful" or even "hot" in their name? I have run into a few animal characters that proclaimed themselves to be very beauitful, or very attractive to other characters. Some of these character designs looked nice, while others just looked really tacky (not trying to be mean, but that's what I thought about some of them). I find nothing wrong with them putting "beautiful" or "pretty" in their name, but some other people may have different opinions about it.
I have seen a couple of these "beautiful" characters that would get into a squable when it came to grabbing the attention of a mate, or proving who is more beautiful. I have seen it a few times in Bonfire Island and once out in Flourite Plains. There was one time in Bonfire that these two lionesses were arguing over which character was prettier, and the male lion was sitting there with a O_O look on his face. It went something like this. *Names were made up for this skit*

Kayla Pretty Lioness: I'm much more prettier than you!
Mina F Lioness: No you not! I AM!!!
Kayla Pretty Lioness: Soul, don't choose her as a mate! I'm prettier! I have beautiful white fur and ice blue eyes. That makes me the prettiest!
Mina F Lioness: NO IM PRETTIER!!!!
Soul M Lion: O_O
Soul M Lion: I think u girls are both pretty
Mina F Lioness: See?! He says we are both pretty.
Kayla Pretty Lioness: NU UH! I'm the PRETTIEST!!

So the arguement went on, and on, and on, and on....  ::)  I kind of felt sorry for Soul there.

Everyone Has Different Taste When it Comes to Beauty~
Some people may find a character to be beautiful, while others may not. Everyone has different tastes. Not EVERYONE likes the majestic white wolf with the bright blue eyes. NOT EVERYONE falls for the pink-eyed lioness with the peach colored fur. Some people like the emo-looking wolf with the emo haircut, while others do not. Some people like the white tiger with bright green eyes, while others don't. It all depends on what they find attractive.

Some of my characters get judged by other players when it comes to their appearances. Take Kopper Fox for example.

There are some people who have complimented on how cute she is, whether they were talking In Character or Out of Character. And then there were times when Kopper was called ugly, unrealistic, plain, or disgusting. There was this one time when this random warrior she-cat confronted Kopper and her fox friend. This is what happened...

Kopper Fox: "Well hello, pretty kitty," she chirped.
Warrior Cat: "Hi, ugly dog." she said with a hiss.
Kopper Fox: -She giggled cheerfully at the cat's comment.-
Meeko M Fox: "You would seem to know about being ugly now wouldn't you?" he asked the cat.
Warrior Cat: -She growled and hissed angrily at Meeko- "Just what are you foxes doing here anyway?" she spat. "What is it you want?"
Kopper Fox: "Nothing really," she replied.
Meeko M Fox: "We were just sitting here, minding our own buisness, until you came along."

.... and so that's what happened. All of us were speaking in character, so I wouldn't know if the warrior cat was being serious or not about the appearance of Kopper. I will never know.

Even some of my other characters got different reviews on their apperances. Some say they look nice, some say they look, cute, pretty, or adorable. There are others that have different opinions by saying they looked tacky, plain-jane, unimpressive, or even ugly. Does it matter to me? Of course not!!! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. So that proves that everyone has different tastes. We can't all agree with each other.


Some say Marik the fennec is cute, while others may disagree.

The original Marik Ishtar character wasn't even my idea. I just took one character from a show that I liked, and turned him into a fennec fox... just for some RP fun. But there have been some people who told me "He looks all wrong! You should have put these markings on him instead...!" They would be singing a different tune, if they could see his preset.


Even Pharaohstar gets some different comments about his character design and apperance.

Some people have said the following things about this Warrior cat leader:
"He definatly looks like an Egyptian mau."
"He looks pretty."
"Pharaohstar, you look creepy O_O"
"He creeps me out. It's those eyes man ._."
"He looks nice."
"Why is he wearing eyeliner and eye shadow?"  :o
"He looks too feminine to be a tom."
"Why does he look so bored?"
"He looks too unrealistic to be a Warrior cat"
"Wild cats don't wear jewlery or make-up!"
"You shouldn't play as a Warrior leader. You're too unrealistic!"  >:(
The list goes on, and on, and on...

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder~
Ever hear the term "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? Well it's true. Everyone has their own ideas of what they think is beautiful. Some think simple looking characters are nicer looking than characters with many bright neon colors. What someone thinks is a pretty pink wolf, is considered an abnoxious sparkledog to someone else.

All these women and girls are considered beautiful in the cultures they live in. Some of you may say that some of these women are beautiful, while others may disagree. It all has to do with what you find beautiful.

In conclusion, I think the only thing that really matters is what the creater of the character thinks. It's their character, it's their design, they can call it beautiful if they want to. They can call it whatever they like.
So what do you guys think? Have you ever seen a situation like the one about the lions in Bonfire Island. Have you ever seen a character that proclaimed to be beautiful, but you thought otherwise? Do you have any similar experiences to share?

« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 11:23:35 pm by Lady_Alizarin »

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2013, 09:48:51 pm »
Ah, I agree with what you've said here.

It's a common thing to see, really. Characters with some sort of description like that in their name, especially in a place such as Bonfire. I've actually seen a character get bashed before because their weight was just slightly above default, by the way it looked. In terms of 'mates', the lioness whose weight must have been at the minimum was preferred.

And I mean alright, yes. There's nothing wrong with that. It all depends on a person's taste in characters. But I've seen some people get pretty mean to others because of the way a character looked. Characters with blindingly annoying colors when the person who created it had the sole purpose of trolling others? Understandable that others dislike it.

Be that as it may, it's unfortunate that people at times so harshly judge a lump of pixels running around. It's unfortunate that people even get self-conscious about their character. I'd be lying if the thought of someone judging my character in a negative way hadn't crossed my mind before. I'd also be lying if I said that I've judged another person's character - however, the difference comes in whether or not you say it to their face, if you're rude and disrespectful about it. It may just be a game, but their are real people behind these usernames, and I sure wouldn't like to told quite boldly how much someone disliked something I'd created.

I'm quite content with my character. I've had a whole list full of names thrown at her, but I'm happy with her. And that's enough for me.

It's all about aesthetics, I suppose. What one finds aesthetically pleasing. For someone that might be a brightly colored character with a lot of different complex design patterns to it. Or perhaps it's a duller, more simple character. It's alll up to the individual.
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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2013, 10:07:48 pm »
This stuff is true. 'Tis a beautiful post, Lady.

Now... I don't like seeing people bash one another's characters (aside from the trolls that Crinni mentioned), but to be completely honest, it wasn't until I'd met a couple of people that, through example, that I learned to see the beauty in everyone's characters.

For example, there have been countless times that I've been running through the public maps, and I've seen a character that, at first glance, really doesn't appeal to me very much.
However, I've learned to take a closer look, to "F3 stalk" (xD) their character and look on their designs and colors as if it were a work of art that someone found aesthetically pleasing, and perhaps even as some kind of emotional outlet.
Suddenly, that character becomes something much deeper than a lump of pixels, and it truly is a work of art from some other mind. Something that seemed unusual at first glance became beautiful, and in a way, it kind of gives you a peek into the heart of that person sitting behind the computer, who made that character.
Be it the colors, the markings, the name, or what have you, something about that character was significant and beautiful in someone else's eyes. I just find that intriguing to think of~

Conversely, you can make the choice to critically judge others' characters. Which, if that's your thing, then that's fine, but I really don't think it's the most cheery way to see everyone you meet. The world, and FH, is full of diverse minds and people, so you can choose to turn your nose up to something different before you even know what it might be, or you can check it out, and find out why someone might've made that character the way they are. <3

In fact, looking at the world that way, along with FH, really just makes everything seem so much brighter, and cheerier, and perhaps even more heartfelt. So, finding that beauty in all the characters you see truly can be a worthwhile endeavor.
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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2013, 11:22:14 pm »
I completely agree with you, Lady.
I remember my first character that was bright green with black emo hair and bright purple markings. Yeah, people avoided me because of that character's appearance. :I
And I also remember a more darker and more faded green pelted character of mine got called "fugly" by a random person.

But of course, at that time I thought those characters were epic and cool looking.

And I have never judged a character by their design. If it's a simple or complex design, as long as the character itself is a well developed character, I'll like that character.

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2013, 12:44:26 am »
Honestly in my opinion there really isn't anything in this world we can all agree is beautiful, We have all been raised in different environments and by different individuals, which Is why I believe it is unfair for people to think they have the right to bluntly define what's beautiful and what's not. It's simply the ways of individuality.
People, often artists express their emotions and characteristics through their art, so by insulting another person's character you are throwing a dagger right into the heart of humanity~
Maybe not to that extreme, but just to give you a feel of what worlds can actually do.
It is not possible to be loved by everyone, so keep in mind that just because someone tells you that your ugly or not the right size, it's simply their opinion and nothing more. Unless it's the opinion of a friend who's really trying to help you out ^^
So, getting back to the point, there really is not way to fix this problem, it is one we will have to face throughout the course of our lives, I find that encounters like this can do one of two things: Bring us down and make us conform, or strengthen our individual stance. What ever the case maybe we are a very diverse people with views as similar as the snowflakes in winter. Still I'm glad there are some good people out there that are able to accept the different views of others and are able to decided when to say something or  to just smile and wave ^^

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2013, 12:46:42 am »
LOL, I find that hilarious. But, what if it was me? No, I'm just kidding xD
But you have a beautiful point, we are all beautiful in our own special ways.


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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2013, 01:04:01 am »

Once i was on a character that i had just randomly made for a RP useing mass markings 2, and someone said my pelt was one of the purttyest of all the ones there.And no it wasnt a male after me, it was a female giveing me a compliment. I said thx and let it be, i dont get why some people must go way out of line to achive this.
I managed to get one without trying, mainly b/c most ppl hate it when u put 'Beautiful' 'hot' ect. in ur name

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2013, 06:09:04 am »

I'm quite content with my character. I've had a whole list full of names thrown at her, but I'm happy with her. And that's enough for me.

Yeah. If you're happy with the way she looks, then that's all that matters.

For me, I've always liked the simple character designs; not too bright and flashy, not too plain and dull... but somewhere in the middle. Most of my characters have realistic animal colors and markings, but a hint of unrealistic characteristics-such as unatural eye colors.

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2013, 06:13:37 pm »
Sometimes a character's appearance annoys me, but that's mostly when people have pink and blue characters named "WhateverKiarasDaughter" or etc. I find my character Kamaria to be pretty, but I can tell others don't. It's her own personality that's mixed in with her design.

While other people in OOC chat have different personalities, they may judge a character on how they feel it is. I, for example, might think a pink wolf is not very pretty. I don't like very unrealistic characters so much. And if the pink person saw my lions, they might think they're ugly because of their realism. It's still not a good idea to fight and yell at people because of their character, and it's just childish to fight over who's the prettiest.

I have yet to see someone with "hot" or "pretty" in their name, if you don't count people goofing off and naming a random neon character "PURDY PUPPY!" and trolling the mate center XD

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2013, 06:41:39 pm »
I like this topic very much. We can't emphasise enough that people see beauty differently. It is a subjective concept.

I have quite a few characters around with names like "Pretty lioness" and "Beautiful wolf". Using words like those, I'm fine with; I can look past them with in different feelings. It's when people put "hot" or "sexy" it annoys me. Mainly because I don't like the use of those particular words to describe a person. But that's beside the point...
I associate people with thoughs names as...I'm not going to say "mate beggers", but people are looking for a companion of some sort, like an roleplay mate, to attract potential suiters' attention. Because often, you read someone's name before you see the character's appearence.

Now, what people consider beautiful or pretty or whatever word you want to use... we've said it before; beauty is subjective and one person's concept is not the same as that of another. But there are some situations when I think, "How can someone find that attractive?" Like when a bright neon pink, blue, green and purple wolf runs past name 'Pretty wolfie' or something along those lines. Personally, I wouldn't find that very attractive...yet some people might...but how?! How is a retina-burning rainbow attractive? If someone has an answer to that, please tell me.

In terms of FeralHeart, to me, a cute/pretty/beautiful character is one whose colours go well together. They don't clash or anything...clashing colours hurt the eyes for me. Subtle colours too. And markings that aren't over the top and cancel each other out. I can't really describe this very well xD like when someone asks me what I find attractive in real-life, I can't describe it.
Your characters Ali, I find them rather pretty. You design them very well.

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