Author Topic: A couple of notes  (Read 42833 times)

Offline Vilivikhorith

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2018, 03:58:52 pm »
I strongly suspect you are not being honest.

Those who disagree with moderator free October. You seem to be wildly over simplifying its operation. I'll give you a hint block != ban or even  blockx9000 != ban.(important note != is not = for those unaware != means does not equal)
Unless you are doing some kind of throttle check, that's the only other way it can work. But you know what would be easier? Implementing nothing, but getting people to block each other. Was that the real intention? You could have just said that, you know. I'm calling a bluff.

As for lost characters. PLEASE in future check where your download is coming from. If it doesn't come directly off I cannot be held responsible for its content. So if its some random mediafire link think twice before you download.
Maps pretty much never contain no executable content and aren't used in a way to be executed. There is no attack surface. You probably know that. Characters are stored server-side anyways. Seems like only one person could be behind this.

I'm also aware prior to the staffs departure, certainly in the staff room and possibly around the forum posts were blanked out. I will also have these restored in good time.
I wonder what you mean by blanked out. Not deleted, no?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 04:00:23 pm by Vilivikhorith »

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2018, 04:02:02 pm »
If a map is deleted, the character will just be put into a black space.
Not entirely deleted from the account.

Also, why are you defending someone who has outright torn the community apart?
Anyway, the point is, people shouldn't HAVE to recreate their characters & bios & what-not.
It might be easy for you, but what about people who didn't save their color codes or bios, etc?
Also, the entire staff team is now gone... It's not shocking that people are upset, lol.
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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2018, 04:05:32 pm »
Maybe because the name-calling is uncalled for? And I have my own reasons.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2018, 04:09:20 pm »
The name-calling is uncalled for. I agree with that, 100%!
I'm even guilty for being a bit ruder than I honestly should be, but FH is basically my childhood so it's a bit of a sore spot for me. I'll take responsibility for that, though.

But people are allowed to be upset over what is happening, because it's not right: what is happening right now.
Telling them to "find another game?" Not that simple for many. FH is pretty unique!
I hope I haven't come across as mean to you, by the way! That's not my intention. Just a bit frustrated... I hate seeing the community this way.
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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2018, 04:09:39 pm »
I didn't have the color codes for my characters saved. If you're not willing to put in the effort to just put stuff back up, then that's on you. The main reason the community is SO riled up is because staff, and their lackeys, have been adding fuel to a fire. Yes. The staff was insulted, and I understand that Raz is not a great administrator. I'm not actively defending him, I'm just saying, and HAVE been saying, that neither side is innocent here. Guys. This is a privately owned game. Raz' conduct is not great, but staff's? Theirs is equally petty. And now the entire community is fractured and it is what it is. From what I've seen, a lot of the toxic people and drama instigators have left with the staff. I could be totally wrong, but in my personal experience, that's what I'm seeing.

So either sit back and let this blow over, or leave. Again. It's that simple.

I know you're also not just directly addressing me, but a lot of people. I just kind of responded from my own personal standpoint because I know there's varying levels of dissent over this. And I don't think you're being mean! I do know that a lot of people are frustrated, myself included.

But people are letting that frustration get the better of them and they're overreacting instinctively.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #45 on: September 26, 2018, 04:14:43 pm »
The name-calling is uncalled for. I agree with that, 100%!
I'm even guilty for being a bit ruder than I honestly should be, but FH is basically my childhood so it's a bit of a sore spot for me. I'll take responsibility for that, though.

But people are allowed to be upset over what is happening, because it's not right: what is happening right now.
Telling them to "find another game?" Not that simple for many. FH is pretty unique!
I hope I haven't come across as mean to you, by the way! That's not my intention. Just a bit frustrated... I hate seeing the community this way.

It's alright, I just think people should stop calling him names, because that often leads to harsher things like, shutting down the server or people could be telling him to go hurt himself for what he did, He could have personal issues back at his house, we don't actually know him, so we cannot judge him for the actions he did <3 I understand people are upset, I was upset but I'm coping with it.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #46 on: September 26, 2018, 04:17:04 pm »
Hey, so, I really like how you implied that it's possible for a map obtained from a zip file with zero executables inside to delete someone's character. This is impossible.

Lesser known fact: Feral Heart was taken apart and datamined years ago. The hacking incident would not have been possible without it. This is almost as good as having the source code, and good enough to show with absolute certainty that it is impossible for Feral Heart, client or server, to run malicious scripts from entering a map, no matter what it contains. The only way to make FH capable of doing this is to edit the source code, which can only be done intentionally. It is impossible to accidentally edit Feral Heart's source code, because you would need to either replace the EXE or run software to intentionally inject a dll--neither of which is possible in this case.

In fact, the only way for these characters to have been deleted like this is for someone with access to the server--which, might I remind you, is just you and ONLY you--to go through and delete them all manually.

I know you want to rely on people not knowing about computers to say what you want, but it won't fly. People are not stupid. Your precious little game is falling apart.

And don't forget that some of us remember your history.
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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #47 on: September 26, 2018, 04:18:59 pm »
I do appreciate you trying to continue on FH, Raz. But something still doesn't feel right ESPECIALLY about the FH patch. A lot of time and work went into those maps, and I don't think it was in your right to remove those maps from servers. It wasn't just the staff who was working on that project, part of the community was involved in making that patch. We only wanted to expand our world of FH that we all know and love. The game needs to grow!

I'm pretty sure I am not the only one here who would like an explanation about this. However, if you would like to contact me personally about this, given that I was involved in the patch project, you already have my Skype and I'm sure you can find me on DA.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #48 on: September 26, 2018, 04:41:29 pm »
Thank you for the update, Raz. I agree with you that everyone over-reacted and oversimplified, myself included. I let myself get swept up in the riot-inciting that others were engaging in, which I regret. Not having staff yesterday honestly made FH feel the chillest and most relaxed it's been in a really long time.

I'd definitely appreciate a little more explanation as to how the block/ban process will work, but I trust it won't be super easy to manipulate, which is what I know myself and many others are probably fearing. I appreciate you giving us even this much, because I didn't expect it.

Before anyone decides to disagree with me about "over-reacting," please remember that over the course of 24 hours, people decided to incite riots in the names of staff members who weren't even entirely innocent in this entire ordeal. They threw a fit, and like a blind mob, you (and I, to some extent) followed. You guys made a Discord server that has essentially become a rant and rave server where you guys THINK you're going to somehow create your own game over the course of 72 hours. Go ahead and make a new game, then, if you want to defend a lame duck staff team's honor. I'm not saying that this entire situation is perfect, and I don't necessarily agree with the moves Raz has taken. But that sure as heck doesn't mean that the staff does not have their own faults, either. (Not all of the staff has been bad, though, I'll be clear. Several of them are reasonable human beings.) Either stay and test this out, or don't. It's that simple.

I actually will disagree with you about the overreacting portion of your post. Not everyone is innocent, no, but the whole thing starting with Raz’s post was poorly construed, and there was a MAJOR lack of communication. What I saw yesterday when staff was not around were people cursing, swearing, sending hate, and everything they could do because staff wasn’t around. If Raz has communicated with his staff, or even the community first before putting up this new system, I can assure you the situation would’ve gone a lot different. As much as we’ve exaggerated that we do not want this to happen, he still fails to listen to his community, but I guess that’s somehow okay? No matter his explanation, he went behind everyone’s backs and that is something I will not stand for.

He works for the game, not the community. It’s that simple.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #49 on: September 26, 2018, 04:42:12 pm »
 I feel more upset and frustrated than anything. This randomly happened and was not explained from the start. It came out of nowhere and my friends and I were left confused and upset. Not to mention people might be more aggressive when they have issues they are dealing with in life and Feral Heart is their means of escape. I personally am dealing with issues, and this was like icing on the cake. When you believe that your one happy place is about to get destroyed you would become angry. I know for certain I was angry and hoped Raz would step on a lego. Because legos are the most evil things in this universe, let's be honest.

 Back on topic though, I have had time to calm down and think about things. I know I overreacted but I still am not pleased with how this is being handled. I feel like he is being dishonest about characters vanishing, but what are you going to do except remake your characters? If anything I'm just going to sit back, sip tea, play FH, and see where this goes. It was easy for me to remake my character who was lost, and I had a preset for 'em anyway. All I'm going to do is see if FH just dies from this, or if it can somehow pull in more members. *Shrugs* Either way I've had a good time here, and now it's just the waiting game.
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