Author Topic: A couple of notes  (Read 42837 times)

Offline WolfQueen

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #90 on: September 27, 2018, 02:37:12 am »
Those who disagree with moderator free October. You seem to be wildly over simplifying its operation. I'll give you a hint block != ban or even  blockx9000 != ban.(important note != is not = for those unaware != means does not equal)
Not everyone will understand code so this explanation does nothing.

Also note moderator free October was preparation for the staffs departure.
So you planned to kick them out in the first place?

As for lost characters. PLEASE in future check where your download is coming from. If it doesn't come directly off I cannot be held responsible for its content. So if its some random mediafire link think twice before you download.
Yeah no. Every single map or modification I got for this game came from Mediafire and it was 100% safe. You deleted it because you didn't want the ex-mods to let us see the new maps.

I wont restore your characters quite yet as it seems people are still loosing theirs. I'm not about to start some daily restore of lost characters. There are other more pressing matters to attend.
Pretty sure you just deleted the map server which caused the character data to go with it and players are starting to notice it. IDK how you're going to do this unless you can restore server data.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 04:09:48 am by WolfQueen »

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #91 on: September 27, 2018, 02:59:55 am »
I'm trying to be very calm about this, but perhaps if you had explained it in the first place people wouldn't be so upset? You seem keen to blame us for over-reacting when you gave us barely any information. You seem downright mocking us for not understanding it when you didn't explain it. Here is your exact post.

There was no explanation. There is still no explanation.

Perhaps it's time to, well, suck it up about your supposed dislike for explaining things.

Also, I still believe this is an absolutely horrendous idea, and as I have no real evidence to go on to the contrary I will continue that opinion.

I haven't been on in a long while nor do I get on as regularly as I used to... but when I do this scares me a wee bit. I've been a member here since 2012, if someone were to block me because they were petty, would I lose my whole account? How does this whole thing work? It seems like it'd be so easy for someone to do that... just because they could. I have years of characters and character development... It's something that worries me slightly since I've decided to randomly poof back into the FH community again.

Now I'm not saying someone would do that - I have a tendency to assume the worst... but question still hangs there :o

And by golly what did you do Razi :0

Btw I hope the FH community has been alive and well <3 much love

« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 03:02:16 am by optimal-velocity »

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #92 on: September 27, 2018, 03:08:09 am »
Pretty sure it's been explained that "block does not necessarily mean ban".

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #93 on: September 27, 2018, 03:23:16 am »

As much as I didn't think some of the staff were right to have their positions, and believe me when I say, I have had personal beef with a few of them over the years.
However, I am actually defending them IN THE SENSE OF WHAT RAZ IS DOING IS WRONG!

"You guys DO realize that Raz came to the community about this policy change, right? He SAID in his post, that if enough people disagreed and didn't like it, that it would change." No. He came to the community and told us he was doing it. He gave us, what, a week warning? He would be doing this whether or not we agree or disagree. And you know what, if you understood a bit as to who Raz is, you would know that it wouldn't matter if people didn't like Mod Free October, he would have kept it regardless.

You want to blame the staff before this incident for not being fair or right for their title?
This has NOTHING to do about how "the staff are also wrong too what about that". What an utter off topic point of blame. Why is it off topic? Because this is about what RAZMIRZ has done by GOING BEHIND THEIR BACKS and coming forth with a system that is to replace staff. As he so openly stated, I will repeat, THIS PROGRAM IS TO GET RID OF STAFF! Focus on this matter. Had Razmirz kept this to staff chat, had he told and very much warned that the staff were on thin ice by him saying he will be implementing this, the reaction of the FH staff would have been different.

I 100% agree that the staff team either needed to be reconstructed or them to change, but that post made by Nynx was to show that they were aware of what needed to change and were making a point that they were trying to change. Who stopped that? Raz. Who started banning staff, AKA Nynx, for releasing the maps for people to see, and to tell them that the staff team heard them? Raz. Who ultimately pushed staff who were trying to make a change out of the picture? Raz. Who is continuing to tell the community that it was because of Nynx all of the characters are gone? Raz. Who is actually to blame for deleting the map from the system files, and all the characters? Raz, because he was the one who just couldn't ignore the maps being released and instead just HAD to delete them.

Let me repeat this for you lot. Just because the staff have faults, does not make Raz's actions justified. He went behind their backs and made the threat that their days were numbered. They had an expiration date, so they decided to show them that they listened and Raz didn't. They outed him, and rightfully so. Someone had to do it.

"All of this being said, again, I'm not defending what Raz has done. I don't agree with the fact he did this behind everyone's backs. But going behind HIS back and being equally petty?"
As for the "over reacting petty behavior" that you carelessly state- welcome to the goddamn internet. It ain't right the way they're acting, but guess what, they're people, and they're upset. In numbers, people will cause chaos and riots. If anything has told you about history, is that's what happens. You can sit on the side and call them immature or overreacting all you want, but people will not stop when this is so fresh. It's best to leave that out of the picture and focus on the real problem.
And for someone who apparently isn't "defending Raz" you're doing a mighty fine job of looking like you are.

Kry, do not start with me.

Before you decide to try and tear into me, read.

Multiple times over the course of my posts in the forums, I have said time and time again. Raz' behavior was deplorable in this case. Raz did NOT do a good job in handling this. But because I'm not falling in line and singing the staff's praises in reacting in the way that they did, I'm defending him? No. I'm really not. What I'm saying is people are losing their goddamn minds over something that really has not utterly destroyed the community. Maybe it has for you, but weren't you always the one telling me that FeralHeart was a cesspool of toxicity and that the people on the game weren't worth it? Now you can finally leave it behind.

Yeah, welcome to the internet, but I'd like to think that, like in life since we're all actual human beings, it means you don't have to be a shitty and petty person back all because someone was shitty to you. Perhaps if the staff had taken a principled stand that wasn't just ragequitting and throwing maps up to further provoke a situation that they KNEW was going to continue to go downhill, people might not have lost their minds. Inciting riots is not how this should have been conducted. The staff is not an entirely innocent party either.

Again, like I said, read the post. I said Raz should not have done what he did. I'm just also saying that the staff should not have done exactly what they did. Should they have retaliated? Sure. But not in such a disorganized and ridiculous way that suddenly had everyone running into the streets with furry torches and pitchforks. Because, trust me. I know a shit-ton about history. And if you actually know who this account belongs to, you know I've studied it and have a degree in it. Great things don't come out of riots. It comes out of protests and actual organized and civil social disobedience and change. The riots only happen when the peaceful protesters get attacked by the oppressive forces coming after them. The civil part that actually inspires change is not what happened here on FH. People just went freaking crazy.

I'm heading out of the forums at this point, because like a rational human being, I know this will blow over. It always does. Everyone can keep throwing their temper tantrum, and FeralHeart will either keep going, or it won't.

Hopefully y'all will mobilize this well when it comes time to do important things like vote and march and actually be socially proactive like I've felt the need to do over the past several months. Maybe I just see what matters a bit more, and I just don't think this game is THAT worth it to get riled up over. Is it full of nostalgia and memories? Sure. But I can let go of that just like anything else if the time's come for it to get shut down. And if not? I'll do what I can to work to make it better in my own way. I'm just not going to scream about how administrators are bitch-asses and how they're Hitler or Drumpf in the process. Nor am I going to do that about the staff. Or you.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #94 on: September 27, 2018, 03:44:27 am »

Kry, do not start with me.

Before you decide to try and tear into me, read.

Multiple times over the course of my posts in the forums, I have said time and time again. Raz' behavior was deplorable in this case. Raz did NOT do a good job in handling this. But because I'm not falling in line and singing the staff's praises in reacting in the way that they did, I'm defending him? No. I'm really not. What I'm saying is people are losing their goddamn minds over something that really has not utterly destroyed the community. Maybe it has for you, but weren't you always the one telling me that FeralHeart was a cesspool of toxicity and that the people on the game weren't worth it? Now you can finally leave it behind.

Yeah, welcome to the internet, but I'd like to think that, like in life since we're all actual human beings, it means you don't have to be a shitty and petty person back all because someone was shitty to you. Perhaps if the staff had taken a principled stand that wasn't just ragequitting and throwing maps up to further provoke a situation that they KNEW was going to continue to go downhill, people might not have lost their minds. Inciting riots is not how this should have been conducted. The staff is not an entirely innocent party either.

Again, like I said, read the post. I said Raz should not have done what he did. I'm just also saying that the staff should not have done exactly what they did. Should they have retaliated? Sure. But not in such a disorganized and ridiculous way that suddenly had everyone running into the streets with furry torches and pitchforks. Because, trust me. I know a shit-ton about history. And if you actually know who this account belongs to, you know I've studied it and have a degree in it. Great things don't come out of riots. It comes out of protests and actual organized and civil social disobedience and change. The riots only happen when the peaceful protesters get attacked by the oppressive forces coming after them. The civil part that actually inspires change is not what happened here on FH. People just went freaking crazy.

I'm heading out of the forums at this point, because like a rational human being, I know this will blow over. It always does. Everyone can keep throwing their temper tantrum, and FeralHeart will either keep going, or it won't.

Hopefully y'all will mobilize this well when it comes time to do important things like vote and march and actually be socially proactive like I've felt the need to do over the past several months. Maybe I just see what matters a bit more, and I just don't think this game is THAT worth it to get riled up over. Is it full of nostalgia and memories? Sure. But I can let go of that just like anything else if the time's come for it to get shut down. And if not? I'll do what I can to work to make it better in my own way. I'm just not going to scream about how administrators are bitch-asses and how they're Hitler or Drumpf in the process. Nor am I going to do that about the staff. Or you.

It's not hard to figure out who I am addressing, and I have read.

If I may be so bold to ask how the staff should have reacted? You state that you understand history, and yet you're still calling people petty. I've left FH. Because whether or not this blows over it's now an empty shell. You continued to speak up and talk to people like they were children. Let's cut the high-horse crap, and stick to the actual topic. How what Raz is doing is wrong. No involvement with the staff's retaliation, no involvement with how people are reacting in chaos.

What Razmirz is doing is very much wrong, and shows no community care and very poor communication skills. It gives us no explanation as to the details of this program. So until there is a good explanation as to how this works, and how the system will prevent trolling and such, then people will believe what they want. Hell, because of this, people may still believe what they want. Poor communication, poor staff managing skills, and very poor execution. Telling us that this will be implemented with such little knowledge appears like a threat to a game that many people have grown up on.
So to me, when one is bringing in "look I don't accept what he is doing, but look at what everyone else has done too" dragged into a thread that should be a reaction to his actions, and pretty much his actions only, seems a bit like you're trying to pry people away from the main topic. If that makes sense? I hope so.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #95 on: September 27, 2018, 03:51:36 am »

As much as I didn't think some of the staff were right to have their positions, and believe me when I say, I have had personal beef with a few of them over the years.
However, I am actually defending them IN THE SENSE OF WHAT RAZ IS DOING IS WRONG!

"You guys DO realize that Raz came to the community about this policy change, right? He SAID in his post, that if enough people disagreed and didn't like it, that it would change." No. He came to the community and told us he was doing it. He gave us, what, a week warning? He would be doing this whether or not we agree or disagree. And you know what, if you understood a bit as to who Raz is, you would know that it wouldn't matter if people didn't like Mod Free October, he would have kept it regardless.

You want to blame the staff before this incident for not being fair or right for their title?
This has NOTHING to do about how "the staff are also wrong too what about that". What an utter off topic point of blame. Why is it off topic? Because this is about what RAZMIRZ has done by GOING BEHIND THEIR BACKS and coming forth with a system that is to replace staff. As he so openly stated, I will repeat, THIS PROGRAM IS TO GET RID OF STAFF! Focus on this matter. Had Razmirz kept this to staff chat, had he told and very much warned that the staff were on thin ice by him saying he will be implementing this, the reaction of the FH staff would have been different.

I 100% agree that the staff team either needed to be reconstructed or them to change, but that post made by Nynx was to show that they were aware of what needed to change and were making a point that they were trying to change. Who stopped that? Raz. Who started banning staff, AKA Nynx, for releasing the maps for people to see, and to tell them that the staff team heard them? Raz. Who ultimately pushed staff who were trying to make a change out of the picture? Raz. Who is continuing to tell the community that it was because of Nynx all of the characters are gone? Raz. Who is actually to blame for deleting the map from the system files, and all the characters? Raz, because he was the one who just couldn't ignore the maps being released and instead just HAD to delete them.

Let me repeat this for you lot. Just because the staff have faults, does not make Raz's actions justified. He went behind their backs and made the threat that their days were numbered. They had an expiration date, so they decided to show them that they listened and Raz didn't. They outed him, and rightfully so. Someone had to do it.

"All of this being said, again, I'm not defending what Raz has done. I don't agree with the fact he did this behind everyone's backs. But going behind HIS back and being equally petty?"
As for the "over reacting petty behavior" that you carelessly state- welcome to the goddamn internet. It ain't right the way they're acting, but guess what, they're people, and they're upset. In numbers, people will cause chaos and riots. If anything has told you about history, is that's what happens. You can sit on the side and call them immature or overreacting all you want, but people will not stop when this is so fresh. It's best to leave that out of the picture and focus on the real problem.
And for someone who apparently isn't "defending Raz" you're doing a mighty fine job of looking like you are.

Kry, do not start with me.

Before you decide to try and tear into me, read.

Multiple times over the course of my posts in the forums, I have said time and time again. Raz' behavior was deplorable in this case. Raz did NOT do a good job in handling this. But because I'm not falling in line and singing the staff's praises in reacting in the way that they did, I'm defending him? No. I'm really not. What I'm saying is people are losing their goddamn minds over something that really has not utterly destroyed the community. Maybe it has for you, but weren't you always the one telling me that FeralHeart was a cesspool of toxicity and that the people on the game weren't worth it? Now you can finally leave it behind.

Yeah, welcome to the internet, but I'd like to think that, like in life since we're all actual human beings, it means you don't have to be a shitty and petty person back all because someone was shitty to you. Perhaps if the staff had taken a principled stand that wasn't just ragequitting and throwing maps up to further provoke a situation that they KNEW was going to continue to go downhill, people might not have lost their minds. Inciting riots is not how this should have been conducted. The staff is not an entirely innocent party either.

Again, like I said, read the post. I said Raz should not have done what he did. I'm just also saying that the staff should not have done exactly what they did. Should they have retaliated? Sure. But not in such a disorganized and ridiculous way that suddenly had everyone running into the streets with furry torches and pitchforks. Because, trust me. I know a shit-ton about history. And if you actually know who this account belongs to, you know I've studied it and have a degree in it. Great things don't come out of riots. It comes out of protests and actual organized and civil social disobedience and change. The riots only happen when the peaceful protesters get attacked by the oppressive forces coming after them. The civil part that actually inspires change is not what happened here on FH. People just went freaking crazy.

I'm heading out of the forums at this point, because like a rational human being, I know this will blow over. It always does. Everyone can keep throwing their temper tantrum, and FeralHeart will either keep going, or it won't.

Hopefully y'all will mobilize this well when it comes time to do important things like vote and march and actually be socially proactive like I've felt the need to do over the past several months. Maybe I just see what matters a bit more, and I just don't think this game is THAT worth it to get riled up over. Is it full of nostalgia and memories? Sure. But I can let go of that just like anything else if the time's come for it to get shut down. And if not? I'll do what I can to work to make it better in my own way. I'm just not going to scream about how administrators are bitch-asses and how they're Hitler or Drumpf in the process. Nor am I going to do that about the staff. Or you.

You. Keep. Repeating. The. Staff. Incited. Riots. When. It. Wasn't. Them. Who. Incited. Riots.

I'm just going to put this so simply. I know quite a bit about my good ol' communications major to answer this.

Sender ----message---> Receiver
No matter how many times we send the message on what we don't want. Raz doesn't choose to listen. It's unfortunate that the community acted out in such a way, but 90% of them told Raz civilly that they didn't want this. They expressed their concerns. He still does not listen. The only people who were actually listening was our staff team.

>> Staff were not disorganized in what they did. They gave the community what we've been waiting for, for a very long time.

>> Perhaps Raz had good intentions, but he still has yet to apologize or fully explain himself. He makes up excuses.

>> Staff did not ragequit or throw a fit. They wanted to give back to the community. This was not a political attack. This was for the community.

Believe what you want to believe. Have a nice day.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #96 on: September 27, 2018, 04:04:27 am »
Kry, do not start with me.

Before you decide to try and tear into me, read.

Multiple times over the course of my posts in the forums, I have said time and time again. Raz' behavior was deplorable in this case. Raz did NOT do a good job in handling this. But because I'm not falling in line and singing the staff's praises in reacting in the way that they did, I'm defending him? No. I'm really not. What I'm saying is people are losing their goddamn minds over something that really has not utterly destroyed the community. Maybe it has for you, but weren't you always the one telling me that FeralHeart was a cesspool of toxicity and that the people on the game weren't worth it? Now you can finally leave it behind.

Yeah, welcome to the internet, but I'd like to think that, like in life since we're all actual human beings, it means you don't have to be a shitty and petty person back all because someone was shitty to you. Perhaps if the staff had taken a principled stand that wasn't just ragequitting and throwing maps up to further provoke a situation that they KNEW was going to continue to go downhill, people might not have lost their minds. Inciting riots is not how this should have been conducted. The staff is not an entirely innocent party either.

Again, like I said, read the post. I said Raz should not have done what he did. I'm just also saying that the staff should not have done exactly what they did. Should they have retaliated? Sure. But not in such a disorganized and ridiculous way that suddenly had everyone running into the streets with furry torches and pitchforks. Because, trust me. I know a shit-ton about history. And if you actually know who this account belongs to, you know I've studied it and have a degree in it. Great things don't come out of riots. It comes out of protests and actual organized and civil social disobedience and change. The riots only happen when the peaceful protesters get attacked by the oppressive forces coming after them. The civil part that actually inspires change is not what happened here on FH. People just went freaking crazy.

I'm heading out of the forums at this point, because like a rational human being, I know this will blow over. It always does. Everyone can keep throwing their temper tantrum, and FeralHeart will either keep going, or it won't.

Hopefully y'all will mobilize this well when it comes time to do important things like vote and march and actually be socially proactive like I've felt the need to do over the past several months. Maybe I just see what matters a bit more, and I just don't think this game is THAT worth it to get riled up over. Is it full of nostalgia and memories? Sure. But I can let go of that just like anything else if the time's come for it to get shut down. And if not? I'll do what I can to work to make it better in my own way. I'm just not going to scream about how administrators are bitch-asses and how they're Hitler or Drumpf in the process. Nor am I going to do that about the staff. Or you.

why are you getting personal? this is an animal game. 14 year old furries don't care about your degree.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #97 on: September 27, 2018, 04:10:01 am »
You know what? I'm literally sick and tired of all of you being children about this. Yes, the news from Raz was shocking. Yes, everything that has happened has literally thrown us all for a loop. But can we all freaking grow the heck up? Please? This is getting stupid now. The worst of this has blown over, people are starting to calm down, yet here you guys are still jabbing at each other. How about this....we just sit and wait and see what this does? Hmm? Whether we like it or not, Raz is still the server master. We may not agree with what he's done, but what choice do we have? The best we can do is move on and see what is in store next. Who freaking knows, this may all work out! And then we'll all feel like fools!

So I suggest all of you calm down and think things out. Be mature about this. Cause I'm tired of seeing all of us doing this to each other. We're in this together, no matter what.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #98 on: September 27, 2018, 04:14:04 am »
Well this is a fun ride.

I agree with the above poster.


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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #99 on: September 27, 2018, 04:24:34 am »
Even though I did enjoy reading all of that, I do think the community is slowly calming down as well. Some people are still very angry and I get that. I just want to see this through.
I do think it is interesting to see all of these members flooding in with only a few posts to comment on this issue. Really shows how quickly a community can change and realize there is a massive forum that tags along with the game lol.

Been ages since I've posted so much in such a short amount of time. All this juicy drama got me checking the forums every hour lol