Author Topic: About SoulSurfer.Daughter of the moon  (Read 1591 times)


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About SoulSurfer.Daughter of the moon
« on: July 16, 2011, 10:45:57 pm »
Name:SoulSurfer    Gender:Girl       Job:Alpha        Pack:PowerNova Wolves       Mate:Unknown

SoulsSurfers note:Heya Im Soulsurfer and im an Alpha.Im daughter of the moon wich means im sorta a pincess but im definetly NOT spoiled.Im a sweet,nice, and friendly female alpha wolf.Im leader of the PowerNova wolves yet and I do have a crush on someone in that pack.If you ask me wat my freetime is its obiously WaterBoarding or Icesurfing.I can do anything with water from making tiny waves to big Tsunamis to freezing and boiling and making ice crystal necklaces.I can speak dolphin,gopher,aceint animal, and many,MANY more!I live on Bon-fire island wich is surronded by water which i <3!I can stay UNDERWATER for an UNLIMITED amount of time.If I stay in a hot place too long I faint and possibly could die.Since im rare hunters will be after me so if your with me BE CAREFUL!Gotta Surf l8ter