Author Topic: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting  (Read 36486 times)

Offline RedRedRose

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2015, 11:05:22 am »
Thank you! I can't wait to start!

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2015, 12:12:04 pm »

Arnarra 'Meriel' Azariah
"The sensation of falling was the worst part."

Age: 21 years old.
Gender: Female.

Species: Elven.
Rank: Outsider.

Description: Long, coconut-brown, straight hair, which reaches the end of her spine. Most of the time she has the top of her head braided in a line, two straps of hair being held out in front of her shoulders. Rather pale-skinned woman. Tall, slender body, hazel eyes. Most of the time she wears long, green cape with same color vest, dark brown leggings and same color boots. Always carries brown bow with slightly lighter arrows.
Personality: Meriel has sweet personality and never wishes anyone bad. She is very friendly and nice to those whom desire to act the same way, but she'll never back down from a fight: either way it is word or an actual fight. She is very intelligent and smart woman, always uses her own strategies than the ones who was told to use back in the day. Brunette hates being told what to do, and is quite stubborn at some points, but she never got hated by her personality, or judged by it. Every insult that she gets is like a joke for her, since she never really takes it too seriously. Those who correct her mistakes aren't enemies for her, she'll try to become their friends in any possible way.

History: WIP
-Trolled- I'll write something later. xD
Relations: None that anyone knows of.

- Playing with one of her arrows.
- Taking short routes AKA travelling like a Tarzan by using trees.

Magic: She has currently learned the magic of fire, but tends to learn the magic of ice (idek. There has been told that Elves have knack for learning magic, so I assume it's any magic that is possible. If not, can you please explain how the magic goes for elves?)

- She managed to escape the city. Probably, not the only one. (I don't know if this is allowed. <.> Still kinda confused).
- Superior agility, swiftness and she has mastered the skill of archery.

(Do Elves have wings?)
« Last Edit: January 03, 2015, 08:30:22 pm by Phroghress »
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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2015, 04:34:59 pm »
This roleplay looks amazing. Hope you don't mind if I make a royal advisor :3 ))

Charlie Alex Thompson
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always be what you've always been."

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Fallon
Rank: Royal Advisor
Description: Charlie is very lengthy and tall, standing at probably 6"1 give or take. His eyes are a deep pure brown with flicks of silver, which draws more attention to his eyes. His hair is a very dark brown(arguably black), often a few whisks falling over his forehead. His skin is rather pale, contrasting off his eyes.

Personality: Naturally, Charlie comes off as rather intimidating and intense to most. This is simply because of the way he carries himself. He prefers his solitude, and is usually very quiet. Not that he's shy, but he simply doesn't talk unless he sees a reason to. He's usually very mysterious to most, as many question how he even got to be a Royal Advisor due to that mischievous sparkle in his eye. Once you get to know him, he is very caring and adventurous. He's reasonably kind, but won't be if he sees a reason not to be. When he needs to be, Charlie can be extremely cold. Charlie is incredibly intelligent and witty, able to talk circles around most anyone. He is also very skilled in lying and spinning complex fibs on the spot. Additionally, Charlie can be quite the flirt when he wants to be, but ever since he became a Royal Advisor he shows it less and less. After you gain his hard to earn trust, he will protect you with his life.

History (optional): (making this really short just so you get the basic idea) Charlie was of course born into the role with his glass wings. His birth unfortunately killed his mother, and he never knew who his father was. He grew up in Nisroc homeless for a time. He hadn't been birthed inside the castle- so he didn't know to go there, or what his wings meant. Charlie received stares and a few gasps whenever he was out in the town. They had been gasping at his wings, but he didn't know that. As he grew up into a teenager, he became someone that the townspeople were weary of. He often picked fights with others, he stole, and he was a full on flirt. One day(when he was about 16) he was in a fight. People had gathered around them as they both struggled to take the upper hand in the fight. Charlie got knocked out. When he woke up, the crowd was gone and he was staring up at Nisroc guards. Instead of arresting him or anything of the sorts, they took him to the castle. The King surprisingly took pity on him because nobody had ever told him what he was or the importance he held. From then on he was trained to be a Royal Advisor. At first he was reluctant to do so, and often tried to get fired or escape. But he eventually learned to love the job. His personality straightened out and he became a much better person. Now he is an extremely trusted Royal Advisor, and would give his life for his job.

Relations: No siblings or parents to be mentioned. He knows the Royal Family rather well (since it's kind of his job). However wouldn't take it any further than work companions.
-Runs his hand through his hair
-Tugs at his sleeves when he's nervous
-Hums when he works
Power: Charlie, like most Fallon, can teleport short distances. He also possesses the natural ability to heal the wounded/ill. Charlie can't do much to heal anything fatal, but can heal smaller things.
-Has a slight British tinge to his voice
« Last Edit: January 03, 2015, 06:55:27 pm by Vask »

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2015, 07:02:14 pm »
 (Love the apps! Both accepted I'll add them to the list then post a beginning post. Ill also add more details to the information post! Also, Phrogress, Elves dont have wings, and if you have any questions at all about things you're confused on just ask! ^-^)
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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2015, 07:56:17 pm »

Status; Currently excited & cheerful

Whispers may have slunk about below the cities and the Fallen may be an everlasting threat, but nevertheless Nosric glowed with cheerful Fallon all curious and expectant on what was to come. King Gable called a town meeting within the castles garden to celebrate his youngest daughter's 5th birthday and the sun glimmered and danced about the city as the town's people gathered within the courtyard, standing on either side of a large aisle created by two lines of guards. The royal advisory and family awaited at the gates to the castles grounds, all mounted upon steeds to be escorted to the meeting. At the front of the miniature parade rode guards, behind them the royal advisory and so fourth. Mounted in the middle were the loved king Gable and Queen Divinity. At the back rode more royal guards and infront of them rode two brothers, one of white wings and one of shades of ebony. Samuel and Ruben approached their horses, Samuel glancing towards his brother's annoyed visage. "Rough morning?", Samuel questioned. "Nothing of your concern, brother. Ruben replied, patting his steeds well groomed mane. Samuel swung himself onto his horse, settling into the saddle just as Ruben sat in his. "You can be as reluctant as you wish, brother.", Samuel stated, grabbing the reigns in his hand, "But you'll need to open up one day. The kingdom misses it's-" Samuel paused as River's crystalline eyes shit up, meeting his in a cold stare. "Wipe the buzzed look off your lifeless grin, the lady of the hour wishes to speak to you." He stated, refusing to finish his other sentence. Ruben raised a brow, before glancing down beside Jax as Valencia reached up to him. Samuel smiled gently, it had been years since he had been capable of getting to Ruben, but Valencia never failed to. With that, he turned his horse as the parade began.

Status; Slightly intoxicated and annoyed

The morning was glorious and to be celebrated, by not for Ruben. The prince sat within his saddle, staring down at the tiny girl below him. "Yes?" He questioned, raising an ebony brow. Valencia's golden hair and rosey cheeks shone beneath the sun as she pouted ever so slightly. "Up." She ordered. "Feisty aren't we.", Ruben muttered, reaching down to lift the girl into the saddle with ease. "I suppose I'll be your transportation into this forsaken celebration?" Valencia nodded, gripping tightly onto Ruben's hand that held the reigns to steady herself. "Very well, let's move." He muttered, urging Jax forward. He slid into the parade line beside Samuel just as the gates opened. The horses strolled forward, Jax in particular soaking in the glory as he raised his head. Samuel waved to the crowds, smiling and greeting whilst Ruben focused on just getting Jax yo the end of the yard, his wings folded tightly against his back. Upon the saddle, straight backed and pursed lips, Ruben looked like a powerful being, an authority of sorts. One would never guess his denial of the throne if they had not known it themselves. Finally reaching the end, Ruben slid off of Jax, lifting Valencia out of the saddle. She squirmed out of his grasp, eyes wide and curious before taking off around Jax and the guards. "Exuberant one, isn't she?" Samuel whispered, stepping beside Ruben. The younger brother raised a brow, "Nothing I can't handle." Just as he spoke the tiny girl ran back around, and in a fluid like motion Ruben snatched her up. "No more teasing the steeds let us go." He whispered to her, carrying her up the stairs and onto the balcony. King Gable and the queen stood ready at the railings to address the town. Valencia stood close beside Ruben, his gaze cold and bored. "Citizens!", Gable began, "We have come here today to celebrate the birthday of my lovely youngest, Princess Valencia." The crowd cheered and the girl slid ever further behind Ruben's leg. Her small, Gloriously white wings tightened against her back and shifting to stand aside, Ruben's wings shuffled against his back. Valencia squirmed back behind his leg, and Ruben sighed deeply as Gable continued. Despite reports of Whispers or Fallen, We prevail today to celebrate. Happy birthday my darling," he looked to Valencia, and slowly Gables eyes slid up to meet Ruben's cold dagger-like ones as he said "May you always get what you wish.." Gable, realizing his treading upon thin ice, turned back to the crowd, "Please! Mingle and approach us for any questions." With that, the crowds mixed and people began crowding the king and queen for questions. Ruben swiftly lifted the girl into his arms as Samuel approached, "I don't suppose you'll stay." Ruben placed the girl in Samuels arms, and without answering turned and began descending the staircase. Valencia squirmed out of Samuels arms, quickly catching up to Ruben and grabbing his leg tightly. Over the years, Ruben showed signs of solitude even against Valencia, but he never once denied the child's company. Ruben paused, glancing at the girl before continuing into the courtyard.
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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2015, 08:44:21 pm »


Warm morning air shined delicately down, a gentle breeze scraping against Charlie's face. He had gotten up very early that day to see that everything would be running smoothly for Miss Valencia's birthday. Running a hand through his hair, Charlie swung his leg over his horse and sat up high. He grabbed the reigns and held them idly as the King and Queen mounted their own steeds. A small sigh escaped him as he waited. His brown pools flicked over to the two princes who seemed to have tension arising between them. Charlie blinked, wishing the two would just start acting like brothers. Reality snapped at him and he kicked his horse forward along with the others. Once they got to the end of the yard, he swung his leg back over his horse and gently touched back down on the ground. He quietly followed the Royal Family up the balcony, and stood a ways back from them once King Gable began to speak. He put his hands behind his back and listened. Once the King finished his speech to Valencia, Charlie straightened himself up a bit. Running a hand through his hair again, he sighed. Simply watching the citizens and the Royals and the guards and everything that was going on. As usual, Charlie got himself a few stares and wary glances, but the were mostly interested in the Royals. His large glass wings shimmered in the sunlight. Charlie's wings were quite a spectacle apparently. His wings were called glass wings, but they definitely were not breakable like glass. He could bend and move his wings without so much as a strain. Charlie shook his head, dragging himself out of his thoughts. He cleared his throat, stiffening and standing up tall
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 12:48:42 am by Vask »

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2015, 08:48:06 pm »

Arnarra 'Meriel' Azariah
"The sensation of falling was the worst part."

Age: 21 years old.
Gender: Female.

Species: Elven.
Rank: Outsider.

Description: Long, coconut-brown, straight hair, which reaches the end of her spine. Most of the time she has the top of her head braided in a line, two straps of hair being held out in front of her shoulders. Rather pale-skinned woman. Tall, slender body, hazel eyes. Most of the time she wears long, green cape with same color vest, dark brown leggings and same color boots. Always carries brown bow with slightly lighter arrows.
Personality: Meriel has sweet personality and never wishes anyone bad. She is very friendly and nice to those whom desire to act the same way, but she'll never back down from a fight: either way it is word or an actual fight. She is very intelligent and smart woman, always uses her own strategies than the ones who was told to use back in the day. Brunette hates being told what to do, and is quite stubborn at some points, but she never got hated by her personality, or judged by it. Every insult that she gets is like a joke for her, since she never really takes it too seriously. Those who correct her mistakes aren't enemies for her, she'll try to become their friends in any possible way.

History: WIP
-Trolled- I'll write something later. xD
Relations: None that anyone knows of.

- Playing with one of her arrows.
- Taking short routes AKA travelling like a Tarzan by using trees.

Magic: She has currently learned the magic of fire, but tends to learn the magic of ice (idek. There has been told that Elves have knack for learning magic, so I assume it's any magic that is possible. If not, can you please explain how the magic goes for elves?)

- She managed to escape the city. Probably, not the only one. (I don't know if this is allowed. <.> Still kinda confused).
- Superior agility, swiftness and she has mastered the skill of archery.

Meriel was running through the forest, her hood was covering her eyes, along with her head. The woman was making her way towards the city, wanting to watch the parade, probably shoot someone and break the balance. That would be fun, wouldn't it? Maybe, but that's how Meriel could tell what 'fun' means, literally. Her different way of thinking sometimes creeped people out, but it's just her. Sure she's different person, in both appearance and thinking, but she wouldn't be judged by it, not everyone's perfect.

She was thinking this when she was pacing through the bright shadows, safely reaching the town. She got into the group of people, who were cheering for the royals as if they are amazed by them. "Pity," she mumbled quietly, quickly making her way towards the large buildings. When she reached the bridge, Meriel rushed towards the end of it, hoping to not take much of attention to her so she would safely make it to the courtyard.

Indeed she safely crossed the bridge, reaching the castle's buildings within the minutes of traveling. She made a quick turn, heading into a ery small alleyway. Standing at the end of it, she looked around, then finally gripped a small rock, which she used as a help to climb up. Launching herself from wall to wall, she gripped the edge of the roof, climbing up and throwing herself onto the roof, from which she began to run closer to the courtyard.

After getting close as possible, she layed down onto the roof, her belly facing the brown material beneath. She took out her bow, one of her arrows as well, before she would load it into the string. She will shoot, after the first royal horse is seen, which turned out to be the oldest prince's horse. With a smirk, she tightened the string, aiming at the horse's leg.

The string twitched a bit, the arrow was send out flying towards the horse, with a hope it would hit and make it fall, along with the prince itself. If not, the arrow would then hit the ground in front of the horse, probably make it rear on it's hinds.

((Sorry if this is out of the sudden, I thought some action would spice up the beginning of the RP. If this is not acceptable, ignore what I posted.~))
« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 12:11:50 pm by Phroghress »
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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2015, 12:46:14 am »
Assuming the arrow hit the horse ^^ ))


Charlie scanned the crowd and the courtyard. His deep brown eyes spotted a figure on top of a roof, and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Feeling his wings tense a bit, he took a step or row away from the wall, eyes not leaving the figure. What happened next seemed to happen in a millisecond. There was a whooshing sound as an arrow flew through the air with dangerous precision. His eyes darted to where it landed. Prince Samuel's horse was struck in the leg with an arrow. An ear-splitting neigh could be heard as it reared up, arrow lodged in its leg. In a flash, Charlie spread his huge wings, and shot up in the air. He landed hard on his feet behind the girl. Charlie's glass wings stayed spread out threateningly. He stared down at the girl with a dangerous look in his eyes. The citizens in the courtyard were rattled, and unsure of how to respond. Some screamed, some ran, some hid, but most just stood there in shock. His fists were clenched, and his gaze unwavering from the stranger. "Who are you." He said in a quiet but sharp tone.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 03:56:02 am by Vask »

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2015, 01:15:18 am »
(Vask I actually planned for Samuel to be struck (: I'll handle things when it comes to Samuel but its perfectly okay for Charlie to have seen and approached the attacker!^-^ Ill await Concern to post before I repost!)
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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2015, 03:55:09 am »
Ah my mistake! I erased that certain part of the post for convenience. Thanks for tellin me :3 ))
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 03:57:00 am by Vask »