Author Topic: The Disappearance  (Read 7745 times)

Offline Jango_Fett

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The Disappearance
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:28:59 pm »
This story contains rather dark humor and potentially ideas.
It is also based on a discussion I had with a friend, and a min-adventure we had
I will not be at fault if you are disturbed with our/my/their theories.

"... Eat, this bridge is starting to scare me." The Brown Hyena stated, covering her ears with her paws, and pressing her face against the cold stone bridge.
The reason she said this, was because the residents of the bridge were all being rather rude to one another, and fighting with words, and it seemed like it'd come to claws soon.
What was it about? Who knows, but whatever it was, it was very petty.

Eat, raised his head, and blinked his dead eyes at her. The zombie dog just shrugged, and nudged her to get up.
"I know a safe place, from all this." He made a gesture to the squabbling animals, were it seemed a long-haired lioness was attempting to step in, but was seemingly ignored by the immature folk.
Ajabu looked at Eat gratefully, and got to her paws, and followed after him while they went to a nearby cave, on the west side of the river.
They stayed there for about five minutes before realizing the whole damn place was dead, and then the yeen let out a sigh.
"... L Island?" She asked, after a long period of silence, and the zombie nodded his head, and the odd pair scampered off, the hyena's radiocollar blinking it's small red light.

To their surprise, they did not encounter anyone on their mad dash to the Island, not even a single Clan.
No soul was to be found.
Once they had swum across the waters, they climbed up the Island, and started running around, looking for the signature prides that always abounded, or even the packs that hung around.
It was dead quiet, 'twas just the two were there.

The two looked at each other, rather confusedly, and sat down, trying to think as to why and where the other groups had gone.
Surely, a Pride would be here right about now, bouncing around, with their tiny lionesses.
"Eat... Where are they? I can't even pick up the faintest scent..."
"Well.... Wait, how long has it been since either of us has left Stone Bridge. To, ya'know, explore and run around?"
"Uhh.... Not for a while." The hyena responded, her long fluffy pelt puffing out just the slightest.
It was still wet, so she really just looked like a very angry bush.

Eat hesitated, and then went on, "... What if... They just, died?"
The Brown Hyena paused also, and then nodded her head.
"What if they all died to a plague, or worse, killed each other off. Starved, died of thirst, malnutrition, got killed off by a larger, ferocious, despicable monster!"
Eat then gave her a worried look, "Ajabu, you're scaring me."
She looked at him sheepishly, "Well... You get the point. We have no idea where they are, and there isn't any kind of sign of decomposing bodies, much less scavengable corpses."

The zombie nodded, and added, "Plus, there's no one walking around, or calling for help. Not even the mewl of a kit..."
That made them both fall silent.
Most groups did have offspring, and if they were indeed all dead....
They tried not to think about it.

"Well... I think, well, maybe.... We should look around some more, to see how empty it is."
He nodded, and the two started swimming back to the mainland, passing the Northwest corner's cave, and the North cave.
Not even a wolf was found.
They soon made their way to the Northeast corner, and stood upon it's 'Highrock'.
"Not a single damn Clan anywhere!" Ajabu said, stomping the rock beneath her and growling a bit in frustration.
Eat creeped up the rock behind her, "Not a Pride either."
"Nor a Pack." She finished, looking around worriedly.
"The Y river?!" The frantic hyena said, and they made another mad dash for the River, looking around fearfully.
Not even a loner of any species could be found.
Ajabu looked at Eat, and gave him a worried frown.
Eat just started looking under rocks, as if a lioness would be under there.
"... The Plus then?" The zombie said, and the brown hyena nodded her head, and they were on the move again.
They made it to the plus, not encountering a soul, and were about to lose all hope, when suddenly...

They saw a pair of wolves, a grey wolf and a black one with slitted eyes.
Ajabu let out a whoop of joy, and Eat just gave out a glad holler, and they raced up to them.
It was a male and a female, and the scents were too confusing to tell whether they were apart of the same pack.
"We found survivors! Finally! The last wolves of Fluorite!"
Ajabu started peering into the She-wolf's eyes, and examining her, to be sure she was healthy.
The Shewolf in question was a little startled, and put off by the strange hyena.
Eat just stared into space with his tongue sticking out.

"Who are you... I am a Guard of the Dust Moon Rivers Pack!"
"Good good, a breeding pair... Must be..." Eat murmured, looking at the male wolf, who seemed to be a mute.
"Oomph, that might pose a problem." The hyena said, commenting on the male's apparent silence.
The Shewolf was just too confused to understand what was going on, and said, "Uhhhhh.....?"
Ajabu started babbling again, "We'll be able to bring back the Wolves to Fluorite! Although they might end up like those Island Wolves..."
"True." Eat replied, knowing exactly what she was talking about.
"So then we'd have to import some of the Wolves from Bonfire. And since they have shorter lifespans, incest won't be that much of an issue."
"Goodie..." The zombie said, staring at the Shewolf, and then giggling at the odd expression on Ajabu's face.
"And maybe, some of the more intelligent wolves will come. Though, that also means we'll have to bring some of the Bonfirian lions here, since we have no real population to work with here. As for the Clan Cats.... Gonna have to bring some Ferals together, and bring them back to their former glory. SkyClan style."
Eat could tell she was happy planning out these recreational/preservation efforts, and added, "We'll have to make sure it all works though, one slip-up and we're back at square one."
Ajabu turned her head to the Shewolf, and said, "I'm sorry to say, but you two must make babies. We need the pups."
The Shewolf looked at her, and slowly processed that.
Though, Eat and Ajabu were already trotting away, discussing their plans.
"We should probably try and figure out what killed the others off in the first place... Maybe see if there are more survivors. Better yet, see if it made all of them disappear, and not die totally out."
"You're a genius, you zombie brained doberman you!" Ajabu said, grinning.

And so, the two walked back to Stone Bridge, where Ajabu would tell the residents of the tragedy, and begin making a plea to the Elder Council.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 03:03:03 am by Jango_Fett »

i don't know nothing about mopeds
have a question? just ask - Rubricae#6972

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Re: The Disappearance
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2015, 08:09:28 pm »
Ooh, will there be a chapter two to this? Will Ajabu and Eat find the thing that made all of the Flourite floofs  disappear? :o

Tmw you planned a ten minute nap but instead took a whole year.
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Re: The Disappearance
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2015, 01:29:53 pm »
Well, I hadn't, actually thought about doing that.
Come to think of it, I probably should do that.
Thanks Enoki!

i don't know nothing about mopeds
have a question? just ask - Rubricae#6972

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Re: The Disappearance
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2015, 04:55:25 pm »
Chur welcome. ^^ I can't wait to see what comes next. ^(o3o)^

Tmw you planned a ten minute nap but instead took a whole year.
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Re: The Disappearance
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2015, 06:01:00 pm »
I'll make another thread for it, since this was more of a stand-alone deal.

Off to write.

i don't know nothing about mopeds
have a question? just ask - Rubricae#6972

Offline Jango_Fett

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Re: The Disappearance
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2019, 03:04:56 am »
nostalgia bump 2 electric boogaloo

i don't know nothing about mopeds
have a question? just ask - Rubricae#6972

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Re: The Disappearance
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2019, 05:27:32 am »
That was a rather interesting story snippet. I feel kinda bad for that shewolf. These two random creatures just run up and say she needs to have some pups. I would be thoroughly confused and unsettled if that happened to me lmao

I see another one has been bumped as well. I must see where this goes...

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