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Topics - .Kiararaa.

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Member Bio & Journals / Kiararaa's Bio
« on: August 24, 2015, 11:53:59 am »
Hi, I'm Kiararaa. I'm not new to FH; I joined back in 2012, but on another account. I'm seventeen and am about to go into my senior year of high school. I really want to go to college to learn how to animate, because my dream job has always been to contribute somehow to Disney movies.

Age: seventeen
Gender: female
Grade: 12/senior in high school
I'm not very comfortable with showing off my face so i'll give a brief description; I am short, 5'2/5, I'm not overweight but i'm not skinny either. I have clear fair skin (it's really hard finding good foundation! xD) and I have thick dark brown curly hair. My eyes are tealish grey, and I have very faint freckles on my face, but they're darker and more consistent on my arms. I have small hands and feet.
Favorite color(s): Red, Blue, greys, and pink.
Favorite animals: Cats, birds, dogs, bears, snakes
Pets: One grey and white british shorthair mix named Tabitha. She's quite the looker. ;D

Movies: Donnie Darko|Jurassic Park|Alien|Mission Impossible|Inside Out|Big Hero Six|The Lion King|Beauty and the Beast|Alice in Wonderland|Peter Pan|Bambi

TV. Shows: Steven Universe|Over the Garden Wall|Gravity Falls|Parks and Recreation|Doctor Who|Supernatural|Twilight Zone|Anything on HGTV

Music: Pink Floyd|Fall Out Boy|Steampowered Giraffe|Disney Soundtrack

Likes: Art|Drawing|Animating|Books|Reading|Writing|Cats|Disney|Winter|Food|Movies|Color|Space|Stars|Moon|The World|Traveling|People|PINK FLOYD!!!

Dislikes: Complainers/Whiners|Rudeness|Depressing People|Debbie Downers|Scary Movies|Clowns| Orange, Green, Purple, Yellow

Go ahead and ask me anything else on my ask thread!

Ask Me / Ask Kiararaa!
« on: August 24, 2015, 11:48:31 am »
So glad to see that we've added a new thread. This is my ask page, whatever question you have for me, go ahead and shoot below! But please read and follow the rules.

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