Author Topic: The Creux  (Read 4810 times)

Offline Vespian

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The Creux
« on: December 06, 2013, 04:44:23 am »

Whelp, over time I've figured it was time to bring my own creation out of the darkness. This particular species has been my sole-creation for quite some time, around 5 months if my memory perceives me. However, I haven't introduced the species except to my closest friends due to various reasons left unsaid. That is, until now.


The Creux

Sad to say, they are not a big family. There are only a handful of them that make up their existence. However, the family is separated by numbers. Those that consist of the inner circle of the family bare the numbers 1-5. Those who are skilled enough to bare a number, either through sheer loyalty, strength, wits, etc. bare the numbers 6-13. Those who do not bare a number, well, they're lucky to even be considered a Creux family member.

So, you want to know where they can be found? Well, anywhere actually. They roam all of the maps in FeralHeart. However, you could say they don't tolerate nor have the patience to be very social when it comes to strangers. They're nomadic, lingering more so on the outskirts of publicity yet close enough to observe for their own entertainment. Often, they'll be dwelling within' the snowy domain of South Pole or the wide open plains of Fluorite. They do own a territory, yet they only lurk within' it when the time is dire or if they wish to be left alone. Thus, they roam often and you won't find them in one particular place for long.

Physical Characteristics
Their appearance isn't what you'd consider normal, as they are not your everyday canid. They bare certain distinctive traits that make them unique within' the family. Their height is considerable, ranging in variety yet they normally stand the same height as the other canids that dwell within' the many lands of FeralHeart.

Their bodies are usually masculine in weight, not being what you'd call sluggish beings. They're known to roam often and prefer to not stick to one particular place for very long. Thus, their muscle mass can be rather noticeable. They tend to be rather lean in size as most of their weight is gathered within' the muscles of their limbs, mainly around the shoulders and flanks. Thus, causes their ribcage to easily show if they are to not eat every few days or so as well as they tend to bestow more agility and stealth than the regular canid.

They bestow long, broad, and rather strong jaw muscles, the skulls they wear on their heads only aid in their bite as they seize their prey like a steel trap. It can be quite difficult for an individual to escape their ravenous grasp as their jaws lock tight onto the muscle, aiming to tear away the flesh from the structure of marrow underneath. Usually, it is their bite that tends to be the most deadly and effective as they are able to chomp down to an exerting pressure of around 1,000 to 20,000 lbs. psi, which is about 6-10 times more pressure than your average wolf bite. Due to their bone-crushing jaws, they are able to shatter the long, hard bones of giraffes and elephants. Which makes them more deadly than your average canid.

The incisors within' their jaws are unnaturally long and hooked like a serpent's. Due to their fang's structure, once they bite down, it becomes near impossible for their prey to escape without tearing off a chunk of their anatomy. This process is caused due to their hooked incisors can easily snag and penetrate the muscle and skin of their victims similar to how a hook does to a fish when a fish bites down on it to get the worm.

They are able to leap between 5 to 14ft as well as most of the time, they are able to land lightly on their paws due to their light-weight and masculine stature. Their eyes tend to be of every shape, size, and color. The most common hues are white, black, yellow, orange, and red. Their eyes tend to flare and illuminate in the dark and shimmer when in the light, giving them the advantage of a great observer. Their overall visional can be considered quite impressive due to the fact their pupils are able to shift in position more rapid than that of a regular canid, giving them the ability to capture, memorize, and decipher every little detail around the province they are in.

When it comes to the length of their pelts, their hide is normally short in length. Since they are nomadic, over time the thickness of their hide will adapt to the environment they mainly linger around. An example being if they are to mainly hang in South Pole, their pelts with gradually adapt to become thicker in order to suppress the nipping chill or if they were to linger more around a sunlit place, like Cape of Distant Worlds, their pelts will gradually become thinner to withstand the heat. Like most canids, the Creux family does bestow manes upon their heads as well as tufts upon their bodies. A Creux can live up to 13 years of age.

A Creux's most distinctive feature would be the skull that makes up either part or the whole of it's head. The skull is considered the heart of the Creux due to if the skull is cracked in any way, seething agony will seer through a Creux's veins in a tormenting manner. As well as if the skull is shattered or taken off completely, the Creux will instantly die. Though doing such a tactic is rather difficult unless the Creux is disabled or weakened.

The Creux family tends to inherit all the hues of your regular canid when it comes to pelt color. However, their markings as well as their skull can be of any color, even vibrant. Though, usually they are labeled as semi-realistic when it comes to appearances.

The Creux tend to be rather hostile and ruthless when it comes to interlopers and strangers. However, they bestow more tolerance when it comes to their family members. Naturally, they all tend to bestow some sort of malice within their personas yet their overall personality is a wide variety.

When they feel threatened, often they won't hesitate in the tendency to cause harm towards the one causing the threat. Yet, some of the Creux have more self-control than others.

The way they communicate can become eerie to those outside of the family for their vocaloids mimics that of a snake's hiss. Always bestowing a spine chilling depiction, similar to a demented whisper, within their howls, yips, growls, and barks. Almost as if the whisper of promising death is tainted into their native tongue.

The family's mating season is generally held in the month of October. Like other canids, the males will often challenge each other for the right to mate. Though, once a female and a male Creux are paired, they will become mates for life. Generally, those who bestow a number within the family have it easy in the pecking order than those who do not bestow a number.

The females tend to only give birth to small litters of around 1-3 pups each year. The Creux family is known to be able to reproduce with those outside of the family though such an act is quite rare due to their lack of trust towards strangers as well as most outsiders don't often tolerate their hostile personalities.

Even though the Creux is considered a family, they aren't related by blood. They are a banded group of a single species trying to survive in this wretched world of FeralHeart.

The Creux family tends to consume any morsel they can lay their paws on. Whether it be the usual elk, deer, rabbits, birds, or even other canine/feline species that have trekked a bit too near to the family during one of their hunts. However, they have a strict rule never to perform the act of cannibalism nor the consumption of other canine species unless it is absolutely necessary such as the brink of famine.

Yet, it isn't unusual for sudden attacks upon an outsider to be taking place for the Creux tend to be rather protective of their family as well as their overall identity and will protect what they care for no matter the costs.

Images/screenshots of the Creux


The images in this post do not belong to me. They were drawn by some close friends of mine who also bestow a Creux character.

Any questions?
« Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 10:22:06 pm by Vespian »

Offline Vespian

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Re: The Creux [WIP]
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2013, 04:45:20 am »
How to become a Creux

So, you wish to become a Creux? Well, merely follow these steps and we'll see if you have what it takes to be a part of the family.

The family isn't lead solely by one single Creux. It is led by those who bestow a number. Therefore, if you are to see one of these members and seek entry, feel free to approach them either in-character or out-of-character, your decision, and introduce yourself as well as ask for permission to join their bloodline. It'll then be the choices you make, the way you act, as well as the Creux's mood that'll determine if you'll get any further in the recruiting.

If you are lucky, the Creux will be in the mood to aid you in becoming part of the family. Thus, you will need to show the Creux what you can do when it comes to skills. This can be done through a spar. It is recommended that you do this via Local chat only though you will have the choice of performing the spar either in publicity or somewhere more recluse. The choice is yours.

If you successfully have what it takes when it comes to skills, or experience, you'll be labeled as a Newblood. When this happens, you won't technically become a Creux just yet. You must prove your loyalty to the family. For three days, you will remain as a Newblood until the time comes for you to find your soul animal, the time where you'll officially sign off on your death sentence.

Once your soul animal is found, the way to determine if it's your actual soul animal is how it acts when you attack it. If your soul animal is a herbivore, when you attack, the animal mustn't even flinch nor run away. It will stay and fight, attempting to slaughter you right on the spot. If it's a carnivore, the animal must run without hesitation. Though, you must pursue and attack it until it decides to fight out of defense. If it's an omnivore, then the results can go both ways, either or. All in all, once you have found your soul animal and engaged in battle, you will be tested by mother nature herself. The trick is killing your soul animal yet allowing it to kill you as well, thus you and your soul animal will die on the same day, the same time, the same moment. In return, a deal will be formed, allowing you to return as no longer a canid, but a Creux. The skull of your soul animal will be worn on your head at all times, never to be taken off else wishing to seek a rapid death. However, if you are to die during the battle with your soul animal, then it is certain the first Creux, whom is viewed as mother nature by the other Creux family members, views you not worthy to become one of them. Thus, your soul will move on like any other's would.

The Creux's main depiction would be the skulls they always wear upon their heads. The skull either makes up part or the whole of their head. If these skulls are cracked, immense pain will surge throughout the Creux in agonizing torment. If the skull is either shattered or removed, the Creux will instantly die. The reason for this is the skull doesn't belong to the Creux themselves. It is the skull of their soul animal, a token of the eternal bond they share with the bindings of nature itself as well as the first Creux. They have traded their very life in order to become a Creux, an enhanced being of nature, either through hatred, seeking of revenge, despair, etc., and the skulls are the very chains that keep the deal in order. If the skull is removed, so is the deal of the trade, and thus the soul of the Creux will be swept away into nothingness, trapped in the void of darkness never to cross into reincarnation only to wither away and cease to exist. In order to become a Creux, you must find your soul animal. The animal can be any casual animal you come across, even another of the canine species though it's rare. However, the trick is, actually finding your soul animal. Often times, it'll take a Newblood days on end of hunting to finally find its soul animal due to the animal pretty much looks like any other regular animal as well as the animal can be of any particular species.


Not every individual who wishes to become a Creux has to go through this process. Some Creux are born a Creux. This is merely a guideline for those who are mortal yet wish to become something more.

With that being said, anyone is welcome to become a Creux. As long as the species is credited to me. If I find out there are members taking my species for granted and posing around stating that they made it up entirely themselves, well then I won't be a happy Vespian. Members are also welcome to create groups and other establishments for the species.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 10:21:37 pm by Vespian »

Offline Vespian

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Re: The Creux [WIP]
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2013, 04:47:14 am »
Additional Information

The First Creux
The first Creux is an unknown entity that often dwelt deep within' the precipice of boggy and usually uninhabited areas. Normally, it would manifest at the presence of decay and carnage, only to feast upon the dying soul before retreating back into the bog. Little was known about it, as well as it's existence. Though one fact is clear, it is both the mother and the father of the Creux species. It's aspect was Death itself, for it could not die. It's number being Zero, for all who came in contact with it would meet their gruesome demise. Even today, it dwells with the Creux species, woven into their memories and their souls. However, it is neither god or demon, but a banished spirit left to wander throughout the darkness that taints the Creux's natural territory. The bog.

Through this creature, the thirteen aspects was created. Each aspect a piece of it's own self. With that, those who are granted an aspect are considered the followers and bestow a piece of the creature's own subconscious. However, being the deity of the Creux, it is not worshiped, but rather viewed as the parents of the Creux species and their protector.

The Skull
The skull plays an important role in the Creux bloodline. It is the sole item that keeps the Creux family members bonded with their specific soul animal. Without it, the Creux would be no longer. However, while some of the members' entire head consists of their skull, others only bestow either part or a quarter of the skull.

No matter how much marrow they wear, the same consequence applies to all of the Creux. When/if the skull is to be removed, that particular Creux will die on the spot. If the skull is cracked, the Creux will be put under severe pain and will generally be vulnerable to any following attacks from it's opponent for a matter of minutes. Therefor, the Creux are generally protective of their skulls and will do all that they can to avoid having to take damage upon them. Some family members even stitch their skulls to their own heads and while it is agonizingly painful, it aids in the prevention of having their skull removed during battle.

The Aspects
I - Solitude
II - Senescence
III - Sacrifice (Carrownah)
IV - Emptiness
V - Despair (Dishonored; Me)
VI - Destruction (Volaticus)
VII - Intoxication
VIII - Madness
IX - Greed
X - Pride
XI - Lust
XII - Envy
XIII - Rage (CheshireWolf97)

Purpose of the Soul Animal
Like the skull, the soul animal also plays a big role in the existence of the Creux species. Without a soul animal, the Creux would be regular canids. It is believed that the soul animal is in fact a deceased soul of a former Creux and similar to how a dog can always find it's way home, the former Creux, now reincarnated as a soul animal, soon always returns to it's own home, it's family, as well in an endless cycle. It is believed throughout the family that soul animals are servants of the first Creux in mortal forms, so the opportunity of being reincarnated as one is believed to be a blessing granted by the first Creux itself in order to serve by it's side and grant the Creux family eternal balance and tranquility. There is no known way on how an individual outside of the family can possibly kill a Creux's soul animal unless they are to become a Creux themselves.

Afterlife Theory
Unlike most other species, the Creux do not go to heaven nor hell once their time has come to an end. Instead, it is believed that at the time of their death, the deceased individual's soul is approached by the first Creux as it is still bound to the earth. If the individual is deemed as someone who has served the family faithfully, it's dying soul will become one with it's soul animal. Thus, the Creux will become reincarnated as it's soul animal and live another life. However, this does not come without a catch. Once the Creux is reincarnated, it will no longer be a Creux, but instead a soul animal. It will have no memory of it's life within the family. That individual will be just another animal. However, it is possible for the reincarnated individual to return to the family, only as another Creux's soul animal.

If an individual has served the family unfaithfully, continuous acts of savagery, or treachery, the Creux will not have the opportunity to be reincarnated. Upon the first Creux's approach, the creature will force the Creux's soul to be crushed into the earth. In being submerged into the ground they once stood, the nature surrounding them will utilize both the Creux's and animal's soul essence for its own purpose, withering them away into nothingness.


Rules in being a Creux

- To those who bestow an aspect, be sure to wear your assigned number (V, XI, XIII, etc.) somewhere on your body at all times. (This can be due to a scar one of the other aspects gave you during your ceremony in obtaining an aspect or even a tattoo. If needed be, you can imagine the mark but make sure you mention it while role-playing at least if it comes to that. If you have a preset, well then please be sure to add that mark to your character.)
- Look like a Creux once you are no longer a Newblood. (Meaning that you must wear a skull at all times. Both on your preset, if you have one, and on your default look. There will be no skulless Creux.)
- Look at least semi-realistic but act realistic. (Even though we are technically fantasy-based, it is our species that makes us seem unrealistic, not by how our characters look and act. Therefor, you must act like a real canid would in real life. When it comes to appearances, at least look semi-realistic.)
- Wear the family's assigned aspect tag in your name. (This is only for those who bestow an aspect. An example being: Malus I, Vladimir XIII, Dorian III, etc. This is so those who don't bestow an aspect yet are a Creux can more easily tell each other apart.)
- Only one Creux can bestow each aspect. No more than that.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 08:50:52 am by Vespian »

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Re: The Creux [WIP]
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2013, 12:29:55 pm »
Amazing and detailed species Vespian!
Very interesting c:

Thus, they roam often and you won't find them in one particular place for long.
Hmm... no wonder I still haven't seen you in game yet...


Preset Download
Will be less active until October 7th.

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Re: The Creux [WIP]
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2013, 04:48:09 pm »
Are they an open species?
Take me, I am not afraid

Offline Vespian

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Re: The Creux [WIP]
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2013, 09:16:50 pm »
Are they an open species?

With that being said, anyone is welcome to become a Creux. As long as the species is credited to me. If I find out there are members taking my species for granted and posing around stating that they made it up entirely themselves, well then I won't be a happy Vespian. Members are also welcome to create groups and other establishments for the species.

Yes, they certainly are. Feel free to make a Creux species if you so wish.

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Re: The Creux
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2013, 02:33:20 pm »
The creux are a very creative species you put together, Vespian. I really like the story behind the species and their purpose in existence. Very well done and I would like to see them catch on. ~   
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