Author Topic: Hacking?  (Read 172437 times)

Offline Harkan

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #120 on: November 28, 2015, 04:07:16 am »
"Blueh~Chan" found our "hackers"
Not sure if this is correct but the hackers ARE:
They said this:
"The only reason we're doing this is because we simply hate the -content removed by moderator- staff. We have no personal grudge against the game and have never been banned! <3"

Blueh said this to me on Skype.
I don't see how the staff is "-content removed by moderator-", the FH staff is perfectly fine.

Ah I can answer, though I don't agree.
Much of the time since there are so many players and so few staff, responses can be slightly slow or reactions to mass spam, cursing, etc. violations to rules may not happen instantly.

On another note, many are angry with the creator of the game for a lack of updates. They often take it out on the staff, saying they should do better and take control themselves.

My personal opinion is they are doing the very, very best they can, and if they do that, it is enough for me.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 05:51:24 pm by warriorstrike »

Offline oliveyeen

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #121 on: November 28, 2015, 04:08:31 am »
My exact reaction was cursing.
Seeing that made me so pissed
How the flipping heck is the staff -content removed by moderator-?
I mean I heard rumors of the staff being shitty and rude and stuff,But i ignore them a lot.
The staff is well known to treat us well.I would LOVE to see them be the staff for a month or a year.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 04:40:30 am by warriorstrike »

hyenas are so underrated LOL.

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #122 on: November 28, 2015, 04:09:36 am »
What I want to know is why they dragged MR and CS through the mud as well when they hacked. I don't think this is only against FH.

Offline Harkan

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #123 on: November 28, 2015, 04:11:39 am »
What I want to know is why they dragged MR and CS through the mud as well when they hacked. I don't think this is only against FH.

Perhaps they dislike something and are using this as a cover? I don't know. Perhaps it is a personal beef with the game's mods and admins?

Offline Daimondrose

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #124 on: November 28, 2015, 04:13:16 am »
evil never wins! i got all hope FH WILL be back

(c) sigyrn

Offline Skullfrost

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #125 on: November 28, 2015, 04:13:57 am »
Honestly that's what I think. I don't think this is truly against FH entirely. I seriously think that the ones behind this are someone with a vendetta against me/Moonrise and CS. Because honestly, the main thing they did was spam my site link, as well as acting as if they were sent from CS.

Offline Harkan

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #126 on: November 28, 2015, 04:16:38 am »
Honestly that's what I think. I don't think this is truly against FH entirely. I seriously think that the ones behind this are someone with a vendetta against me/Moonrise and CS. Because honestly, the main thing they did was spam my site link, as well as acting as if they were sent from CS.

Oh dear. That really sounds as if they are trying to crush the infrastructure and trust in the game. Think of this: Since the servers are down, some that do not use forums will think for sure that the game has 'died' as many have feared. This loses trust with the admins and mods, yes? Therefore there are less players, and less revenue from the adds on this site. This would, in turn, ACTUALLY kill the game.

Offline AbyssalRadiance

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #127 on: November 28, 2015, 04:17:50 am »
I've noticed quite a few interesting patterns...there was once a time where a person (or team) made it their sole MISSION to hack and destroy every furry website possible, and they messed up quite a bit of the famous ones.
Not too long ago, Dragon's Den and Azoptaos were hacked. Wolf Soul was hacked more than once, back when I still played it. The common theme I keep seeing here is the way the "hacking" goes...Either the game, the forum, or both get shut down and messed with and the people responsible either don't say a word but act in ways that make their presence obvious...or we have these Tumblr idiots blowing up a storm...The thing is, I think the reasoning behind this is that once an opening is found through sites or games that people think will be prime victims, they get almost a power rush...They feel "awesome" or cool or special that they have this "power" to dismantle something hundreds of people dearly care for. 99% of the time, they have NO real motive other than to cause trouble and to get attention..and that's all they are - attention-seekers. They don't care what the members of a site/game will do in reaction..if anything, they WANT panic and sadness because negativity gets more attention, and guess what - that's what they want.
These people were either extremely bored or insecure in their own pathetic existence..seeing by their Tumblr posts, it's clear there is NO reason for their actions other than to make fools of themselves. They respond like trolls - it's like talking to a brick wall. They will never calmly respond in a mature manner because not giving any answers, or giving flat ones that fall through, are "funnier" for them.

It sucks that none of us can play tonight, I can say that...but we all need to understand the PSYCHOLOGY behind this. The more attention we give this, the more power these "hackers" get.
And the funny thing...when people say they "hack" things in today's world..most often, it's just that they found a password to something they shouldn't have.

I hope that the staff are doing okay and not too stress over this..many of us are not technically making the situation better. All we can do is analyze, understand the psychology, and wait it out.

Offline Harkan

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #128 on: November 28, 2015, 04:20:14 am »
Abyssal is right.. The mods have promised the server's return. So really no damage is done. But unless we plug the hole correctly, the boat will sink again..

Offline zRichtofen

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #129 on: November 28, 2015, 04:21:34 am »
I hope it doesn't end up like some other old games did. In around Christmas of 2014, Lizard Squad shut down the Xbox servers and I couldn't play COD that week.

I can wait a month, but I hope the game doesn't get to the point where its finally dead.

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