Author Topic: Hacking?  (Read 172437 times)

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #140 on: November 28, 2015, 04:41:12 am »
I don't have the IPs because the FH staff won't respond to me and give me the necessary information. There's nothing I can do until the FH staff get back to me. I've done all I can so far.
I believe several staffers have responded to you this evening, from what I am told. You are asking for very personal information from us, when we're still trying to recover and re-work around quite a little shake-up; It only happened less than 24 hours ago. We can't make promises that we'll have the answer to everybody's questions in the greatest detail at the end of the day, but if we are able to help give a heads-up to any other gaming communities, we must first get our own matters in line before we can do this.
Bear with us for a little while. It'll be alright.

Also, AbyssalRadiance had a great post up there about the hackers in general. They be trollz. Sit tight, Raz works his magic, and we'll be fine. No need to fret over them or give them your attention from the general community. They don't deserve such, no? :p

This is news to me. I haven't gotten a single response PM from any staff members yet.

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #141 on: November 28, 2015, 04:41:47 am »
I've noticed quite a few interesting patterns...there was once a time where a person (or team) made it their sole MISSION to hack and destroy every furry website possible, and they messed up quite a bit of the famous ones.
Not too long ago, Dragon's Den and Azoptaos were hacked. Wolf Soul was hacked more than once, back when I still played it. The common theme I keep seeing here is the way the "hacking" goes...Either the game, the forum, or both get shut down and messed with and the people responsible either don't say a word but act in ways that make their presence obvious...or we have these Tumblr idiots blowing up a storm...The thing is, I think the reasoning behind this is that once an opening is found through sites or games that people think will be prime victims, they get almost a power rush...They feel "awesome" or cool or special that they have this "power" to dismantle something hundreds of people dearly care for. 99% of the time, they have NO real motive other than to cause trouble and to get attention..and that's all they are - attention-seekers. They don't care what the members of a site/game will do in reaction..if anything, they WANT panic and sadness because negativity gets more attention, and guess what - that's what they want.
These people were either extremely bored or insecure in their own pathetic existence..seeing by their Tumblr posts, it's clear there is NO reason for their actions other than to make fools of themselves. They respond like trolls - it's like talking to a brick wall. They will never calmly respond in a mature manner because not giving any answers, or giving flat ones that fall through, are "funnier" for them.

It sucks that none of us can play tonight, I can say that...but we all need to understand the PSYCHOLOGY behind this. The more attention we give this, the more power these "hackers" get.
And the funny thing...when people say they "hack" things in today's world..most often, it's just that they found a password to something they shouldn't have.

I hope that the staff are doing okay and not too stress over this..many of us are not technically making the situation better. All we can do is analyze, understand the psychology, and wait it out.

You know, you actually have a really good point here.
Sometimes people don't need a legit reason to cause trouble like this on a game website or forums other than to just cause panic and chaos among members. These "hackers" more than likely dragged similar games into this like Moonrise and Ceral Soup to spread the chaos further, and make members of each community start pointing fingers as to who is responsible. "The hackers mentioned Moonrise and Ceral Soup. Therefore they must be behind this!" That's what they want us to think.
Whether this whole hacking mess is because the hackers are doing this for no reason but to cause trouble among the different animal MMO games, for a "revenge" mission against the FH staff, or something else, we may not truly know. The best we can do is not give them anymore attention, and get this sorted out.

Ima agree, the "hackers" must of wanted to spread the chaos further by framing CS & Moonrise. I suppose the hackers wanted to make it spread and make the community fall apart.

Like the members said, lets stay calm and strong, this ain't the first time this happened. :D I was in FP and the MOD account say to log off due to a hacker, so I got off right away. i was scared half to death.
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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #142 on: November 28, 2015, 04:45:47 am »
The staff got this hacking problem. But I remember thinking my account was hacked I was in freak out mode XD I was up all night like get off my account but it was my friend who did something and could make it look like I said something XDDD. I put a thread talking about this just to encourage both staff and those effected by this issue. But I want to say GO STAFF YOU GOT THIS! -begins cheering-
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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #143 on: November 28, 2015, 04:47:39 am »
Just going to say this; this thread isn't meant as a chat thread, it was meant as an announcement.

With all do respect, Hooli, but I think if this thread was not meant for discussion, Raz, or the moderators, would have locked it to prevent any discussion here. You're right when you say we should not be pointing fingers, making accusations, and assumptions about all this, and we should let the staff handle this situation. However, I think this thread was put here for the members to express their feelings on the situation. So far, it doesn't look like the thread has gotten out of hand. People are just discussing what they witnessed in the game, informing uninformed members of what happened, what they have found on other sites that might help the staff figure this out, showing their support for the game, and having optimistic thoughts that the moderators will fix this. If this topic does get out of hand or off topic, a moderator will lock it up.

I will say that I hope this problem will get resolved quickly to where we can all carry on with our fun in the community. We just need to be patient and hope for the best.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 04:55:40 am by Lady_Alizarin »

Offline Skullfrost

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #144 on: November 28, 2015, 04:52:26 am »
WhiteLight, if what you said is true and the staff have in fact been responding, then I don't think my inbox is working properly. If that is the case, do you think I could add some of you guys on Skype to talk?

If the answer is yes, but no one wants their skype posted entirely publically, just message me via Tumblr privately.


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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #145 on: November 28, 2015, 04:58:32 am »
The server being shut down, I bet the hackers feel like thay have accomplished something. I feel like they should open back up the servers. And keep them up, to prove to them that we don't care, that we will always stand strong no matter what they do. Continue back into our normal patterns.

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #146 on: November 28, 2015, 05:06:47 am »
This is one of the many reasons Feral Heart needs to be updated.
Glitches aside because some of them are just down right hilarious to watch such as your tongue coming out of your forehead. From what I've heard from other people with the right amount of training in the hacking field the servers and all of our accounts are just an easy trip to Chuck-E-Cheese for these people. I get that updating things can be hard but I feel as if it is a personal duty to further improve security. I am willing to donate money if that is what is required to make this possible.

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #147 on: November 28, 2015, 05:19:46 am »
This is one of the many reasons Feral Heart needs to be updated.
I don't think the staff can update the game, though; they don't have the source code. Only Kov does, and... I don't know what he's up to these days or why he hasn't given the source code to the staff.
Check out Myatar Legends! It's an IT server with a diverse choice of character models [including gryphon options], separate marking and eye colors, horns/antlers... Just take a look for yourself!

Offline Viirsahvot

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #148 on: November 28, 2015, 05:35:00 am »
I just feel really bad for the Admins and Mods trying to get this all situated, they have so much stress on them. Good thing we floofs got their backs when they need it. ^^

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Offline AbyssalRadiance

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #149 on: November 28, 2015, 05:36:01 am »
Just going to say this; this thread isn't meant as a chat thread, it was meant as an announcement. As NegativeTen said, everyone should just calm down, stop pointing fingers, and don't assume anything until the staff has figured this all out. There is no need to be scared about anything, FeralHeart is not going anywhere, it will be back soon. The staff members will fix this, we as a community have to be patient and need to help the staff by not causing anymore problems or drama so they can focus on the task at hand.

As someone else said, if the thread was meant to be nothing if not discussion, it would be locked.
I think most of us understand the importance of the matter at hand. I know I myself understand how this all works and the amount of work it takes to go through and fix things. You are correct in that patience is needed. I myself said how we all need to wait things out..repeating general "this sucks" comments, like some are doing, doesn't do much to help the staff, or reassure them that we are understanding of their tough situation.

I believe several staffers have responded to you this evening, from what I am told. You are asking for very personal information from us, when we're still trying to recover and re-work around quite a little shake-up; It only happened less than 24 hours ago. We can't make promises that we'll have the answer to everybody's questions in the greatest detail at the end of the day, but if we are able to help give a heads-up to any other gaming communities, we must first get our own matters in line before we can do this.
Bear with us for a little while. It'll be alright.

Also, AbyssalRadiance had a great post up there about the hackers in general. They be trollz. Sit tight, Raz works his magic, and we'll be fine. No need to fret over them or give them your attention from the general community. They don't deserve such, no? :p

I reiterate what I said above, to further White's response.. Patience, analysis, and understanding is what's needed here, not panic and worry. As someone else said, these "hackers" did not get the kind of information some people are fearing. It is very unlikely FH will be killed due to this. I can understand how some younger/newer/more immature/misunderstanding players may be scared as something like this is rare, and trust me when I say we're ALL confused as to why such an innocent community has been attacked..but we all need to let the staff chill and do what needs to be done. What also must be remembered, everyone, that the staff are ADULTS; they have real lives outside of the game. While they CARE about the game, they will not drop their friends/families/obligations for it. This will take time and the sooner we all relax and find something else to do or something else to play, the better this situation will fly.