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Messages - Nephrite

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I think this would be cool! I think it was mentioned somewhere that the next patch would have a snowy map in it, but I’d love to see some of the older ones like Flourite Plains and Ascension return! I think it would be cool to see Atlantis and Kiwimbi combined, as there wasn’t much in Atlantis itself to be interesting, but perhaps having another element to Kiwimbi would attract more people there?

I’d also love to see a predominantly forest map somewhere. I think a forest/mountain map would be incredible! However the new patch goes though, I’m super excited for it and know that the FH creators are working very hard on it. <3

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a Member of the Season posts!
« on: September 14, 2018, 06:49:16 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Post Your Mood With A GIF
« on: September 14, 2018, 05:35:15 pm »

how im tryna be but its 90° here please help

runs to pm you omg

You guys are so kind?? And I definitely wouldn't let it conflict with the official FH party! I don't think they're released an official date yet but I don't think it will be on a Sunday either. But we'll see!

Screenshots / Re: Peek a boo!
« on: September 14, 2018, 04:32:35 am »
quack quack

Game Discussion / Re: Roleplaying in Party or Group
« on: September 14, 2018, 04:26:21 am »
Local!! I like being able to see roleplays going on, even if I’m not directly involved, and I think it’s more “realistic” in a way because onlookers can see what’s going on. I like to use Group for OOC chats and Whisper for 1 on 1 conversations.

Thank you so much! I’m glad people like it~

Game Discussion / Re: Do Politics Belong in Feral Heart?
« on: September 13, 2018, 03:45:00 pm »
I think conversation about political beliefs are important to have in general (especially since most of FH users are younger) because it’s imprtant for people to discuss the issues that mean the most to them and raise awareness of those things while hearing the logic and reason behind the other side, which helps people get a more objective and omniscient perspective in politics, which is especially good in American politics because things are so polar here. And if FeralHeart is the platform in which people can have these discussions, I think that’s okay!!

However, I definitely don’t hunk this is the place to have political debates. I think civil discussions can be very educating to the younger members of FeralHeart, but if it escalates to the point where discussions are getting too heated, nothing is being accomplished by these conversations and are most likely creating a toxic environment for other users.

So I think it’s important for people to have educated conversations on issues that mean a lot to them, but having arguments don’t accomplish anything and ruin the game for other users. FeralHeart is meant to be fun and put people in a different world completely (in which some would like to escape human politics), but also provides a unique opportunity to converse with people from different parts of the world with different points of view.

Thank you both so much! ;u;

So I've had ideas in the running for a Halloween map for a few years now, and I finally decided to let my imagination manifest!!
This is actually my first real map, and I'm really excited to see it complete! I began working on it only a few days ago, and I'm about halfway done, I think?

I'd love to host a Halloween party on this map in October!
The map wouldn't be available to download until then, in that case, because I'd like everyone to explore the map and discover all of its secrets together! Thinking about the Sunday before Halloween, which I think is the 28th. Please let me know if you would be interested and if that would be a good day for you! :0

Now onto the cool stuff:

It's still a work in progress, but the spoopy portion of the map is complete!
One part of the map will be Spooky Halloween and the other will have a general autumn vibe, which I'm still working on! And then ofc in the middle is a haunted house!! :0

I'd love to get some feedback on it!! I'm also open to ideas for the other portion of the map bc its kinda hard to come up with a bunch of "autumn" related things,,,,,
(also if anyone has a scarecrow or turkey mesh id cry)

Finally finished the second half of the map!! I'm very excited to release the map for you all to enjoy, but for now here are some teasers c;

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