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Topics - Ruxton

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Putting text on signs in Object Creator.
« on: July 31, 2019, 06:12:23 pm »
Hello, I'm Ruxton. I am a novice map creator and, when I was creating a map, I saw the default sign was empty or blank.
So, I thought I'd try to put text on the sign by copying the original material for it, and editing it in Medibang (I don't use GIMP.)
I tried changing the mesh name to my new designed sign but, it didn't work.

Is there a better way to do it? Or is it not possible to do it like that?

Thank you for your patience :)

Praise / Praising Someone Special
« on: February 26, 2019, 08:35:29 am »
Since this board is about praising someone I thought I'd praise someone not only for the sake of it, but because of how nice they were to welcome me. And notice I like roleplaying.

They're known as, Notorious. And by golly, you cannot deny that is arguably a neat name I'll say. So if you see them, go ahead and give em a smile! I know I always will~

God bless Notorious, that you have an amazing day! And that everything will go for the best ahead.

Introduction / Introducing Myself!
« on: February 24, 2019, 12:17:35 pm »
Hello there! I'm afraid I haven't properly introduced myself, but now I can. I am Ruxton, a not-so new user here but I am new to the fourms. I really like to roleplay alot, and I am a nice person too so, if you bump into me, go ahead and stay to converse with me.

Sorry for the small introduction but, I am getting used to this forum. Once again, I don't bite. :D

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