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Topics - Wyldercat

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Member Bio & Journals / About Scuttle |UPDATED 6/6/16|
« on: September 06, 2014, 04:31:42 pm »
Scuttle's Bio

'Ello, and welcome to my bio! My name is Liz, though most refer to me as my site name, Scuttle. I'm female, bisexual and have a slightly more masculine expression. I'm currently attending highschool, and my birthday is December 28th. I love art, animation, computer games (and making them!), music, animals and fantasy! I'm pretty shy, admittedly, and I can get socially anxious or awkward, but don't be afraid to come and chat if ye catch me online! I take friendship very seriously, and it can take a lot for me to trust people, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy talking to friendly fluffs!

I also play the trumpet and LOVE music. I'm on my headphones whenever I can, and even in Skype calls, I'm listening to something in the background. Some favorite music groups include Avey Tare, Caravan Palace, Streetlight Manifesto, Mariana's Trench and Fall Out Boy.

Science (Especially biology)
Anything creepy and or mysterious
Riddles and Puzzles
Being with my friends and family
Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on Titan)
Gravity Falls
League of Legends
Risk (classic board game, and my favorite activity ever)
The colors marine and sandy combined
Big Bang Theory
Star vs. The Forces of Evil
Playing/Listening to music

Loud eating noises (tied into psychology but let's not get into that)
Ignorant people
Wearing skirts/dresses/dress shoes
Essays and excessive writing
Being cold
The ocean

Common Characters

Other Places
DeviantArt: TwistedLizard
League of Legends: ScuttleFeet
Steam: Draconian Trashpit
*Skype is not given publicly, but yes, I have it.*

Leaving / School... 'Nuff Said.
« on: September 05, 2014, 08:31:47 pm »
Oi! Two days of school and already so little free time. Well, anyway. I'm finally in the 8th grade... but with all the fun and learning and being the "big kids" of the school... it also takes up a lot of time. All the regents an' stuff... homework... needy teachers... Well anyway, I have some time now, but the ball's gonna start rollin' in a few days, which means more homework, so starting in a few days, I'm going to be really busy. I won't be in game as much, but I should still have time for the forum.

So... yeah. I'll probably be able to come on Fridays and weekends, and I'll have lots more time when my brain starts working again and I'm able to do homework faster. This will probably happen again in the spring, with SHSAT's and State Mandated crap testing, but hey, ya never know.

Well, for all my buddies, sorry 'bout me not being online.

Site/Forum Help / Gifs in Posts
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:50:52 am »
This is kinda a follow up question to my pictures thread... and a two parter. One on gif's and the other on alternate ways to upload pics.

1. Is there a way to get gif's off the internet and put them in my posts without using a site like Gifsoup?
2. Is there an easier way to get pictures off the internet and put them directly in my posts without using Tinypic?

Thank you, all help is appreciated.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Mane Ideas
« on: September 02, 2014, 11:49:48 pm »
Well, lately I've been thinking, and wouldn't it be cool if wolves can have all the same manes as felines and vice versa? I've always wanted to five my wolf a full mane... and I honestly don't like a lot of the feline manes. I know that the game can't be edited much now, since the source code belongs to Kovu, who is seemingly nonexistent, but it would be cool if this could happen. Of course, it takes a wile to create anything in a game, but I personally think it would be cool. Half and full manes for wolves.
Flame and Eyecover for felines.

So what do you guys think about this?

Game Discussion / Creepy Pastas
« on: September 02, 2014, 11:17:50 pm »
Well, I've been looking around lately, and I've been seeing a lot of Creepy Pasta characters... and I mean a LOT. And most of them aren't even real ones. For example, I've seen so many "<insert overused character name here> The Killer" or Demon Slender Dog. I mean, with so many psychopathic killers, it's just chaos. Most of the people who roleplay them haven't even READ the Pasta! I currently don't roleplay Creepy Pastas, but if I was going to start, I would do one of the less popular, but still just as good ones. Anyway, what do you think about "Creepy Pasta" characters?

Game Discussion / Craziest TLK Event
« on: August 29, 2014, 12:32:09 am »
It doesn't take a lot of experience to realize that some of The Lion King roleplays are pretty crazy. I mean, some of them are actually good roleplayers, but most are cray cray. Once, I saw an Evil Mufasa character, who was some kind of crazy doppleganger and stirred up some kind of blood feud between a bunch of cubs. I cried laughing. Well, here's what happened:

Some cubs were hanging out, when one of them (I'm going to call her S) started complaining to another cub (T) about how she loved him and she needed to be loved, etc. Suddenly, le wild Evil Mufasa appears and gives her one scratch. S then fainted, causing the healer (A) to come over and heal her. Then, S's arch enemy, (N) comes over and they start fighting, despite S being "injured." They started doing crazy attacks that cubs certainly could never pull off, and none of them seemed to be taking any damage. Meanwhile, S's eyes started to turn red, and N's were turning into slits. Both of them went into some demonic trance, losing complete control of their actions and trying to kill eachother and screaming. Then, A comes over and tells them that no one would be getting hurt on his watch, causing both S and N to stop and they start rationally talking about their feelings. The best part is, T was just sitting there the whole time, wondering what just happened.

So, what's the craziest thing you've seen TLKers do?

Character & Roleplay Tutorials / Lizzy's Guide to Realistic Demons
« on: August 28, 2014, 10:52:32 pm »
'Allo again, floofs! I've decided to make another tutorial... one on a topic even more desperate than Warrior Cats... Demons. Here's what I mostly see when it comes to demons:

Demons are one of the most popular characters you'll see around Feral Heart. I myself have a demon character. Unfortunately, most demons are the typical, pitch-black with red eyes kind of things (as shown above)... *takes out a flamethrower* and a lot of people like to go around killing things randomly... *fuels the ignition* and have god-powers since they are a demon... *torches le noob demons* Nope. Here's what's wrong with those:

1. They look more like Shades (it's like an evil shadowy entity)
2. Most demons don't attack unless they have a reason... weather it be reasonable or not.

Anyway, for all of you who want to make a good demon character, this is the place to be. I'm going to cover appearance and behavior, as well as powers in this guide. |WARNING: There will be satirical humor|

Now, the first thing that you'll notice about a character is their appearance. For those of you who think demons have pitch black fur, soaked with blood and red eyes, go sit in the time-out corner and come back to read this guide when your ready to apologize for what you have done. Anyway, it's pretty much the same categories as my Warrior Cats guide: pelt, markings and eyes.

Pelt: The basic starting point for any animal creation. You can use almost any color you want for this part... yes, even black. I wouldn't recommend using yellow or orange for the main pelt, but it's your choice. In my opinion, all shades of red (except neon), dark greens/blues, purples, white, all shades of grey and sometimes black make the best colors for demons.

Markings: This is where things get interesting. Now, any markings are acceptable for your character, so feel free to play around until you get an appearance you like. You COULD use the scar markings, but I personally think it's a bit stereotypical, and besides, this guide was meant to show you more creative ways of making demons, but it's your choice. As for the color of the markings, it should go with your main pelt in some way, whether it be blending or contrasting. IMPORTANT: If you chose a black pelt, I would not recommend using red... for the same reasons not to use the scar markings. White, light grey and green all look awesome on black.

Eyes: *stares into soul* IF YOU THINK YOU CAN GIVE A CHARACTER RED EYES AND MAKE IT A DEMON, YOUR GETTING A SWIFT WHACKING, MY FRIEND. Now, any type of eye will work, but I think the most demonic looking are any of the glow slits, all of the orbs, fire, oval and cross (if your looking for a freaky appearance). I recommend pale colors for eyes, but depending on your pelt color, white, grey or even pitch black eyes look pretty cool.

-Behavior and Powers-
I was originally planning to do 2 separate categories for these, but I decided to combine them, since I'm lazy.

Behavior: Now, let's get strait to the point here. DEMONS DO NOT GO AROUND, KILLING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT AND STEALING SOULS, AND PLAN TO DESTROY ALL LIFE. NOR ARE THEY INVINCIBLE. Glad that's out of the way.;) Anyway, most demons just go on with their lives, just like any other animal, mortal or not. |IMPORTANT: Not all demons are evil, some are actually neutral unless provoked in some way.| If your demon is going to be an evil character, don't make them destroy all life. I mean, come on. Let's be mature here. Most "evil" demons are irritable and arrogant, and are willing to take lives if annoyed or provoked. As for the good guys, they are similar to the evil demons, except they have mortal-like behavior when neutral, and would rather defeat their enemies than kill them (although they will kill if necessary). Personality, habitat, and everything else is up to you.

Powers: Powers are optional, but mostly everyone tends to use them. Pretty much any power will work, but be creative! Not all demons have fire powers. Now, the only limitation is to NOT BE OVERPOWERING. So, if your character has an unbreakable forcefield, insta-kill powers or are able to heal lethal wounds instantly, YOUR BETTER OFF ROLEPLAYING A MAGICAL EGG SHELL. And for fire/lightning/ice/etc. powers, don't abuse them either. So that means no instantaneous burning to ashes or completely frozen for eternity crap. I actually like lesser powers better. Otsana's powers include flight, short-term invisibility (no more than 10 seconds) and healing (but only minor wounds, and it is very strenuous and exhausting for her).

Well, that's all for today! I hope you all found this useful. I might make more guides in the future if I keep getting ideas and such (if you have any topic ideas, let me know below, I literally have no inspiration right now. :D) Anyway, enjoy your newly made demon and see you around.

Game Discussion / The Biggest and the Strongest
« on: August 25, 2014, 08:53:56 pm »
'Allo again, floofs. I just wanted to state my opinion on some roleplay character types. If you've read the title, you can probably infer that this is about big, strong, macho characters. Well, not exactly, but close.

I want to talk about how a lot of people make their characters perfect. It seems like nowadays a lot of people feel the need to be superior to other roleplayers. Weather they are the strongest, fastest, smartest wolf in the pack, or the greatest warrior who ever lived, blessed with mighty powers from Starclan. Now, there's nothing wrong with a skilled or special character... it's just how people make them FLAWLESS. Or how some people make their characters have those "special backstories that make their character better than yours." Is it me, or do a lot of warrior cats have those "Was born a rogue kit, abandoned, so killed family and became strong warrior" backstories? Now, back to the whole big, strong, fast thing. My fursona and main character, Astuzia, is very quick witted and agile, but not very strong. Everyone has flaws. It could be that they are incredibly strong, but also very sluggish, or they could be some awesome, jock, but he is not very smart. See? It's like a checks-and-balances kind of thing.

Well, thanks for listening to my crazy little opinion. Feel free to make the most over-the-top character you want... just don't forget to add flaws. And just keep this in mind: It's not a bad thing to lay low and create an average character.

Character & Roleplay Tutorials / Lizzy's Guide to Realistic Warrior Cats
« on: August 24, 2014, 10:18:33 pm »
'Allo, floofs! Lately I've been seeing some pretty crazy cats around Flourite, and since I'm a cat nerd (I read random articles about cats in my free time... And yes, I AM SANE... barely XD) I decided to make a little guide on how to be realistic with your cats. I'll try to make things as simple as possible, and I'll throw in some humor too. There may already be a few guides on Warriors, but here's my take on them floofeh fighters. I'll be covering appearance, naming and lastly, fighting. Hope you enjoy.  ;D

Everyone wants a good design for their cat, no? Well, sometimes it's hard to make an awesome, but realistic kitty. I'll try to cover most of the major points here, like colors, patterns, eyes and size.

1. Pelt Color: There's not really much here to discuss... most people are pretty realistic with colors. I do, however, want to point out that NO cat has neon pelts. Orange, or "ginger" cats are never neon. They can be a bright orange, but not so bright that It'll make people have seizures. As for blues, "blue cats" are almost never fully blue. Infact,t hey look more grey than blue. That's about it for colors.

2. Patterns: So, you go into your trusty character creator, and HOLY COW, THERES LIKE 59789 DIFFERENT PATTERNS! Not to worry, my friend, chances are, your cats won't need most of them. If your looking for a tabby, I'd recommend either one of the tigers, or maybe king cheetah for heavily striped cats. For spotted tabbies, I'd say king cheetah, cheetah or the leopards, and cub spots for light markings. I wouldn't recommend using jaguar, as it's spots are more... geometric. For patches and splotches, marble or splatter. Is you want point markings, such as Siamese or seal, leg stripes (either one), socks or Siamese will do. Now, the most important things I'm going to say here. First off, markings are usually a darker, or slightly lighter shade of the pelt color. NEVER will you see an orange cat with black or grey spots. And secondly, black cats can't have socks of any color except white. They can have dark grey flecks, faint stripes... NEVER socks or Siamese.

3. Eyes: Eyes are probably the easiest part. I would recommend any of the slit markings, except for glow (cause that's just creepy). Some breeds have rounder pupils, so normal, black or whole will work. For blind cats, there are blind eyes available. I wouldn't recommend using any of the orbs for blind cats... most blind cat's don't have clouded eyes (unless they have a disease that caused the blindness). Now, for colors. Most cats have green or yellow eyes. Amber is pretty common too, but not as much as green. Blue eyes mostly occur on cats with grey or white pelts, and are uncommon on cats with brown or orange pelts. IMPORTANT: It is 100% GENETICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for black cats to have blue eyes, even blind cats, unless they have white present on their pelts. Also, I would stay away from the neon colors... except for maybe light blue. That's about it here.

4. Size: |WARNING, MILD RANTING AHEAD| The most important thing I'm discussing... in fact, it's the size problem that made me make this guide anyway. Now, *pulls a rocking chair out of closet* STORY TIME! GATHER AROUND! Now, once upon a time, there was a dog named Erna. She was walking through the woods one day, when she was attacked by a warrior. The great tom had her easily pinned with one paw. Now you ask, how could a feral cat, of whom are ABOUT 10 INCHES ON AVERAGE, and weigh about 20 POUNDS, pin down a great 135lb wolfhound like Erna, the answer is simple. HE WAS AN USUALLY LARGE CAT WHO WAS GIVEN HIS MAGICAL, LION-LIKE SIZE BY STARCLAN! *kicks rocking chair into wall* Now hold up. Even ''unusually large cats'' are maybe a foot and a half at the shoulder. Yes. Even the biggest, strongest, most magical warrior in all the world. Even leaders. For warriors, I personally think that warrior cats should be maybe a few clicks under default. Even huge ones. NEVER should any warrior cat exceed default, under any circumstances.

One of the most important things for a warrior is his or her name. A good name SHOULD be relevant to their personality or appearance. There are 2 parts to this guide, prefixes and suffixes.

1. Prefixes: The prefix is the first word in the compound warrior names. Now, with the exceptions of rogues or loners who join a clan later in life, the cat's mother gives them the first part of the name directly after birth. Now, there's no way of telling the kit's personality or eye color from birth, so you can instantly eliminate Evilkit, Strongleaf and Greeneyes (not like any of those were good names anyway). Most kits are named for a distinct pattern or pelt color. For example, a dark brown tabby might go by the name Pinekit, or Barkkit, or a tortoishell with bold patches might be named Flowerkit. Also, chances are, queens (unless they were truly heartless and unfeeling) wouldn't name their kit Clawkit or Lostkit. I would recommend not using "overused words" such as Dark, Shadow, Mist, Fire, etc. IMPORTANT: Do NOT use words that cat's would be unfamiliar with. Cat's wouldn't be familiar with aligators or cobras, so don't use them. Also, mythical terms such as Dragon, Demon, Phoenix, Magic, Spirit and Angel should NEVER be used. Also, the words Star, Spirit and Moon are sacred to cats, and they are forbidden for using them in their names.

2. Suffixes: Suffixes are given by the leader when an apprentice becomes a warrior, but most people join clans as warriors, so you'll need to know about these. The suffix, unlike the prefix, usually reflects something distinct about the cat over time. So lets say your cat is very fast and agile. Some good suffixes for him would be -wing, -flight or -breeze. Or it could be important event that that cat experienced in which they become warriors or medicine cats. Leafpool earned her name this way, by discovering the Moon Pool. And be reasonable. You wouldn't have a caring medicine cat named Blazethorn. Also, be creative with your names. Not every name ends with -claw, -fang, or -pelt. Similarly to prefixes, don't use words that cats wouldn't know about.

The thing that makes a warrior is his skill. Most people, however, get a bit unrealistic with combat. The first thing I want to mention is that smart cats, even the fiercest warriors, won't look to start wars unless necessary. Even "evil" cats feel pain, and wouldn't want to risk injury in necessary battles. Now that that's out of the way, cats' fighting styles are pretty simple. Most of it consists of quick paw-lashes and small bites. Never will you see a cat do backflips or a spinning kick to the head. Simple. Now, for the ranty part.   ;) POWERS FROM STARCLAN?! YOUR KIDDING, RIGHT?! The only reason why Starclan would give powers to cats is if there was some great danger and was absolutely necessary. Same thing with prophecies. Signs are given to MEDICINE CATS whenever Starclan want's to hint at something important. And no, SIGNS ARE NOT HUGE FIREBALLS THAT EXPLODE IN SPIRITS, SPEAKING OF A HURRICANE THAT WILL KILLE VERYONE. Signs are usually something small, for example, if Starclan believes that a certain cat, lets name him Ravenfeather, should become deputy, the sign would consist of a raven's feather landing on the highrock (or some crap).

Well, hope you all enjoyed this. Hopefully new clans will read this guide and not make god-cats. Pardon my grammar and using "And" at the beginning of sentences. I might make some more guides about other popular roleplays, such as Lion Prides or Fox Sulks.

Species / The Wyldercat
« on: August 24, 2014, 03:28:09 am »
Greetings, floofs. Today I bring you a new creature, one I've been waiting to show you. Behold...
The WylderCat.

Wyldercats are unusual felines. They come in a large variety of shapes and sizes, varying on species and gender. They usually live alone, but some varieties are known to form small packs. There are 4 known species of Wyldercat.

-Striped Wyldercat-
Striped Wyldercats are the largest species of Wyldercat. As the name suggests, their pelts are marked with great black stripes, and they bare a slight resemblance to tigers. Their eye colors include many shades of green. Males are usually very large (full-size on the sliders except for weight) and bare great antlers, similar to those of a stag. Their pelts vary from gold to auburn. Females are usually slightly smaller than males, and still have antlers, but they are noticeably smaller. Pelt colors for the females vary from scarlet to a dark shade of crimson. They mate in monogamous pairs (mated for life), and cubs will remain with it's parents until their antlers grow in, signaling they have reached maturity (about 2 years). Littermates may stick together in a small pack for several months after dispersing, but will usually split by the time they are able to mate (3 years). They are wandering animals, with no set territory, although they will remain in one area when raising cubs. They are strong hunters, bringing down large prey such as deer.

-Spotted Wyldercat-
The spotted Wyldercat is a smaller variety (about halfway between default and maximum on sliders), with pelts baring complex variations of spots. They're pelts vary the most out of all species, presenting many patterns (pretty much any markings that include spots mainly spots). Similar to their larger cousins, they also bare antlers, although much smaller than those of the striped wyldercats. Males and females are generally the same, although males have slightly larger antlers. Pelt colors include orange (all shades), tan, medium brown, sandy and rarely, gray. Usually have yellow or orange eyes. Markings are usually a dark brown or black. They are mostly solitary, but small packs aren't unheard of. Cubs will remain with their mother for about of year. They are opportunistic feeders, eating whatever they can catch, and are very territorial.

-Mountain Wyldercat-
The smallest of all the species (no bigger than default), the mountain wyldercat inhabits cold areas and hillsides. Regardless of gender, they each bare a thick, lion-like mane... which is fully grown after about a year. Most have short, stubby tails, but there is a known mutation in which they will be longer. Instead of antlers, they have ungulate horns. Males have ram-like horns that curl back, while females have goat-like horns, which can either be straight or curly. Females are usually larger than males, unlike other felines. Pelts are usually light grey or pale brown, but whites and dark greys have occurred. Unlike the other species, whom are apex predators, they are frequently hunted by eagles. Although not technically predators, cougars, wolves and bears are known to kill them in skirmishes. They usually hunt small mammals, though they are sometimes able to kill small goats or deer fawns. They almost always live in packs, and feel much safer in larger numbers... loners never seem to survive long.

If you wish to create a Wyldercat, please either post below or whisper me in game (I'm usually hanging around Bonfire or Flourite). You only have to ask once, and can make pretty much as many as you want once given permission. No copying please, and have fun! Feel free to post what you think about these guys... I have a few more species ideas, and if I get positive feedback, I'll post some more.

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