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Messages - DimensionGal

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It's not much. (Probably because camstudio kept crashing when I shot footage more than 10 seconds long...)

But here, have this thing to stare at while I tidy things up with portals and glitches.


Status Update Jan 12: All of the maps have been tested and I'm setting off on trying to correct some issues that came up.

As I thought, if your computer is kind of bleh, you might not want to install the weather files. As pretty as they are, they are shown to crash people with lower-end computers. Just a heads up for when the maps come out.

Thanks, guys! <3

Game Help / Re: Max polygons in map maker?
« on: January 10, 2013, 09:37:03 pm »
What is the highest amount of polygons supported for feral heart and map maker for custom objects?
(the biggest amount that would be normally allowed in a map without causing too many problems)

I'm just wondering because I want to use a custom object in my map and it has quite some polygon count.. so I wanted to know what is the highest allowed in a map?

It honestly depends on your computer's processing power and graphics card.

Just be aware, if you use a laggy item in the map that it will probably lag for most other users as well.

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: Tangle's New MapPack WIP
« on: January 09, 2013, 02:07:21 am »
Been seeing a lot of these on tumblr, I  might just stalk this thread for a little bit.

Looks interesting, keep up the work.

Game Help / Re: A Very Easy Question...
« on: January 09, 2013, 12:29:53 am »
This is a fairly simple question, nothing much, but is it possible to texturize seperate portals?  Like one portal could have the texture of a screenie of Sky's Rim and another could have one of Temple of Dreams?



You could have a non-collision mesh with the picture on it just around the portal, if you're looking for that.

Otherwise you'd have to do what was said above, which is very complicated and involves modifying original game codes.

Game Discussion / Re: Anyone Notice This?
« on: January 08, 2013, 08:05:47 pm »
This is the mint marking when you sit down XD

it looks more like a palm tree but its still really close XD

As the marking's creator, *ahem* 420 420 420 420 420 420 420.

That aside, I was going for a mint plant.

Ya bunch of stoners. XD

News Archives / Re: December Update 23/12
« on: January 08, 2013, 07:40:55 pm »
Ah, so this was why I was missing one of my badges. Good to know it wasn't stolen! XD

Are you on your computer? (sorry stupid question, but it happens when I access FH from my wii)

Also try another browser. Plus this can happen if you clear your history

I'm on the computer I've been using for a year now, lol.

Also this started shortly after new year's. XD

I don't mean to toot my own horn, but this rp guide I made has been floating around the FH community for a while now. I slightly touch on the topic of literacy, but I don't think it's exactly fair to call-out people who want literate rps.

As far as literacy is concerned, I have participated in almost every literacy level of rp known on FH; however I am probably going to be bias towards "literate groups" because it's an issue of communication. On the surface it looks like people aren't going to want to rp with somebody they can barely understand... But for me, it's avoiding someone who godmods. Yes, godmods. You know, that kind of player where their character is FREAKING PAWFECT and has thuper thpeshul awethum powahzz?1!! I find a lot of people want to go to literate rps because that's a huge drop-off rate in mate-beggars and godmods.

Using what's said in the title, there's a difference between criticizing Style and Literacy. Literacy is above. Style is things like Scripting or Paragraphs or Liners. Scripting can be just as literate as Paragraphs, and sometimes One-liners contain a hell of a lot more than a flowery multi-post.

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