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Messages - Nothingmore

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How active are you?: I'm active mostly all day
User: Nothingmore (just in case)
Character: Kaningu "cunning"
Age: 3 years 1 mouth
Fighter mastery: I'd say I'm.. 9/10? I'm used to fighting really.. it would be based on my rp sample
Type what poses a wolf should take during a fight: many, a wolf should find a why to protect their flank,chest and neck, and be light on their feet.
Type a sample: She had been following the stranger's scent for hours, Kaningu growled, this was getting  annoying the intruder seemed to be unable to make up his stupid mind, taking the reddish female in circles and random turns all around, she paused taking another sniff in the air. Ah! She was right on him, the scent was extremely strong now, lowering to her belly Kaningu crept foward, the male was just ahead. Shifting side ways she got onto higher ground, waited for the dark pelted wolf to turn she leaped, landing onto his back knocking him over, she smirked hearing yelp in surprise. Then growled and charged towards her, Kaningu snarled jumping out of the way and slamming into him, locking her ivory fangs onto his back, cutting easily into his flesh. The intruder whined in pain being knocked over again, he got a hold of her leg, both of them tumbled down hill. Kaningu let go of him then locked onto his neck, pulling him off her, though their were still rolling over each over. Until finally they came to a stop, she pinned him down her jaws still glue to his neck drawing plenty of blood, Kaningu shook him like a dog toy, the male snarled pushing up with his hind legs, trying to throw her off. She gasped letting go of him, after hearing a satisfying 'snap' shaking her pelt and licking her maw Kaningu turned away from the motionless body. "great now I'm all bloody.. oh well thank goodness for the river.."

Site/Forum Help / Re: User won't change
« on: January 26, 2017, 03:35:35 am »
Have you tried logging in with the old username?

Also, from the looks of it your username is still
"Nothingmore" on the site. Thus making it still the same as the username in-game.

Try changing your username again by:
Code: [Select]
User Panel > Logging in > "Change Username".

I've been doing that, I've tried logging in with my new user after changing my old user to Mytho!

and it still remains nothingmore, I don't get could it be the '!'? I'm typing in the right password
and the new user
but Fh just won't change it

Site/Forum Help / User won't change
« on: January 26, 2017, 03:13:35 am »
I've tried emailing the suggested email but of course it won't go through >:c

it's not that I can't get into my account or anything it's just I can't get in with the user I tried to change it to,
my old user is -Nothingmore the site and the game is refusing to let login with my new user Mytho!-

can someone explain this? I've tried changing it so many times it's getting very annoying

and again I've already tried emailing the suggested email for changing your user but it just won't go through for me
making a post was my last resort

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Tailgate's Mods: WIP/Preview
« on: December 29, 2016, 03:26:21 am »
ahhh!! this are very beautiful!! can't wait for the finished results ;u;

Game Help / It's logging in but not letting me play
« on: December 28, 2016, 06:02:57 am »
so.. I login says 'request accepted, logging in..' then the page refreshes and the game is stuck saying that. I need help
 my firewall lets FH through so it can't be that
 my cookies are enabled
 and proxy is off ;-; what am I missing?

I would make one myself but I'm to lazy to put it into action because of how out numbered I'd be with other groups advertising ;( so... I decided to post here to see if there's any Semi lit multi species Rp groups out there, or someone wanting to help me make one.

I'd really like the help or an offer to join your multi species group, I really need something to do on FH

Game Help / umm...
« on: August 18, 2016, 09:56:31 pm »
I know I shouldn't Mention or question bans or anything... I know why I was banned I said sorry no one seemed to make a BIG deal over it
I was banned for 6 days on the 11th, it's the 18th now... should I be unbanned or.. just got perm ban for checking to see if I was unbanned? I have done that I'm sorry, but I really couldn't help it.  I'm just bummed out I finally get the game to connect with the login and I ruin it for myself (?) either way I'm just confused..

For those who might ask "why was I banned" because I was being dumb and cursed in local chat :\

Request Maps / Not really a request just looking for something c:
« on: August 06, 2016, 02:05:03 pm »
Does anyone know of any lapotory maps/animal testing Maps of any kind, I'm having trouble finding some~

Game Help / Re: I give up :/
« on: June 24, 2016, 06:01:43 pm »
Yes I have, I've deleted all the files then redownloaded

Game Help / Re: I give up :/
« on: June 24, 2016, 05:49:16 pm »
My neighbor has the same problem both of us are trying all we can but with her it's her own provider, and I given it plenty of time to connect I've even waitedan hour but still nothing

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