Author Topic: Lands of Whim (not released)  (Read 2001 times)


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Lands of Whim (not released)
« on: October 26, 2019, 07:43:14 pm »
ANNOUNCEMENT: Lands of Whim has been cancelled... well, kind of. This is not the last time you will be seeing it, for it's moving onto FeralHeart Unleashed as it may suit my map-making needs better and oFH's community situation seems highly unstable. Keep an eye out for it there when it eventually does pop up. Another thing to note: I'd been considering changing this map pack's name to something a little cooler, but I had no clue what to. It's been a fun while, so best of wishes to ya.

Old post:
Lands of Whim

Lands of Whim is planned to be a map pack with a healthy handful of maps. There is no set final goal in mind, but by the first release I seek to have at least 5.

The map pack gets its name from the fact that most of it is done on a whim. I've realized that planning things tends to intimidate me in the long run, so I've settled on returning to my age-old formula: improvisation! This, however, doesn't rule out the possibility of a few maps I do happen to have planned on doing for a while.

Without further ado...

Greetings from Hawksbluff!

Hawksbluff is the first map that I'd say is... 99% complete. It was also my first map coming back from my massive FH hiatus, and I got it done in... maaaaaybe a couple of days as a little warm-up? It's really not that big, but at least I'm happy with it. So, as it is nearly complete, I can provide preview screenshots! Behold!

A small section of a canyon zone that is decently forested. Hawks tend to gather here to breed, hence the first half of this area's name. How creative.

And now for something completely different!

...huh? What's this...?

yolo, one last hurrah for me before i ditch this hellhole. ain't going out without fighting the good fight. i've been archiving the let's talk thread in the case that the staff ever nuke it. stash it away and spread the word while you can, lovelies~

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(after that, it got locked)

if anyone wants to help contribute, just paste the page url into this:

if this post gets deleted, you have my full permission to repost it. no need to credit. i lend my voice.

there shan't be any more silence

I don't know... it appears to be some kind of scorched wasteland. Something feels off about it... you should send some drones to investigate.

I don't know about that. Seems pretty forboding... I highly doubt I'd even want to send drones there.

Just suggesting, since you seem so curious. But I completely understand. I wouldn't quite want to go, either... I'm detecting high amounts of an unknown energy that may interfere with any technology there. It's still worth a shot, I guess.

Well, my lab's assistant AI appears to be a bit hesitant to reveal any information, if it even knows anything. Guess we'll have to wait until I go out and see what this place is for myself! Just need some proper protection, because that dust storm looks horribly nasty and rough.

What about a release date?

As of now, there is no release date decided upon, yet I am hopefully aiming for a December release. I'm dealing with a few personal things at this time and need to take breaks every now and then, so don't expect lightning-fast development. There will be updates adding new maps to the fray! Keep your eyes peeled and your claws sharp! Ciao~!

UPDATE 11/23: I've been feeling pretty stressed out in general lately, so while not entirely ruled out, I don't think a December release will be happening. My apologies to anyone who was looking forward to it... however, I do want to get this out eventually. Terribly sorry!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 06:28:29 am by Silvally »

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Re: Lands of Whim - Map Pack (WIP!)
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2019, 05:13:12 pm »
How does this have no comments?! This map looks incredible! Canyon/desert-themed maps are some of my favorite and I'm excited for this!

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Re: Lands of Whim - Map Pack (WIP!)
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2019, 05:33:19 pm »
Wowo! You don't see too man desert type maps around here, for sure. This one though, is magnificently done. The attention to detail is outstandingly done and I look forward as well, to seeing this done.
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