Author Topic: The Roleplayers  (Read 1041 times)

Offline Fearlesswolf

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The Roleplayers
« on: December 27, 2015, 05:51:28 pm »

So, I was struck with the realization last night that there are so many different types of roleplayers on Feral-Heart. What I noticed is those who claim to be "Literate" Roleplayers, meaning they roleplay with an excessive amounts of detail, tend to push away and ignore those who aren't as detailed. I must admit, I am one of those.

No, I am not saying every Advanced roleplayer does this- I've just seen it a lot in Bonfire Island.

So, I was thinking. What if we, as the experienced players, teamed up and met at Bonfire? I know it can get laggy there, but please bare with me. What if we, instead of ignoring the newer roleplayers, approached them and started a roleplay with them? What if we helped encourage them and guide them? I just feel like too many of the older players who roleplay daily ignore those who post a sentence or two.

Yes, I understand that our posts take longer than usual. But, most of those new players are aware of that and will wait.

I know as a younger player, I would be in awe watching one of the Literates roleplay. Watching them post one after the other after the other. I would want to talk with him or her. I would look to him or her as a mentor. Now, if I were to approach that said player and try to roleplay with him or her, only to be ignored, I would feel insignificant. It would hurt and I would begin to question myself. But that's how I would feel- left out.

How would you feel?
What would you do?
Put yourself in the shoes of those new roleplayers.
What are your thoughts on the Literate roleplayers?
Would you, as an advanced roleplayer, take time to slow down and roleplay with those not as experienced?

As for me- of course I'll slow down and spend time with the new players. I feel like it's part of being an older player.

I apologize in advance if this topic isn't the best or in the right location. I had to get it off my chest and into the community.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2015, 05:55:07 pm by Thranduil »
In-Game Username - Fearlesswolf
"Forgiveness comes easy to those with an open heart; does that mean they'll forget? Oh no. They never will."