Author Topic: Veteran Player Nostalgia?  (Read 12235 times)

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Re: Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2019, 08:37:14 pm »
the blue dog army was a staple of bonfire that i totally forgot about until now

i only ever saw it in the wild once back in april 2013

i don't know nothing about mopeds
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Re: Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2019, 02:59:11 am »
Reading all these comments has made me incredibly sad! I joined late 2011 (had like 3 older accounts at the time for some odd reason, kid things), and I think looking through my insanely long friends list made me the saddest of all! How are these people doing? Are they alive? It's so saddening, and bonfire was by far, my favorite pass time as a teen. If FH was still the way it was, but edited with maybe newer textures but same map layout, I would most definitely still have been on. So many memories, and the best part for me was the MC and AC because it always brought along new friends I guess, and I usually went there after making a new character to stalk bios and see if my character was attractive or not... x'D  Had met one long lasting best friends on FH and I actually met her IRL earlier this year, was a blast, and wouldn't have happened if not for this game.

The Warrior Cats had some sort of impact, because I definitely loved seeing everyone's kitties, and making a small little clan within a big clan. There were places to go and places that usually kept the same, and in some cases, changes aren't the best for a working system. I'm not even going to water it down, I hated the updated back in 2016 (or was it 17? don't remember) and I still do. My opinion is that it should have never been so entirely changed like that. And when account creation was basically never available, it killed off most of the population. I understand the reasoning, but I can't help but still be bitter about it. But I certainly do cherish those memories very much, FH helped me meet amazing people and it's just a distant memory now.


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Re: Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2019, 09:42:32 pm »
Ouch! I'm wounded. I came back to this site to riminess and this post completes it well.
I joined August 2011 and played religiously. It was my high school life. I don't regret it at all. To this day I think about my friends from FH--they were some of the best people I've ever had the joy of knowing, and no other game has come close to matching this community.

My favorite memories were:
-The CCC group
-Lurking in Ficho Tunnel to chat with people because everyone else was doing the same. This is where to find friends
-Spontanious color-coordinated mobs (i.e. everyone with black pelts and assorted neon cheetah markings)
-Screenshot folder overrun with pictures of Ficho's wall
-Changing the howl sound file to be something stupid ("UNEXCEPTABLEEEE CONDITIOOOONS! UNEXCEPTABLEEE!!!"
-Coordinating the relocation of your whole squad to a different map (*stampeeding running sounds, spamming E, someone crashed in the portal, one day we'll reach Last Cave*)

I think about this game a lot. I'm starting my third year of college and it seems so long ago, but sometimes I go back and watch my old "Feral Heart Music Videos" and feel a powerful nostalgia mixed with shame of my dorkiness.

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Re: Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2019, 03:20:08 am »
I remember a lot of things, including the movie nights, sitting on the rocks at N/Z in FP a lot of time with good friends, or even joining in on RP's that happened over in places like L Island or near the Temple of Dreams portal, and those are just to name a few. I have many fond memories of that time. A lot of it I captured in screenshots as well. I enjoy sharing these memories, especially with others who can relate to them, or even newbies who want to know what it was like back then. I also enjoyed reading everyone else's and sharing a lot of them in common. <3

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Re: Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« Reply #34 on: August 20, 2019, 05:46:24 pm »
I started here sometime in 2011, July. It seems harder to find a RP in these new maps, there's not the variety of species/characters there used to be. There tends to be a couple of groups advertising in The Grounds each day and unless you fit in with their criteria to join, you tend to be sh*t out of luck :( !

That said, I miss Bonfire the most, I'd so love to see TLK RP's again where anyone can just join in!

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Re: Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« Reply #35 on: August 20, 2019, 09:00:22 pm »
I remember roleplaying pokémon at Ficho Tunnel’s crystal lake. I liked to be pokémon-realistic as possible, with moves, abilities and stats, and how I followed my trainer’s commands. I remember that I have played as Sceptile, Scizor, Noivern, Tornadus and a shiny Ditto xD

Good times.
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Re: Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« Reply #36 on: August 27, 2019, 09:30:41 pm »
I joined back in 2012 but if I remember correctly, I wasn't active in-game until 2013/2014-ish?

My laptop at the time was a hunk o junk so it would always overheat and shut off if I spent too much time in Bonfire mate centers or hung out at the Stone Bridge too long. I stopped playing for a while because the laptop just couldn't handle it after playing for long periods at a time. I just kinda forgot about FH tbh lol. Sadly, I was gone for so long that most (if not all) of the ppl on my friend list/ppl I interacted with are loooong gone. But I'll always have the memories! :D

I remember how easy it was to make friends in Ficho! It was such a great place to meet new ppl!
I miss how crowded it was in Bonfire and Flourite, even if my laptop overheated XD
I remember how excited I was the first time one of my friends showed me the portals to Atlantis and Last Cave!!

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Re: Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« Reply #37 on: August 28, 2019, 09:02:48 am »
I joined FH in 2011 but wasn't very social (I started to actually interact with the in-game community in like... 2015). I just made maps and sat around watching others and taking screenshots of my characters, but it was fun, and I miss it.

- Sparkledogs and 2edgy4me black and red wolves
- Ficho Tunnel being full of fandom roleplayers
- Screenshotting to get up the waterfall in Ficho
- Getting lost in Fluorite
- Stone bridge
- Mate/pup centers, buttswing lines, and the general chaos of Bonfire Island
- When Bonfire Island was the spawn point and there would be so many people online that the game would crash
- The rise and fall of FH+
- Simple custom maps that only used the default FH items
- Ascension Island being full of foreign language-speakers and Hetalia fans
- That feeling of success when you got to the top of Ascension Island for the first time (and in my case, subsequently being a bit disappointed that Sky's Rim was so bland... lol)
- Hyena RP groups were common- you don't really see those anymore
- The Feralistic and Naturalistic mods (fun fact: I still use Naturalistic)
- Random people asking if you can be their mom/dad/pup/mate

There's probably so much more I could write, but man, FH used to really be just such an active, fun place and I'm glad to have experienced it back in its golden days.

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Re: Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2019, 01:55:43 am »
Even though I first joined just a couple days shy of eight years ago (I didn't have any idea what I was doing and got a tiger character into Fluorite by sheer luck; I think that me cheesing off a lioness as a hyena was on the same day), my first really big, prominent FH memories were at some point in 2012, when I found Bonfire and stumbled upon the island's Lion King roleplayers.

By far my best memories of FeralHeart were through TLK roleplays; I'll gladly admit that I was really big on the whole idea, especially playing through the events of the first movie playing out pre-Lion Guard interpretations of what everything was like before said movie.

As for a few other things I have (not all necessarily fond...) memories of:

  • The horses and deer in the Bonfirian lowlands
  • Various centers screaming to the heavens in local chat
  • Centers in general
  • The layout of the "Pride Lands" in the context of Bonfire: the cave, flower bed and ledge on the mountain were Pride Rock, behind the cave was Scar's lair, the rocks beside the cave were that spot where Nala and Simba were with their mothers, most of the rest of the mountain was the Pride Lands, behind the mountain were the Outlands and the gorge, the jungle was the oasis...
  • Headswing/rage face "fights"
  • Most of the landmarks in Fluorite (the L island where lions congregated, that one big oak tree, Stone Bridge...)
  • Ascension Island's giant climb
  • Sparkledogs, edgewolves, etc.
  • The print screen waterfall in Ficho
  • All of those beggars
  • General chat
  • Movie spam
  • Pillars, orbs, etc.
  • Alpha Feralis (something that I did that I look back on with a lot of warmth; think a future world that is ruled by cats and dogs, very directly inspired by the "ecosystems" of places like Bonfire and Fluorite; edgewolves were envisioned as giant predators, canihorses were carnivorous horse-like creatures, adoption centers were walking orphanages, etc. I'm still sort of working on Alpha Feralis, but mostly in the sense that I've been updating a tree of life to account for how updates affect the playerbase)
  • The 2013 - 2015 Tumblr craze that laid waste to the game's "ecosystems" by mocking users and characters in and out of the game (conversely, looking back on all of this, I feel nothing but contempt and shame for what I and a lot of other people were doing at the time; I feel like I've directly left a scar on the game's history - I feel like this is what killed the TLK roleplaying craze on Bonfire)
  • To end on a high note: roleplays! I really liked roleplaying but didn't really know what the heck I was doing half the time. Still good times for the most part.

I'm probably forgetting a lot of stuff, that's what comes to mind as I write. Maybe one or two of these things are still relevant, I haven't played enough of the current game to know for sure (from experience it's just people sitting alongside the road connecting Lonely Cave and The Grounds... and nothing else... no open roleplays or weird occurences, just... sitting and occasionally talking...)
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Re: Veteran Player Nostalgia?
« Reply #39 on: October 29, 2019, 02:21:02 am »
I have been around since about 2013.

I definitely miss the old Warrior Cat roleplays. They would reach upwards of 100+ people in the groups so you could always expect someone to be on and willing to roleplay with ya. I also miss one very specific roleplay run by Raspberry that was an elemental group. Made many a friend in that group and in the old WC groups!