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Topics - snake_eyes

Pages: [1]
Characters / Victor
« on: July 08, 2013, 07:14:00 pm »

First character ever. I hope it's a good one c:

Name: Victor
Gender: Male
Age: Adolescent
Status: Single
Species: Yukon Wolf

Personality: He is a bit distant, introverted, and somewhat of a doormat. Although wary of strangers, he has the potential of being a loyal ally when one is able to earn his trust.

Appearance: Victor is a brown yukon wolf with pale, blue eyes. He is small and frail-looking when compared to the average male, and is prone to easily falling ill. The tip of his right ear is gone.

Abilities: Despite his weak appearance, he is a clever fighter. Because of his lean frame, he has adapted to be good at stealth and is quick on his paws. He is able to hit-and-run most enemies or prey and gradually weaken them or outrun them if he needs a quick getaway. Although, if hit, it doesn't take much to kill him.

History: Victor was the runt in a litter of six pups. Competition for milk (and later on solid food) caused him to live malnourished. He managed to gain weight, but not to the extent of his siblings. He wasn't made fun of per se, but was left out in a lot of activities because he was believed by his littermates to be more of a deadweight than an advantage. Becoming the omega of the family had him grow into a submissive wolf as time passed. He parted from his family once he was old enough to fend for himself.

-The irony is that Yukon wolves are considered to be the largest of grey wolf subspecies. He only weighs a little over 120 lbs, compared to the average 150-210.
-The color of his eyes are faded because his sight is rather bad during daylight. He can see best when it is dark.
-The tip of his right ear was bitten off accidentally by a teething littermate at two weeks old.
-Contrary to belief, he is actually a very skilled hunter. Although his eyesight is bad, he has a good sense of smell, and can track down and stalk prey with ease, especially at night.
-When fighting, he focuses on finding weak areas that will handicap the target if damaged.

Most of this was thought up on the spot. :c Is he any good?

Introduction / HEYAYAYAY
« on: July 08, 2013, 03:39:26 am »


Hello Feral Heart c: Just joined today after stalking the registration box.

A bit about myself; I'm 15. A dude. Snakes are my favorite animal. I play the violin, roleplay, read and draw in my free time.

Looking forward to making some new friends ^_^

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