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Game Help / "FeralHeart.exe has stopped working" /SOLVED/
« on: March 30, 2018, 03:16:37 am »
-I have not tried to re-download/install the game and would only like to do so as a last resort

The game had been running fine for around half an hour. My character was in Ficho Tunnel and I was able to enter The Grounds. After around a minute or so spent in The Grounds, the game crashed (FeralHeart.exe has stopped working). I am still able to enter Lonely Cave and 'Seaside Grove' (?) but am unable to enter any other maps.

Would greatly appreciate the help, thanks.



As it turns out I had some files installed onto my computer (old texture packs and items packs) that did not uninstall when I last updated my game. I believed this to be the reason my game was crashing so often.

After manually uninstalling every trace of FeralHeart from my computer, I re-downloaded the game to find it now works perfectly.

Thanks, so much

Notice me!
Most of the ideas expressed in this 'tutorial' are mostly going to be OPINION BASED (i.e what I personally think would make a good RP) so I am aware that not everyone is going to agree with the aspects and thoughts that I pick up on. However if you do, GREAT, give yourself a high-five; if not, great too, here's a sandwich.


I am going to structure this thing into a number of steps, 1-5 (1 being the most important and 5 being the least).

Definition: the narrator knows all the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story. (Education-Portal)

This term will be used frequently if you choose to study English literature and language in college. I'm helping you out by teaching it to you early (yay!), unless of course you've already come across the term. :P
It's a very easy and very effective technique to use and one of which will certainly help in your RPing!
In 3rd person omniscient you narrate your characters actions but also slip into the very mindset of your character. Describe everything that they're doing and everything that they're thinking.

Definition: visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work. (Google)

Imagery is essentially where you use a number of descriptive words to create an image in another's mind. And no, that doesn't mean throwing an adjective in at every possible opportunity... Add a few in where you include a key object or thought to give your fellow RPers an idea of what it may look like or to signify its appearance. Read through what you're typing. Does it create a certain picture within your mind?

Definition: Wolfspeak is a bunch of words created by animal roleplayers to make them sound fancy and intelligent, when it really just makes them look like a pompous ass with a dictionary. (Urban Dictionary)

Wolfspeak.... We've all been there right?
To my knowledge (and correct me if I'm wrong) wolfspeak is a collection of words with the same meaning but are used to make a person's RP seem overall more complex and sophisticated. For example, auditories instead of ears. Come on people... What's the point of RolePlaying with someone if they can't even understand what you're saying?

Definition (Simile): a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g. as brave as a lion ). (Google)
Definition (Metaphor): a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. (Google)

Similes and metaphors are what I perceive as better ways of describing something. I am finding them ultimately harder to explain than the other points and so I am going to give you some examples instead.
Simile: The cat was as fierce as a lion.
Metaphor: The cat was a fierce lion.

The difference is that a simile makes a clear comparison whereas a metaphor applies traits to something but not in a literal sense. When the metaphor states that the cat is a fierce lion, it doesn't literally mean that the cat is a fierce lion. It is just a way to describe the behavior of the cat.

Definition: the whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology (including inflections) and sometimes also phonology and semantics. (Google)

You may be shocked that I've placed this last but honestly I don't think grammar is too much of an issue. As long as you've basic knowledge on how to use commas and full stops then you have the makings of a good RP. Yes I understand that correct grammar can sometimes influence the impression that you give to others but does it matter as long as they understand what you're typing? It's not essential to tidy up the package with a little neat bow so why bother? It's only RolePlaying, you're not sitting an exam which may impact on your future.

So yeah, I hope this helps you. Feel free to express your views and if you want me to extend on any of the points that I made just ask me to. I tried to keep things brief so not as to bore everyone to sleep. :P

« on: September 07, 2014, 01:31:29 am »
I am currently in a creative slump on my bed and am feeling the need to create something. Being unable to work on my current project, Socks the Roadkill Dog, for another few days has driven me to write a short horror story which will be set in WW1. Unfortunately I will NOT be continuing it as do not want to be completely overrun with projects. So I'll just leave this here and hope that you attain as much enjoyment with reading it as I did writing it.


My squadron and I had been assigned to run explosives under enemy vehicles, however most of us were lost to an unholy encounter with mustard gas. Only myself and one other canine remained, his name was Puddle. Not the most appealing of names, but it was hardly in our control of what the white man chose to address us as. They were superior after all. And if it weren't for them, half of the dogs of that time wouldn't have been lost in the senseless feud.

We were driven north by the yellow mist and it lead us straight to the neighbouring pasture which was littered with dead men. It was a grizzly sight indeed and one that I hope I shall never have to endeavour again. Their flesh had been ridden with large, yellowing blisters and their tongues were swollen preventing the jaw from closing completely. Some had no tongues at all, and their mouths were sealed shut by the enlarged and sore-looking interior of their mouth which was also suffering from large blisters. It was obvious the cause of their deaths. Mustard gas. Its musk was still thick in the air, I could smell it. It made my eyes burn and caused my throat to itch with each irritable inhale. Puddle gazed at me, the whites of his eyes now reddening with the same irritation that I was experiencing. He nodded, urging me to press on so that he could follow behind. I did just that, dragging my weight upon the small blisters which formed on the base of my paws.

After about an hour of endless venturing across an empty pasture, Puddle collapsed with exhaustion under the brown sky and allowed himself to slip away from all reality. My greatest fear was not death, but surrendering to it. Because if you simply give up on all hope, then there is no means of survival. Puddle had given up. I tried to help him; I gave him a reassuring whine and even attempted to drag him to his paws forcefully. And so, I too allowed myself to just end it all. I lay aside of the dog, closed my eyes and slept.

I awoke to a burning sensation and the inability to breathe. My eyes were swollen shut and I could only manage to crack them open slightly. I gazed through a thick, yellow smog which had completely consumed Puddle and I. My paws frantically fumbled around for the German Shepherd but I was unable to find him under the mustard blanket. An array of reds, purples and yellows formed in rounded, greasy bumps on my flesh and I could feel the inside of my oesophagus swelling until I was gasping for breath. Puddle was the least of my concerns at this point, I just had to get out of there and fast. All I could do was sprint as fast as my blistered legs would take me until I could finally locate a way out of the gas.

And then there was rain. It was like a gift from The Lord himself. It caused the deadly mist to disperse and it felt like a miracle against my battered body. I trudged a little further before collapsing in a puddle of chilled water, feeling replenished and somewhat relieved. I was found by some men a few days later, but I looked more like a clump of burnt skin than a dog at that point.

My tongue was so swollen that it had to be cut out, I lost my sight, all strength in my limbs was gone, my nasal passage was even slightly damaged by the mustard gas. These physical problems don't bother me as much as the fact that I tried to help myself more than I did my dearest friend. Puddle and I didn't know each other too well, we were simply survivors together... But I would give anything just to see his face one last time.

Stories / Socks the Roadkill Dog [Comic] 100% 0 CALORIES [Chapter 2- UPDATE]
« on: September 04, 2014, 03:21:34 am »
Socks the Roadkill Dog

A message from Passeh: Hello everyone! Since the entirety of the Stories thread has been completely overrun with Creepypastas, I decided to put my mind to work and sprout into existence something completely original... Since I couldn't think of anything I just made a comic-type thing instead. :I


How's this going to work?: I'm glad you asked! This is going to be a story that will be made in order to suit your decisions! Oh yes, it's another one of those decision-making comics. After each 'chapter' I am going to include four different options, you may select ONLY ONE per chapter. You choose one by posting a comment with the following: I WANT SOCKS TO [and then insert your selected option here]. After a week or so, I will count up the votes... Or whatever, and see which attained the most. Then I shall produce a new chapter based on the option with the most votes, got it?

Also, as this is a comic, there is going to be lots of images included.... So I'd think an [IMAGE HEAVY] warning is appropriate.


This is Socks, he was killed in a road traffic accident two years ago. You may be wondering how he's roaming the Earth today if he's dead. Well that is a very good question! Firstly, he's not roaming the Earth... At the minute he's floating around the bleak oblivion. See? And how is he alive? I don't have an answer to that, sorry. Let's just assume that he's some kind of mystical, magical mutt. Yes, that must be it.

Awww... Cute little fella ain't he?

For the remainder of this story I am going to leave you in complete control of what you put Socks through. Whether it be surfing in a volcano to flying to the moon, his life is now in your hands. I hope you treat him well...

Looks kinda bored, doesn't he? Tell you what, whilst you're making up your mind... Or at least, selecting one of the options below the chapter, I'll keep him occupied for you. I'll give him a bone!

There, now isn't that better? Look how happy he is. It's kind of a shame how he has nothing but this nothingness to hang about in. I'll just do one last thing for the little dog and then I promise, he's yours. OnO

Let's see, where should I plonk him? Hmmm... I was thinking some kind of city. New York perhaps? Yeah, New York sounds good. *Magical finger wiggling*

Awww, I forgot to zap his bone down there too. Oh well, I did promise that I wouldn't do anything else. Okay, you lot can have your fun now. I'll post the options below and you can choose. -.-

I WANT SOCKS TO... (Options for Chapter 2)

Good Options:
-Go and meet his friend Angie
-Find something to eat in a bin

Bad Options:
-Get hit by a car.... Again
-Get chased by a larger dog




Oh, so you decided to send Socks to his good ol' lady friend Angie aye? Well good for you, and very good for Socks considering the other options. Anyway! I shall now slip into my role as narrator.

Awww doesn't he look eager? See how happy you made him. <3

Socks trots happily towards the dog park despite never having explored this city before. All dogs must have built-in dog park detectors, am I right? And for the sake of the plot, his good friend Angie happens to live in this city (how convenient).

Op! Despite choosing the good option, Socks has still managed to get himself tackled by a larger dog. Uh-oh!
It's not uncommon to come across strays late at night in the dog park, but they're not usually quite so aggressive.
(Cue bad hand writing).

Oh, now here's a lovely young dame. Her name is Angie. She was quite close to Socks before his little incident with public transportation. Op! Looks like she recognizes him! (Yay!)

Yes! Why is it always women that come to the rescue? DIHEHA, I'm kidding guys...

Well, looks like I've another stray to introduce you to. That handsome guy on the left is Rusty; he's not great with manners, in case you haven't already noticed.

Hmm, looks like they're all getting on fine now. What antics would you like Socks, Angie and Rusty to get up to next? Heh, let's keep it PG okay? There might be kiddy-winkles reading!

I WANT SOCKS TO... (Options for Chapter 3)

Good Options:
-Make friends with Rusty

Bad Options:
-Become enemies with Rusty



CHAPTER 3 [Under Construction]

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read/look at this. 8) If you haven't already please read the information on how to vote for a decision at the top of the thread. That is, if you're planning on voting.

I am unable to guarantee any kind of deadline for when the next panel will be uploaded, sorry. ;-;

Stories / The Very Last Grey Wolf in Existance
« on: May 04, 2014, 02:10:45 am »
The Very Last Grey Wolf in Existance

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would appreciate it if you diverted all attention towards myself! For I am about to offer to all you specters, the most astounding discovery known to this current day. I have here with me, a sealed, alloy barrel filled with liquid nitrogen; the temperature inside is -196 degrees Celsius. It is so cold inside, that if I were to stick my finger in there, it would snap right off. As you can see, it's a fairly large barrel, that's because it's not just home to liquid nitrogen. Ladies and gentle, within this barrel is something guaranteed to leave you all in a state of bewilderment. Ladies and gentlemen, what I am about to show you, is a creature that the human race has not played witness to for decades! Within this container is a creature of which used to dominate North America. There was thousands of them running about. Ladies and gentlemen, I am about to show you.... The very last Grey Wolf in existence!"

The audience "Ooh"'d and "Ahh"'d with amazement and they lifted themselves from their seats and they clapped their palms together. Palms of which were sweaty with anticipation. They leaned forwards ever so slightly as if to establish further the situation at hand, or perhaps with excitement. The scientist who stood on the stage lifted free the cap of the metal container, a stream of smoke unfurled from the can and poured across the stage. He reached a metal device into the contained and....


I was sleeping, normal enough? But it felt almost as if I'd been asleep for many years. It was a cold sleep too, as cold as death in fact. None the less I was reluctant to awaken. My heavy eyes cracked open, and it took me moment to establish where I was. There was a flood load of people surrounding me, cheering and shouting until my eardrums burst. I wanted to run but my entire body was numb. It was hard to make any sense of what was going on. I absolutely hate man and their dastardly schemes; all the more reason to get away when possible. My visage shifted slowly about the place. There were fire exits dotted about here and there, easy escapes. If only my damned body could move a death defying inch.

Hello! It's been a while since I've wrote a story before and it's 3am and I've nothing better to do. So, I thought why not?
If I find that people enjoy the story then perhaps I'll continue on with it or produce some images and a better title. XD
For now, I'll just leave this here and see how you all respond to it!
Thank you for reading!

Introduction / The Evolution of Passeh
« on: March 01, 2014, 09:27:05 pm »
Indeed so, I have been playing FeralHeart for a good number of years now; because of which, I have failed to yet come to terms with the mature, more adult-like version of myself. You see, when I started playing FH I did make GOOD use of the forum and used it on frequent occasion yet I dare to admit that I was exceedingly childish. This certainly reflected onto my posts. I took a look back on my previous- heh "work" here on the forum and could only do as much as cringe. So I come to introduce myself a second time to you all in hope of... 'redemption', if you will. More to the point, I've not actually used the forum for a while and am going to make an attempt to establish it once again!

-:-The Evolution of Passeh-:-
(Extract taken from DeviantArt journal)
"Who is Passeh you may ask? I'd say Passeh is a psychotic, villenous more exaggerated representation of myself. A small 'monster' within my physical being that may only be expressed through the power of Role Play! Yes, I Role Play and I love it. LOVE IT. More so that I can be whatever and whoever I want- I could be, a robotic monkey who only speaks when he's riding a Llama! I could be, a toeless winged pig who desires to one day take over the world! Heck, I'm not quite so dramatic. Passeh emerged into my head a while ago when I create an account on a 3D multiplayer game known as 'FeralHeart'; my user name was 'Password'. People started knowing me as Passers, Passy but more often than not 'Passeh'. The name stuck from there on, I started creating my OC around the name and started producing ref sheets. The WHOLE fashizzle! Ahem, yes anyway.... A few years after I began playing a game known as Impressive World and I again created Passeh yet with a totally different appearence. I was torn between the old traditional Passeh and the new-looking one. SO, Passeh became this murderous and completely psycho wolf-cat hybrid who could morph between these two forms.

Moths passed.... -Snort giggle- Moths.... Months* passed and I was tiring of the same old routine! Passeh needed a new image! So as well as the two animal-forms Passeh also slipped into human looking-thing.... She was 6ft wearing a suit and top hat which levitated above her head and had brown curly hair. That's right darling, she's worth it (Lo'real hair conditioner pun intended). Shortly after, a somewhat established band from San Diego slithered into my life and took it over! Steam Powered Giraffe. I became an addict, it was my drug- GAHHH EGGEHH GIRAFFES. RABBITS. MUST.BUY.SUSPENDERS.      ......I mean braces (embraces Britain). For those of you who don't know who SPG are, they're a musical pantomime troupe who eat souls and steal babies- oh, they dress up like robots as well. I became so obsessed that ANOTHER version of Passeh was born, except this one was called Dilate, was a robot and occasionally went insane with a kitchen utensils.

FINALLY, I can't write a journal without including ma best buddy! Ianto Xavier/MissIodemphia/Molly. You da man!

I hope you feel satisfied with the complete rubbish that I threw into this journal, come back soon and perhaps we can have some biscuits? Oh my LAWD, Maoams! We should have those, I LOVE MAOAMS!

-END (For Now)"

Thanks for reading my lovelies.

Art Gallery / Passeh, WTF are you doing? (IMG HEAVY)
« on: December 11, 2012, 03:06:44 pm »
I don't know what I expect anyone to think of my art, nor do I expect anyone to like it. I merley hope to at least 'entertain' some of you. ;D *Sigh* Let's get this over with.

Graphic Tablet Drawings :

Iscribbles :
(My creations = Angel + bloody Wolf)

Requests :

Siggis :

That's all for now :P I just wanted to show you that I'm not a complete failure because the art in my last gallery was... Really bad..... *Cough* Anyway, if anyone wants to make a request send me a PM, and I'm afraid I will only pick one person at random(Lazy) Thanks :D


Stories / Pass|:|SPARKZ|:|Pass (GORE WARNING!)
« on: August 10, 2012, 12:45:59 pm »

Chapter 1 : The Lab (Brutal Beginnings)

I cautiously made my way up the narrow path, my paws shuffleing alog the floor as I did so. I took in deep breathes in an attempt to calm myself. I kept telling myself that it would be over in no time, and when it was I would be the most superior minded wolf in the world.... All of this was true, but it didn't help to calm my nerves.

If anyone is confused as to what is going on, or maybe what the hell I'm talking about, allow me to shed a little light on the story.... Every year a wolf is taken from their home and sent to a blood curdleing labratory. They are given a drug which causes them to fall a sleep. Nobody knows what happens after that.... The poor wolf is always changed in a way, and then. They are dropped off in Flourite Plains, where they live the rest of their days.

I am a victim of this. Or soon will be....

I lowered my head in fear as we entered the lab. There was no means of escaping, a strange human had me locked up tightly on a chain which was trailing from his hands like a lead. My eyes shifted about quickly, glancing around the lab and examening my situation. It was horrible.... The walls were stained with blood, guts and body parts were carelessly spread across the floor. And in the centre of the room there was the operating table, and on the table.... The corpse of a previous patient. It was a canine, but it's body was torn and mangled.... The final chilling quality of this room was the fact that metal instruments and tools were jammed into the dead wolf's body....

The strange human swept the dead body off the table and left it lying there, on the floor. My eyes began to well up, this was the only time I had been truly frightend. A million questions were racing through my mind, like 'Why was he doing this?' and 'Why me?'. I was cut off by a hand gripping the back of my neck. It was the Human. He gripped me tightly by the scruff and heaved my body onto the table. I yelped as he wasn't the most gentle of people.... I struggled in an attempt to free myself but it was hopless, he had me in a firm grip. I felt something enter the flesh on my back and then everything faided to black....

Chapter 2 : Carvings

My tired eyes batted opened. It took a moment to regain composure but once that was done, I was in some strange place. I had never been here before, but it was a very beautiful scene. The dens were immaculate, each tree had blossoming flowers or rich green leaves and every rock had a smooth surface. This had to be 'Flourite Plains'. I'd heard stories of this place but never ACTUALLY believe that it existed. The only problem was... That I had been ripped away from my home. All my family and friends I had been taken away from just so that some wretched beast could use me as a guinea pig.

I took my first step forward on the new land, taking in large amounts of oxygen. My toes spread appart allowing each blade of grass to weave between them. I don't really know what happened, I guess I had a sudden moment of realization but- My body just began to quiver. I couldn't be here, I wanted to be home, I wanted to just close my eyes and for them to open again and the whole ordeal would just be over. This obviously was not the case, this was real and I was here.... Alone.

Alone? Where was everyone anyway? I shook my head and figured that if this was going to be my new home, I might as well show myself around a bit. I did just that. Trotted around happily taking in the majesty of this legendary land. I froze to a halt at the sound of a light voice on the wind. It was muffled and I couldn't make out what they were saying but I could tell it was the voice of a female. I almost immediently darted in the direction of the sound trusting nothing but my ears at this point. And when I'd finally reached where I wanted to be-

There she was, a slim Femme sat solitary on the brow of a grassy hill and under a huge oak tree. She had her eyes closed and was singing with a most angelic voice. She just seemed so... Calm....

Chapter 3 : Crunches and Hunches

I didn't really know how to react, it was a little awkward and it wasn't every day that this kind of situation came up.

"Ehem excuse me...." I quivered as her piercing eyes tore open and locked straight onto my face.

"There's something on your back." The strange female said with a blank expression. I gulped down my fear but dared not to look over my shoulder, I was a little frightened that whatever the humans had done to me it would be so hideous, so terrorfying that I would be rejected by all communities. The female strode down from the hill and strolled towards me. She set a narrowed gaze upon my modified figure, I hesitated to move.

"You're one of the projects....?" *She uttered while running her paw lightly along my crooked spine.

"Apparently so..." My head lowered with slight disappointment, why did this have to happen to me?

"Well, it's part of you now, you may as well look. You can't keep your head straight forever...." I hate to admit it but she was right. Although fearing the worst, I sucked in the biggest breath I could and held it in my chest. My head slowly turned to see the hunch of my right shoulder blade, I looked round further, bones crunching as I did so.--

Chapter 4 : Portals

I glanced through narrowed eyes at the new edition to my body and saw what seemed to be a small speaker which had been drilled into my shoulder blades. The female muttered between breaths while circling me, she ground to a halt and gestured a paw to my neck. Hesitating slightly, I gazed down at my chest but was unable to see what changes were made to my neck. My paws almost seemed to control themselves, feeling updwards frantically, pawing at my throat until I felt something that was cold and metal.

"Come with me.." The female mumbled into my ear.

"I have someone who will make good use of you." She continued. I didn't want to follow but felt as though I trusted her, like I'd known her for a long time. Taking in a deep breath, I dragged my paws once more and set my vision onto the stranger and followed.

"Now please note that this place is a little.... Well, you'll see, just brace yourself...." She lead me to a dark circle which was seemingly out of place. It was leaning against a cave wall and looked like the slightest touch would make it shatter. The female placed her nose onto the strange object and immediently she disappeared. I stared for a while dazed as to what was going on, before I could say anything she re-appeared, grabbed my chest fur and dragged me into the black object.

[Note from Password]
This story is based on my Brothers main character :D.... I feel really emo-ish when I write stories about blood and guts but OWELL 8D.    I really hope you enjoy reading it, and if you do I shall add some pics. ^.Q <-- Monocle face (don't ask).

Also, sorry for any grammer/punctuation or spelling mistakes >.<


Stories / Infectious (Part 1) WIP
« on: April 01, 2012, 08:17:31 pm »

Discussion Board / 10 Greatest Tasks Of My Childhood
« on: March 10, 2012, 02:50:08 am »
Hurro, -bear hugs- imma get straight to it....

Greatest tasks of my childhood :

1. Getting the centre of the jaffa cake out in one piece
2. Sleeping with the covers off
3. Seeing out of the car window
4. Watching a balloon about to hit the floor without driving for it!
5. Getting a straw into the capri sun
6. Using them rubish plastic scissors!
7. Reaching stuff on the top shelf
8. Tieing my shoe laces
9. Understanding wtf this film is about!
10. Accepting the fact that you can't be a Unicorn when you grow up.....

I did this cause I wuz bored :P post the greatest tasks of your childhood!!! DO IT!

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