Author Topic: "Bad thinking, Blue Color Kills"~ Post-Apocalypse roleplay  (Read 11424 times)

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: "Bad thinking, Blue Color Kills"~ Post-Apocalypse roleplay
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2014, 04:44:45 pm »
Simon Louis Micheales

Simon had a drawstring bag for light hauls, or small supplies and scavenging trips. A upbeat whistle escaped his pursed lips, and Bagheera and Daphie rose from their relaxed spots. The young lad grabbed a fairly decent sized piece of rope and tied it around Bagheera's collar, then wrapped the rope around his shoulder once, in a very loose fashion. Daphie would follow on command, but Bagheera moved more on animal instinct- other than Daphie's conditioned and learned abilities.

He then grabbed El Diablo and pushed it into his holster that rested on his right hip. Simon reached for the AK47 and slung it over his back using the strap that was attached to it. It was easy to manuever, and he could have it pointed at an enemy in a blink of an eye. After that, he took one of his dual hunting knives that looked like a jagged fishhook but it was much more deadly. The end was tipped in fish-filenting silver blades, and it was strapped to his left thigh.

From afar he might've looked like a warload, but upclose his soft and friendly features deterred any hostility he had towards humans. In fact, the only thing he's ever killed were those blue things.. Simon wasn't entirely sure what they were- only that he needed to either fight or flee upon seeing one. One of them is a challenge enough to take out; he just prayed that he would never come across a group.

Simon was now ready to go, so he quickly opened the back door, and softly closed it behind him not to stir anyone or thing that may be around him. He quickly mauevered around the littered garbage and rusty old cars until he was in the alleyway besides the main road. The lad's light brown eyes flickered overhead at the sound of heavy wings flapping. "Was that an owl?" Simon questioned under his breath in disbelief.  Bagheera's growl rumbled in his dark throat, but Simon quickly hushed him with a light nudge of his knee against the massive black panther's side. Should he take the chance of ducking out of the alleyway and checking to see if anyone, or anything was there?
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Bad thinking, Blue Color Kills"~ Post-Apocalypse roleplay
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2014, 04:55:09 pm »
Caitlyn Winchester

Cait' kept her gaze locked on the cars that were in front. Michaelis was slowly but carefully walking through the street, just few inches were seperating girl's leg and his tail tip. While she walked, she could hear a loud chirping noise which warned her about possible danger from above. That was Lorden and he as well noticed a person with two animals as companions.

And that second Cait' bowed down, her soft tone called of Michaelis to be on alert. His body fell down, massive paws now were slowly dragging his weight forwards. They both were by the car that was in front, and with a small growl, his head laid on ground, not noticing any legs that will warn him again. Cait' pressed her finger on trigger and in quick move her body arose from the car's 'shielded' structure, the edge of her gun was poointed towards the street. There was nothing, but Lorden is not lieing. Two of them were close to something, something that can be threatening.

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Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: "Bad thinking, Blue Color Kills"~ Post-Apocalypse roleplay
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2014, 05:14:46 pm »
Simon Louis Micheales

The sudden silence only confirmed that it was infact not those blue creatures that feasted on human flesh- or just turned us into one of them- but infact a survivor. His instincts were strong, and he normally followed his gut- and boy, was his gut speaking wonders. Simon peeked his head out of the alleyway, to see a large tiger and a girl just as she bent down behind a car.

A large goofy grin appeared on his face, his dimples cheery and prominent on his smooth features. He dashed from the alley's darkness and kept his hands away from his weapons. "Hello? I'm not going to hurt you, sweetheart!" Simon's slight New York accent cut through the still atmosphere; and hopefully he wasn't startling anyone.

He hadn't seen a human in months, just after he started his fire sation group of men set out to "fight the good fight" while Simon took care of some survivors in the station. All those had left or perished from the blue creatures, whom Simon had named 'Blue Walkers.' It was just a nickname, something to easily classify them as, because he wasn't entirely sure what exactly they were.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Bad thinking, Blue Color Kills"~ Post-Apocalypse roleplay
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2014, 05:29:56 pm »
Caitlyn Winchester

Michaelis went wild as the guy approached the car they both were at. Her gun quickly pointed at him as her brows furrowed in over-protective gesture. "How can I be sure you're not infected?" Questioning firmly, her gaze fell on another big cat that was by his leg, who seem'd to be still and calm. Only the dog was fearing her for most, since it's her and Michaelis, and another survivor had two animals. For her luck, Lorden was flying around, low enough so he could quickly dive towards one if the animals faces.

This was intense for Cait'. It's been months since she saw a true survivor, not the one who walks around with a smile, telling that he is not infected. For those times, she needs to be sure that he's not one of those blue creatures. The process in quick, so at night time everything will go true.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 10:55:08 pm by Phroghress »
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Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: "Bad thinking, Blue Color Kills"~ Post-Apocalypse roleplay
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2014, 10:47:37 pm »
Simon Louis Micheales

Simon took a step back, his caramel pigmented eyes growing wide a touch at the sight at her pointed gun. The gun that was pointed right between his eyes. Bagheera remained calm and collected; wha a little suade kitten he was. He would only attack if the opponent showed signs of actually attacking, or if, of course, it was a blue creature. Daphie would only attack if she saw Bagheera attack, or if Simon commanded her too.

"What-?" He was slightly caught off guard with her question. "Infected?" Simon said with a bitter laugh as he ran his pam across the back of his neck. "Do I look infected to you? Carrying around these animals and weapons like it's nobody's business." Simon let out a snort, before quickly letting his gaze soften.

"Apologies, miss. It's just that I havent seen another survivor in months.. Just wouldn't expect them to accuse me of being infected. But it's a valid question, I assume. Kudos." He said, giving a brief bow before giving a broad, dimply smile to the female.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Bad thinking, Blue Color Kills"~ Post-Apocalypse roleplay
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2014, 11:03:28 pm »
Caitlyn Winchester

Lowering her gun down, she listened to his short story, blinking in curiousity over him. "Same here. My parents got killed by those blue things months ago. Then I was left alone with this big cat." he sighed, glanced at Michaelis which calmed down after seeing his owner to be calm as well. "And sorry for aiming at you, people I met weeks ago were infected." explaining with a small sigh that sounded a bit annoyed over the world, her gaze fell back on the guy.

"The virus goes quickly, now I heard that in Mexico it spreads through the air." muttering with a shivering tone, her gaze fell on the black cat, eyeing him closely. It sure didn't fit in Siberian Tiger's size, but it's fangs would do a fatal wound. That moment she heard a loud scream above her, noticing it was Lorden who wanted to land. Girl's arm stretched out, feeling it's claws to grip on her jacket, watching the guy with emotionless look.

"Oh, I'm Caitlyn by the way." glancing at Simon with friendly and warm smile, her gaze fell back on Lorden, her finger brushed over it's neck feathers.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 11:05:15 pm by Phroghress »
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Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: "Bad thinking, Blue Color Kills"~ Post-Apocalypse roleplay
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2014, 11:11:01 pm »
Simon Louis Micheales

Simon let out a low breathe of reflief leave his slightly pursed lips as the gun was lowered and no longer pointed inbetween his eyes. Bagheera let out a light purr and rubbed his owners thigh, and Simon chuckled before giving the oversized kitten a pat on the head. He assumed that Bagheera was happy for his owner, since Simon wanted nothing other than to meet other survivors and possibly join a group. He had a natural want to provide safety for others. His light brown eyes flickered to the Siberian Tiger and a whistle escaped him.

Simon gave a shrug, his full lips turning down into a frown. "I'm sorry about that." He ran his hand through his hair, pretty sure he still had bedhead. "Pleasure to meet'cha, Caitlyn. I'm Simon. I assume you have somewhere to stay, yeah?" His friendly tone questioned, his eyebrows bobbing up in curiousity.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Bad thinking, Blue Color Kills"~ Post-Apocalypse roleplay
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2014, 11:20:11 pm »
Caitlyn Winchester

Michaelis didn't reacted to whistles, since he only reacts to words. Lorden here quickly glanced at the guy with it's black orbs, feeling like flying over but deciding to keep away from him for some time. It takes some time to make him trust someone, so sadly - he'll need to stay away.

"Yeah, I live in a penthouse." she spoke, nodding towards the emergency door that led to the hotel. "But I'll change places soon, thinking on crossing the borders of the city and heading towards the countryside farms." explaining with a small sigh, she allowed Lorden to climb up her shoulder, to be in comfortable and good spot.
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Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: "Bad thinking, Blue Color Kills"~ Post-Apocalypse roleplay
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2014, 11:47:48 pm »
Simon Louis Micheales

Simon nodded at her words, his facial expressions growing shrouded by it's own bleakness. "You really think it's safer out there? What if it's worse?" The young lad inquired with a obvious tone of disbelief. However, a sliver of his intsinct told him that the openess of the countryside as well as the maze-like forests filled with dense trees could help evade the blue creatures. He didn't share his own thoughts, since this stranger and her companions seemed distrustful of Simon. But he wouldn't complain; since she had every right to be disrtustful of him. He was as much as a stranger to her as she was to him. The only difference is, is that Simon has a need to help others- and this- was just a small way he could.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Bad thinking, Blue Color Kills"~ Post-Apocalypse roleplay
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2014, 11:58:16 pm »
Caitlyn Winchester

"Well, electric fence is always an option." Cait' shrugged a little, feeling Michaelis' tensed pressure around her calm down, throwing tired gaze towars the black big cat, then back at guy. He wasn't threatening them now, it didn't felt like he will after some time. Then, Michaelis simply laid down, his head fell on his front paws. Yawning loudly, he threw tired gaze under the car, keeping a good look for any legs.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 08:08:36 am by Phroghress »
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