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Offline IndigoCloud

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« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2015, 03:51:16 pm »

Avery-Tyler Clark

It was close. Approaching by the week, by the day, by the hour. Every tick of the clock sent shivers up Avery's spine. What was it that was coming? She had no idea. But something was; not something new and exciting, but the end of something powerful and beautiful. The sense of doom that filled her had been plaguing her with nightmares for the past week and every step she took was careful and wary. The more she thought about it, the more agitated she became.

Today, the uneasy feeling inside her seemed to have trebled and Avery could feel herself being pushed to the breaking point. The familiar agonsing feeling of dread began to well up inside of her as she stared absent-mi dwelt out of the window. She could feel another one of her panic-attacks fast approaching, and her mind raced back to earlier that morning. "Damn. My pills." She muttered. That explained why she was so worked up. The medication she regularly took to calm her nerves had run out the night before. Feeling her breathing rate increase alarmingly, she began to pace back and forth across the room. Water. Water would help. Attempting but failing to keep her heartbeat regular, Avery poured herself an ice cold glass of water from her freezer. Taking small sips, she inspected the condensation on the glass as it liquidised at her touch. The distraction helped to slow down her breathing, leaving behind nothing but a headache from the attack. She let out a long, shaky laugh. "Jesus."

Avery was by now used to the growing anxiety inside her, the fear that had the capacity to melt everything good away to leave only the bad. She would never admit it, but she longed for a shoulder to lean on, for someone to be there to help her carry the burden she was forced to hold. She longed for a true friend. The people she had always hung around were not the right kind, not the kind that compassion came naturally to. In all honesty, Avery was lonely. She had spent her whole life providing for other people, protecting other people, she had never gotten the chance to properly bond with other people. Despite this, a nagging corner at the back of her mind told her that there was someone there for her. Someone that she could trust. "But where?!" The girl blurted out loud. Sinking back against the frame of the window, she let out a long sigh. Why did she have to be so unlucky?
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline AbbyJoyce

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« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2015, 08:29:56 pm »
(Awaiting the others ^-^)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline XxDubstepxX

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« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2015, 09:26:59 pm »

David Scarr

David walked along the sidewalk quietly as his green eyes looked around at the scenery. It wasn't much, the same as always. Today didn't look too sunny to David, yeah he could see the blinding sun but every so often a cloud would roll in it's path."This is still as boring as ever."His brown shoes kicked a rock in his path, flying it forward a few feet. David did this cycle for at least two or three minutes until eventually, he kicked the rock onto the road.

As he continued along his path, David looked around more until he came to a small park. There wasn't a playground or anything there, just a bunch of grass and trees scattered around it. With a small shrug, David walked off of the sidewalk and into the park. Even though he came here multiple times a week, he never got tired of being around here. After spending a minute or two to find a nice spot, David sat under one of the several medium-sized trees and the pulled out a book.
"Might as well do something useful for once..."He told himself as David opened up the book.

Jasmine O'Clare

A small figure sat on top of an empty building in the town as cars went by on the street below. Normally it'd be a bad idea to sit on top of a building in the middle of a town but for Jasmine, she had nothing to fear. No humans could see her currently so she enjoyed her time as she watched the time pass as both people and cars passed below her. Her feet dangled down from the roof and lightly swung back and forth as Jasmine gave an almost unkind smile watching everything happen.

"Hopefully something eventful will happen soon. I've barely had anything exciting happen and the 900 years is almost up."Jasmine said to herself for probably the millionth time again. Nothing was very exciting in this town that she hung around, but she had nothing better to do at the moment so she just sat there, thinking about what might have changed in the 900 years since she was exiled.


Offline magicfairy

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« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2015, 01:32:14 pm »
Flora Blue Ashe
Flora resided on the branches of a tree beside David. She would appear invisible to every mortal around her, her red-colored hair flung in front of her face from a small breeze of wind. Ugh! Really? Flora hated it whenever her hair decided to blind her perfectly good optics, then she reminded herself it was the 899th year. She shivered, it was actually nice to protect the humans. Maybe she could stay? Shaking away the thought for later, Flora continued to track David's movements for any signs of pain or alarm.

The minutes soared by as she switched from tree to tree watching David, it never felt so boring. Then they went to a park, it was ever so quiet. She watched as he pulled out a book. Flora got into the tree behind David to also read the book he was reading. Flora felt good for once in the 899th year.


Short post.
vanitas ยท he/they/it/fae

Offline AbbyJoyce

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« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2015, 06:51:38 pm »
(Awaiting Arkansas before I reply! )
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Arkayy

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« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2015, 10:49:27 pm »


Near the early afternoon, the man had ventured out of his apartment complex with a rather solemn expression, almost bored in a way. As always, his hair was sloppily parted to mainly one side and quite messy, quite accurately displaying his tired look, as well as his crudely thrown together outfit of a t-shirt, jeans and a jacket. Though he didn't seem to care. He never did. Traversing the warm pavement, he unintentionally began to eavesdrop on the conversations of those mortals, the same breed he was formerly supposed to oversee and guide down a righteous path. Now though he did the exact opposite whenever he could, fueled by his bitter distaste for humans in general. After all, why should he care for one of the creatures that he thought ruined his life?

Ahead he could see a crowd of people walking along the sidewalk. A small devious smirk crossed his smug mug as he progress onward at a casual rate, slowly pursing and catching up to where he could see a young woman in the crowd. Casually, he reached over in a swift motion, grabbing her butt for a brief second before walking on, knowing no normal gaze could see what he had done. He glanced over his shoulder slightly once he could hear his ploy to frame the man behind her fell into the place, hearing the woman screech like an enraged banshee at the innocent man and rolled his eyes smirking lightly in amusement. Vassago then proceeded onward to investigate the city, placing his earbuds in his ears so he could drown out the sound of the commotion around him.


Offline seopard

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« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2015, 11:23:19 pm »

Amara Lee

As her fever induced headache began to subside, Amara pulled on a thin jacket and stepped outside. Despite it being warmer than usual at this time of year, she shivered slightly and pulled that material tighter around her body and slipped on a pair of sunglasses to shield her sensitive eyes from the bright mid-day sun. The supermarket was her destination and she arrived without confrontation, Amara quickly began loading her basket up with various soups and other comfort foods. She appeared at the check out lanes with her blue basket nearly overflowing with her favorite cereals and 20 different varieties of chicken noodle soup. The boy scanning the assortment of cans stared at her apprehensively but his confusion was only met with a broad smile.
After paying the boy, Amara hurried down the crowded streets, the brown sacks of food hanging from her forearms. Suddenly as she neared a particularly thick bunch of bodies, an overwhelming sense of calmness and safety washed over her and her pace slowed to a halt. It was something unlike anything she had ever felt before, but it felt nice so she continued to stand there as people shoved past while she smiled to herself. However she was awakened from her dream like state when a woman shrieked, causing Amara to drop some of her groceries. Picking them up so they wouldn't get trampled, Amara looked to see the lady swatting at a confused but terrified looking man. Frowning, she continued back towards her small home, but couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that returned once she had left the crowded streets.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline AbbyJoyce

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« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2015, 12:49:47 am »


The tranquility that settled against the early morning's wake left Finnegan in a silent daze as he continued to study the framed pictures placed upon the fireplace. The apartment was set high enough from the street to allow complete silence from the crowds that traversed below, so when the quiet sound of hasty pacing reached his ears his gaze broke from the images to give his attention to this new sound. He shortened his breathing,  listening as the footsteps traveled towards the kitchen. Finnegan raised his brow, approaching the hallway just in time to meet Tyler at the doorway as she entered the kitchen hastily. By the time he followed her into the kitchen, she was leaned against the counter, sipping on a glass of crystalline water and shaking. "Jesus." she muttered with an unstable laugh to follow. He watched as she focused her breathing as she always did, how she sat there calming herself. He watched and studied, listening and understanding. His previous sneer and mischevious tone had slipped away at the sight of her vulnerability. "You must fill your prescriptions" he muttered, yet no one would hear. Finally reaching his limit of seeing her in such a state, he reached forward, grazing his fingers along her shoulder. His touch wouldn't be felt, but the sensation would, a sensation that would melt her anxiety away..for now at least. Enough just to allow her to breathe normal again for a brief time. That was one of the perks of being a guardian, being allowed to help with just a simple touch. "But where!?" her sudden outburst brought him to reality once more as she sunk against the window frame along the wall. She was dampened, let down. Lonely. "899 years.." he muttered, crossing his arms against his chest, "And there's still so much I'm not used to seeing." Humans were so vulnerable, so dependent. Their emotions could decide life or death and that seemed much to risky to Finnegan. Yet, it wasn't the most dangerous thing to feel emotions such as that. Perhaps humans themselves were the ones to fear. This thought radiated through his mind as Finnegan's eyes slipped past the vision of Tyler, focusing more on the street below. Two figures. Black clothing, gun tucked between belt and pants Finnegan's mind raced to take in their image as they disappeared into the buildings main door. He looked to the floor, waiting..waiting for the sound he dreaded to hear. Knock Knock Immediately he turned on his heels, listening as the men announced themselves as delivery through the door. "Don't get up." he muttered, glancing back at Tyler. His words were useless when she couldn't hear them sadly. With another knock they announced themselved once more. "Tyler leave it be." he warned to no one in particular, gazing at the ground in a manner of annoyance.
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline IndigoCloud

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« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2015, 07:47:52 am »

Avery-Tyler Clark

While wallowing in her own self-pity, Avery barely heard the sharp knock at the door. She sat for a second, staring at her hands which were still holding the half-empty glass of water. Knock at the door sounded again, followed by an announcement of the men being delivery. Taking a deep breath in, Avery pushed herself up from her sitting position and flattened the creases in her clothing. She wore a black and white polka-dot dress with a thick red belt, barefoot as not to ruin the cream carpets. "Coming." She called, inviting the growing tension in her stomach. Something was telling her not to open the door. That's just stupid.

As her hand closed around the doorknob after she had unlocked the door, a force wrenched the door free from Avery's grip and sent her staggering backwards. As the door was flung open, the girl stared in horror as a pair of men wearing all black entered her house. scrambling to her feet, she advanced toward the kitchen where's he had left her phone. Idiot. She let out a gasp as a rough hand grabbed her calf, the size of it managing to close completely round her leg. As it dragged her down, Avery's lungs finally let her shout out a stream of curse words instead of screaming for help. She hit the wooden floor with a thud, her chin meeting the ground, hard. "You're not going anywhere, sweetheart." A cold voice murmured, just loud enough for the three of them to hear. The taller, less-muscled man snatched his hand out to grab her face, pulling it up close to his own. She could feel his hot breath on her cheeks, sending shivers running up her spine. "Now, you're going to behave just as we tell you to." The man smiled a wicked smile of crooked teeth. Out of the corner of her eye, Avery could see the broader man ransacking her cupboards and drawers, tipping out the contents onto the floor.

Avery, with a sudden surge of bravery and adrenaline, turned round to face the man just inches away from her and spat a mix of blood and spit right into his eye. Feeling the man loosen his grip in shock, she drove her small knee right up his groin and wrenched free of his grip. Her bare feet slipped on the polished floor and she tumbled to the ground, resulting to crawling desperately to the front door. "Help!" She cried to no one in particular. She could feel the blood from a cut above her eye dribble down her face. How did she get that? Her mind was a mix of fear and pain. Avery was just inches away from the front door, her fingers brushing the handle, when she was pulled backwards by her hair. "You really shouldn't have done that, darlin'."
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3