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Messages - Vilivikhorith

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News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 03:58:52 pm »
I strongly suspect you are not being honest.

Those who disagree with moderator free October. You seem to be wildly over simplifying its operation. I'll give you a hint block != ban or even  blockx9000 != ban.(important note != is not = for those unaware != means does not equal)
Unless you are doing some kind of throttle check, that's the only other way it can work. But you know what would be easier? Implementing nothing, but getting people to block each other. Was that the real intention? You could have just said that, you know. I'm calling a bluff.

As for lost characters. PLEASE in future check where your download is coming from. If it doesn't come directly off I cannot be held responsible for its content. So if its some random mediafire link think twice before you download.
Maps pretty much never contain no executable content and aren't used in a way to be executed. There is no attack surface. You probably know that. Characters are stored server-side anyways. Seems like only one person could be behind this.

I'm also aware prior to the staffs departure, certainly in the staff room and possibly around the forum posts were blanked out. I will also have these restored in good time.
I wonder what you mean by blanked out. Not deleted, no?

News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 25, 2018, 12:21:42 am »
Dear Razmirz,

Though I don't necessarily disagree with the idea of self-moderation, I must say your method of implementation is inherently flawed. You are assuming that when people block, rules must be broken somewhere. However, this simply is not true. If you had spent more time in-game, perhaps you would have seen some of the zaney reasons users block others; howling, having bright pelts, reducing lag, sometimes people even do it because they are bored, et cetra, et cetra. You may be using an automated system, but I highly doubt it can anticipate such reasons behind blocking, not to mention some fraction of users refuse to block even the rule breakers.

Also, if we are going by the idea of self-moderation, I want you to look at this thread. Look at every post. The community does not want this. I must ask, why do you want this? If you are giving us the power to decide who is banned and who is not, let us decide, by majority of opinion, want we want in the game, within reason. Frankly, I find the emergence of this feature to be quite conceited, and it makes me wonder more, if the rumours about you and KovuLKD are true. I can only hope that you will recant this decision before damage is done to the community, with no means of mending.

Game Help / Re: Eternal loading screen
« on: September 22, 2018, 08:48:59 pm »
Very rarely, the same thing happens to me and I simply retry. My guess the reason it happens is packet loss from the server. The executable isn't really loading anything, but waiting on missed packets from the server, which does not resend them. If you're connected to your router wirelessly, you could try to connect via ethernet wire to at least eliminate one possible source of lost packets. Unfortunately, I haven't much else to suggest.

Game Discussion / Re: The Actual "New" Feral Heart?
« on: September 20, 2018, 01:54:38 am »
I wish FeralHeart could be like other games. Not just for updates, but also to fix bugs and finish the planned components like movie maker, and making the in-game report button functional. With access to the game's source code, you could make moderation easier, and in some cases, even unnecessary. You could cater to a changing community with better features.
That's my thoughts, exactly. The security issue regarding login validity is the first thing that comes to mind.

We've had a user try to port FeralHeart to the Unity engine, but apparently they encountered some "graphical" issue or something. Hasn't been explained well, and they've dropped the project. I've looked at tentatively trying to pick it up, but the link to the source code appears to be expired or removed, as it gives a 404 error.
Here is the thread, if you want to take a peek.
I think the issue was that you can't compile GPU shaders and send them to the GPU during runtime without the source code to Unity's engine itself. Ogre supports this, and I believe it's part of what the material scripts do, so 1:1 conversion won't be possible. It also could be related to markings, if the only way to multi-texture in unity is GPU shaders (I am not sure, I have never used Unity. ='3).

Another group of people have made a Tumblr dedicated to what they called "FeralHeart Redone", but were asked to stop the project by none other than KovuLKD himself, who provided a screenshot of the source code. It appears that while he isn't planning on updating the actual game, he does concern himself with shutting down remakes of it.
Again, you can find information about that right over here.
Though this may be true, there's some things I can't help but be bothered by here. I would actually trust a message via his facebook more than email, as SMTP (email) spoofing of the source is quite simple, and only one screenshot of code sure won't show much code, since code tends to just be made of many little parts that are often arranged in very similar ways to solve specific problems. it's kinda like me going around saying this ( is FH code (it isn't). One could take the benefit of the doubt, but I would not feel certain.

There also was a cloned source code (not the official one) of FeralHeart on KITO, posted by RedEye. I believe it was removed from the KITO forums and I don't know the official reason behind it, but the code still exists.
I believe Redeye said he felt somewhat responsible for the hack some Novembers ago as a result of releasing it and Kahara seeing it. That /was/ a post on there at some point, I guess that's gone too. :P

I have actually thought of this a bit recently. It would not be impossible to rewrite the whole thing with some degree of backwards compatibility in mind. Sure, you may need to re-export your assets, but beyond that, all you need is the right executable that can parse and use the game's data (Ogre does most of this already). The hardest part would be getting raknet to encode net data (and what is encoded, and as what structure). Of course, without the clear-and-verified-a-ok from KovuLKD, it's all a bit sketchy.

Sorry for only picking your post apart, but you had the most interesting one!

Game Help / Re: Trouble with downloading on Macbook
« on: September 14, 2018, 03:32:24 am »
Wine itself emulates the various Windoze drives, so you sorta kinda (not really) have one. I have no experience with the PlayOn* wrappers, but I'll assume, with Mac being a unix-like and all, that it may live somewhere under `~/.PlayOnMac` or `~/.wine`, which are hidden folders in your home directory. This may just be a shot in the dark, however.

Game Help / Re: FH is not opening
« on: September 14, 2018, 03:25:58 am »
Did you check the contents of the particles you added to make sure that you didn't try creating two particle systems with the same name? Even if they live in different files, Ogre will try to make them with the name assigned in the .particle file. This can result in a Ogre::ItemIdentityException and crash to desktop, since it is unhandled. This error is also written to standard output, so if you aren't sure what file it is, you can run (on commandline, or in a shortcut under 'Target'): FeralHeart.exe > big_log.txt 2>&1

Discussion Board / Re: Scapegoating Social Media
« on: August 29, 2018, 11:04:11 pm »
Like most things of the internet, it can be used to improve our life, but also can be misused to make it worse. The only evil I'd speculate most people see in it is that it can make internet harassment on a large scale much easier. Without it, it wouldn't be impossible still though (hence some underlying problem). The use of real names also does not seem to combat this at all, which is quite interesting.

Personally, my issue with it is the amount of information nearly every platform collects and monetises from users. Sometimes it is not always handled with care in addition (see: Facebook analytica scandal).

Game Discussion / Re: Why do Leogui ears exist?
« on: August 27, 2018, 02:00:01 am »
You're correct in that they were for a custom species made by Delay. I think Leogui were supposed to be some cross between lions and dragons or something. She created the species back in Impressive Title, so it came before the meshes. I think Delay also did some texturing for FH back in the day, not sure about the models. My memory is fuzzy.

Game Help / Re: Direct3d screenshot problems
« on: August 25, 2018, 08:56:42 pm »
It works fine in OpenGL because ENB modifications only work in Direct3d. Whenever you take a screenshot in-game, Ogre does a render-to-texture and saves that to file; the ENB is probably modifiying that buffer to do its ENB stuff. It looks to me like a gaussian filtre is being applied, so maybe if you disable some features in your ENB (i.e. bloom, motion blur) it won't modify it. Failing that, you might just need to get an external screenshotting tool and just capture the window that way.

Discussion Board / Re: Obscure Music Artists
« on: June 16, 2018, 07:27:56 pm »
Miasma & the Carousel of Headless Horses
They sure have an interesting name, and an interesting amalgam of rock vibes and orchestral composition. Very relaxing, pretty good to put on if you're doing a million other things in no grand hurry.

Supposedly one person is behind this. It sounds like Crystal Castles to me but with more energy.

Very atmospheric electronic with the occasional overly distorted guitar + some post processing. I find it relaxing also.

Cloak of Altering
I've always liked artists that experiment with genres, even haphazardly. There's lots of random ambient breaks and odd pattern transitions with some good old (new?) metal.

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