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Messages - William

Pages: [1] 2 3
Hello! I'm wondering if this roleplay is still active?

Game Help / Re: Download/Adfly help?
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:04:57 pm »
Ugh, I'm having the exact same problem. I used to be fine with adfly, I used to be able to get past it. But now it's completely redirecting the link, I can't even get the game. I reset my computer to factory settings so I lost my game.  :-\ I've tried and tried everything suggested here, but none of them are working.

It keeps redirecting me to and, God, it's so frustrating. I promised my friends I'd be online today. >.> I have stuff to do.

Urgh. Guys, this is a serious problem that needs to be solved. I don't even understand the point of Adfly. It's useless. And very annoying.

Please, any advice other then what has already been suggested? I've tried everything.

Finished Maps / Re: Arctic Tundra (public)
« on: April 02, 2014, 09:33:48 pm »
Interesting. :)

Species / Re: Canis Vulpes
« on: March 31, 2014, 06:37:37 pm »
Emmm.... Foxes and wolves cannot breed. owo.. They have entirely different genes. Not even dogs can breed with foxes.

Finished Maps / Re: Arctic Tundra (public)
« on: March 30, 2014, 10:53:52 pm »
Cougars are arctic animals? owo

Finished Maps / Re: Roosevelt Forest - Warriors
« on: October 27, 2013, 11:37:32 pm »

Oh of coarse!

I forgot to add in the sign up. x3

Just tap out this little form:

Character Name:
Character Rank:
Clan Wanted:
Why do you want to join our roleplay?:
Activity level: (Scale of 1-7)
Roleplay Sample:

I will give you a link to our website if the other staff accept you into our roleplay.

I am sure you'll have a wonderful time!

The wind howls as you stand in the dark cavern. You can't see anything around you, the darkness seems to swallow you as you're aware only of the trembling of your whiskers.

Suddenly, there's a blinding flash, and before you stands the moonstone. In the moonstone, are images of cats. Each from different times. Stories told, stories of heroics and legendary felines who govern the great territories. Stories of loyalty, romance and evil. Stories of sadness, happiness and powerful anger, and wisdom.

These cats are the warriors, and there are many stories left untold. Will these stories be yours?


Old Clans of the New Age!

We have a detailed, large map with plenty of space and plenty of exciting places to explore!

We have a site with friendly members and helpful staff, who are here to make sure you enjoy your time in our roleplay.

Also, we have a heart-stopping plot with interesting twists and plenty of mini plots for you to enjoy in between!

Plus, a StarClan map and Dark Forest map, for all the kitties who have passed on to the next life.

To join, you must have a realistic character, read our rules and be literate, mature and active. Most of all, you have to be able to have fun!

To join, simply send requests to the people below and when they're online, give them a whisper! A roleplay sample may be required to prove you want to try your best to make this roleplay fun not just for yourself but for the other members too!

The words like this are the usernames. :3

ThunderClan- Sprucestar- Stargazer90 Greystorm- Tigers

ShadowClan- Midnightstar- Shadow12 Birchshade- tiger-claw232

RiverClan- Dovestar- dark rulez Russetstride- CuPcAkEiSyUmMy

WindClan- Ashstar- Felca Vastsky- niamhwhite

Hope to see you!


Finished Maps / Re: Warriors Map! LeafClan
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:49:46 pm »
Nice map! :D It's not the most detailed map pack I've seen, but it' certainly lovely and I hope to see more from you. Thanks for making this. :) Also, try not to show the chat box and map and everything while taking screenshots. Press Tab to hide them.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: ~::SkyClan::~
« on: May 04, 2013, 02:35:36 pm »
I was going to join, but personally, I only join literate Clans.....

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