Author Topic: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP) [Inactive since 09/02/2013]  (Read 13207 times)


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((Greetings to all! I've been on hiatus way too long! So on my return, I bring you "In the Name of the Thane!" An Off-Topic fantasy RP.
So, let's get started right away! ))

The realm of Vikkal is divided into three lands:

The first is the realm of Haafiner, the military capital of Vikkal, ruled by the Bullman Cournel. Its cities are made of stone- carved into the side of a great volcanic mountain known as "The Sleeping Dragon."

The second land is the land of Cenu, ruled by Jarl Greyfing, the Dogman. It is the poorest land, scourged by theives and cutthroats. It is composed of busy, crowded cities of brick and wood, unkept taverns, and allies crowded with beggars and stalked by assassins.

The third and final land is called Gehana, it is ruled by Blasphemious, the Goatman. Gehana is the richest land, home to great warriors, artists and architects. It is known as "The Fabled Land", its structures made of gold, and grand, its feasts beyond delicious.

The Ruler of Vikkal has kept his identity anonymous for over thirty years. Because of this, the residents of the three Lands have began to believe that Vikkal has no Ruler, and only the three Jarls are responsible for  the up-keeping of this nation.
I will not tell you if this is true or not- you will all find out.

Vikkal is populated by Halfmen and humans alike- Halfmen being the magical natives of the land, and humans the settlers.

Halfmen, also called Beastmen:

An animal with a human stature, bearing strong resemblance to a human. They walk on two legs, and are usually stronger and more intelligent than a human. On the other hand, their animal instincts often cause problems.


The humans began to populate Vikkal only recently- which is why they serve as the the majority of beggars.
As citizens, their lives are usually tough, and they are often discriminated against by the Halfmen. But, if a human rises above their usual status, and has become a Nobleman, Warrior, or Mage, etc, they are treated with respect.

The three kings are also known as Jarls, High Lords, or Leaders. Each has risen to power through hardship and strife. Under their command are Thanes- people that have earned the Jarl's blessing. This title is not to be taken lightly. And under Thanes are Landowners- the highest rank a common citizen can achieve under Thane. They are given their own plot of land, a farm, and servants. A good, but modest life.

Vikkal can be one mans paradise, and another mans nightmare. While this is usually influenced by who the person is, it is also altered by the Things.
Halfmen are not the only magical beings in Vikkal. The Things are alien monsters- each one of them has a varied apperance. Usually they are thin, black-skinned, and wet, hideous humanoids. No one knows we're they came from, but some believe they were spawned by the gods to take revenge for Jarl Enke's rule.
Enke was a blasphemous tyrant. He was the one who caused the fall of the Land of Cenu.

The Gods:

Akavi: The creator. A giant horse, who is the world. Literally. Her fur is the grass, her eyes the sea.

Kem: The Hunt God. He first created the Beastmen out of animals, and is responsible for how well a hunt goes.

Meki: The Warrior God- responsible for winning wars and battles.

Na: The mother of night, silence and seriousness.

Zek: The playful god of day, noise and frolic.

Bess: The life-taker. She escorts souls to her cavern- Assem; world of the undead.

Laws of Vikkal:

1. No Godmodding.
2. No Powerplay.
3. If starting a conspiracy/assassination, pm the people you want involved. Do not tell anyone who isn't involved- that would spoil the surprise!
4. To join, you must be at least somewhat literate.
5. If you read the rules, type, "Hail Akavi!" After writing your application.
6. You may try to overthrow Jarls, Thanes, or even the King of Vikkal himself. Know that this is no easy task though.
7. Anything is allowed here, as long as it's not unfair to other RPers, or restricted in these rules.
The world is yours.


Name: Full name please.
Appearance: Please do not use large images, and do not use anime/manga images. You are welcome to describe yourself instead.
Type: Human or Beastman. If Beastman, what type? (Ex: Deer, snake, bear...)
Gender: Are you a girl or a boy? (high-five if you get the reference! :D)
Social type: Nobleman, mercenary, warrior?
Reason for going to Gehana: All RPers begin by traveling to Gehana- but I'll let you decide why. This should be influenced by your social class, and should be realistic. (Ex: If you're a nobleman but going to Gehana for a visit. That's just silly! You could be assassinated!)
Strengths: What are you good at?
Weaknesses: (Optional. You wouldn't really want others know your weaknesses, now would you?)
Likes: What might you enjoy?
Dislikes: What do you not like?

App Code, if you prefer it:

Code: [Select]
Social class:
Reason for going to Gehana:
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 12:04:25 pm by Scallywag »


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Re: In the Name of the Thane! (W.I.P Fantasy RP)
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2013, 05:47:56 pm »
May Akavi protect them, or Bess take them...




1. Cournel

2. Greyfing

3. Blasphemious








« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 05:48:39 pm by Desu-Juice »


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Re: In the Name of the Thane! (W.I.P Fantasy RP)
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2013, 05:48:04 pm »
My App:

Name: Blasphemious
Appearance: Brownish shaggy mane, a semi-human face with rather handsome features. He has large, glossy horns. Instead of hooves, he has fingers, but the same doesn't go for his feet.
He is usually seen wearing a beautiful golden robe, covered in twinkling diamonds and precious gems. It is fastened to his slim, muscled body by three wolf-skin ropes. On his head he wears a golden crown, bejeweled, and majestic in every aspect. His ears have three piercing each, all of made of gold and emerald. His hands bear three golden rings on each index and ring-finger. He smells of the forests and meadows of Akavi.
Type: Goatman.
Gender: Male. "Bisexual."
Social class: Jarl.
Reason for going to Gehana: "Well I'm its Jarl of course!"
Strengths: Fire magicka. Sweet-talking, bribery, speech, charm, haggling, and economic talents. He is also a master assassin, and great at Poison-craft. His poker-fake is remarkable.
Weaknesses: Cute things, seduction, sweets, and gambling.
Likes: Gold, jewels, babes, sarcasm, humor, power, baubles.
Dislikes: People who dare challenge him, mock him, insult him. Rain, dreams, annoying people.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 06:31:50 pm by Desu-Juice »

Offline IlLupoItaliano

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Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2013, 09:32:22 pm »
(I presume that it is alright if we may apply now, since they WIP was taken down.
If not, I am sorry and you may pm me what you want to put in this post so you don't have to recreate it.)

Name: Thorek BlackBlood

Thorek is a tall dark-haired muscular male with a light tan and dark hazel eyes that are often hidden behind a mask that made up of an animal's skull, believed to be a bear. Several scars line his back, similarly his arms as well. He never wears too heavy of an armor, and often sticks to just a shoulder bandolier, armored plated pants with deer skin boots to help silence footsteps, and light gauntlets. His weapons varies in an array of daggers/knives along with bow & arrows. Thorek also carries a side pouch for gold and other little things such as poisins and other craft-able smoke bombs for a quick get away.
Type: Human
Gender: Male
Social class: Mercenary Assassin
Reason for going to Gehana: As a Mercenary Assassin, traveling is very common because of contracts people make are usually assassination targets in different locations. Thorek has been tracking his latest assassination contract who has stopped in Gehana recently for an reason he is bound to discover. He is also searching for a follow up contract once he is finished with his current contract.
Strengths: Stealth, thievery, archery, agility, and persuasion.
Weaknesses: Over drinking as it tends to make him reveal information, a sucker for pretty females, unknown new locations.
Likes: Riches(Gold, gems, rare items, etc.), good entertainment, reckless actions, those who can agree with him.
Dislikes: Over concieded people, people who rip him off for a deal made, being followed with out his consent.
"Hail Akavi!"
(Credits to the owner of the image.)
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 02:27:36 pm by ?Lupo »


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Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2013, 02:25:34 am »
(( It's perfectly fine to post now, go right on ahead :3 ))

Offline okami129

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Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2013, 02:40:53 am »

The liar and the thief


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Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2013, 02:57:58 am »

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2013, 04:12:41 am »
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 02:49:08 am by SoaringAway »


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Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2013, 05:45:00 pm »
(( *gasp* Your character is awesome xD
And oooo, a fellow Homestuck! <3
Feferi and Karkat? c: ))

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2013, 08:01:25 pm »
[[ *u* Oh my! Thank you for the acceptance and compliment. And why yes, I am a Homestucker~.
A bit of a side note (I apologize), but I pm'd you with several questions for a second character but I'm afraid my PM system doesn't exactly function at most times. Have you received any PM recently as of yesterday? ^^ ]]