Author Topic: Faded Hope Part 1 - 5! Will make you Cry!  (Read 3858 times)

Offline gold feathers

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Faded Hope Part 1 - 5! Will make you Cry!
« on: November 30, 2013, 08:54:59 pm »
Be ready to experience the story of a wolf who has conquered the world and has defeated all sorts of troubles. Will the truth devastate her or will it change her for better? But remember to play the given soundtracks that suit the story. They are what inspired me to write an amazing (Or so I think) piece.

Crystal sat down thoughtfully. Her mate was long lost among the darkest memories. She no longer remembered his fur colour yet his amber eyes remained with her. She lost count of the endless days, months and years which separated her from Koraz. She no longer wanted to live among other wolves, she became a creature which dwelled inside the forest, where thickets grew and the trees blocked the bleeding rays of the sun.

She lowered her head, her blue eyes gazed at the distant reflection in the water. The blurry view of herself almost reminded her of the day when she lost him. It was no wonder how it happened. She simply slipped and fell, and when she woke up he was gone.

The years have floated by so fast that she gave up on her chase after her first love, it was time for her to give up what she dreamed from the very first day of the loss. She knew he was alive... Somewhere, but she couldn't figure out where he could be.

The days seemed to fade away with every hour that passed. She learnt to live without him. Her hopes burnt dimly in the darkest corners of the forest, but try as she could, she would never see him again.

Part 1 Discovery yet Loss

It was midnight when Crystal found new tracks as to where to find Koraz. His scent was faint on the tree's rough bark. The birch was a little worn and it's state gave away the many years of weather and life it has been through, but she knew for sure that it wasn't a mistake. It was clearly Koraz's scent she smelt on the bark.

She trotted almost running with joy as she rushed to find the next scents. Her journey was a long one but she was brave and could out stand all troubles. It was sad to see that even though she has come so far she gave up half way, but now with this new evidence her hopes grew from dim to bright.

Her eyes flickered in the moonlight glow as she searched for further signs of his presence in these woods. Her white coat was pure white as if she stole the angels wings and replaced her fur with angel feathers, as for her eyes... They shone bright blue, their colour almost unreal for a wolf. In fact no one ever witnessed a wolf with blue eyes, which underlined her difference. She stood out and was in biggest danger of all.

Suddenly in the distance a loud bang echoed. She perked up her ears to listen for the mysterious sound. Of course she heard the same one right before her pack abandoned her. Her muzzle shot up immediately to sniff out oncoming danger, but she couldn't identify any danger. However, not far off she heard barking, kind of like a wolf yet a bit unfamiliar to her wolf instinct. She decided to stay clear of the mysterious creatures path.

The next morning was a little brighter than usual, or was it just her? She spent months, or even years inside those dark woods, that everything seemed so bright and colourful. She stood up and stretched her paws. The snow had covered quite a bit of land by now and she was a little confused with the directions, but as soon as she remembered her destination she didn't hesitate to go whichever way her heart told her.

She no longer could sense fear or alarmed animals in the distance and all was very calm, too calm in fact. But as she walked she kept sensing the presence of another wolf. A ghostly figure trotted around 15 meters away, It's paws didn't make any sound on the snow and its silent trot gave her shivers. At the corner of her eye she saw a familiar figure, but it couldn't be...Could it? Koraz...? She looked, but the figure disappeared.

All through her way she kept thinking about the mysterious figure. What did it want? was it Koraz? Maybe the loud bang was caused by a hunter shooting Koraz. Maybe Koraz died that night. She felt a presence of Fear and confusion this time. Sorrow seemed to surround her.

She decided to leave this land and head towards the mysterious place at the edge of the forest.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 10:05:27 pm by CrystalWolfTear »
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Re: Faded Hope Part 1
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2013, 08:59:04 pm »

Part 2 The Mysterious Place

She trotted carefully towards her new destination. She was a little reluctant at first but she overcame this feeling due to curiosity.

The new surroundings quickly got her best of interests and soon enough she was admiring the beautiful scenery. The rough,  bare trees stood swaying gently in the winter breeze as the snow which once rested on their branches fell off, glittering in the wind and silently placing itself unto the blanket of snow below, like dust. She could stare for hours at this piece of land, however she did not know her way around such a huge and unfamiliar place. She had to admit that she was a little lost around this astounding place, but it swallowed up her fear as she continued to walk slowly towards the mysterious place where Koraz could have met his end. Her bravery was a little undefined at this moment.

The sky began turning a darker shade of grey as clouds began to throw down flakes. The snow began falling and littering the whole land with a fluffy white blanket. Hundreds of snowflakes fell from the sky, as Crystal stiffened and watched, amazed. She suddenly halted and raised her head. Twitching her nose she tried to catch out any scent of danger or fear. It seemed that there was a huge snow storm coming this way but her paws stayed glued to the ground, she seemed to want to stay here and wait for the storm to come. Try as she might she didn't feel in any hurry to find a warm and cosy place to shelter her from the bombarding snowflakes.

She sat down among the snow and raised her head to the sky watching the snowflakes rest on her muzzle and fur. One snowflake even landed on her nose making her sneeze. She gigged as her blue eyes glittered in the white rain. She seemed a bundle of joy out in this weather, her fur made her almost invisible in the snow all except for her black nose which seemed like a dot in the distance. She forgot all about the fear and uncertainty about this place, it made her feel at home.

"What you are you doing here?" Asked a voice startling Crystal. She shot her head sideways to notice a short, grey wolf standing a few feet away. "Oh, you scared me. I didn't see you approaching.." She replied not really listening to the wolf's question. "I was pretty surprised when I saw you here, alone" The grey wolf continued. "Oh, yes I was just looking for a friend" She replied confidently.
"In this weather? A wolf seen out here would surely be a goner! Haven't you heard of hunters? There are plenty here I tell you..." The grey wolf raised his voice slightly but continued speaking. "...You surely are a little ignorant on the dangers around here, you must be a newbie then". "I'm not ignorant..." Crystal protested. With that she stood up and began to walk away. "Hey...hold it. I didn't mean to offend anyone here..." The grey wolf reassured. He looked slightly away and shyly said "I'm Faolan"

Crystal turned to face Faolan and replied politely "I'm Crystal". As her words came out his smile faded, his eyes widened as he stared at her in disbelief. Suddenly she was regretting stating her name to him. "You must come with me this instant!" He quickly said. "Why?" Crystal asked a little scared. "No time to answer, we must go!" Faolan replied.

An hour later, the snow stopped falling and Crystal found it a struggle to keep up with the stranger wolf. He trudged through the snow, but he didn't seem to struggle through the snow as much as Crystal did. She tried to jump instead of walking as it seemed quicker yet more tiring. The snow crunched underneath their paws as they came to a little path which was untouched by snow. This seemed to get the best of Crystal as she began her questions. "Where are we going? And why isn't this path covered with snow?" But no matter how many times she asked, the answer would always be the same "You will find out when we get there".

Part 3 The Truth Untold

"This is your home Crystal, you were raised here" Cana said sternly. There was a long pause. Crystal stared at her in disbelief as Cana continued. "Your parents were killed by a hunter here a long time ago". Her eyes seemed to reach her soul. Crystal felt uneasy, almost unable to take in the new information she has been given. "Our pack decided it was for your safety to get you out of here, we handed you over to an elder wolf who volunteered to keep you as far away from here as possible. However a few months later we were informed that you were gone". Crystal Looked at Cana, she was unable to figure out if Cana was truthful but the words echoed in her mind nevertheless.

"All this time you thought I have died?" Crystal asked too stunned to choke out any other words. "Yes... In fact me and Cana were your step mother and father. Our son got tied to you and was devastated when you were lead off" Faolan told her.
"Your son?" Crystal almost choked on her words. "Yes... Onai. he is about the same age as you" Faolan answered.
Just then Onai appeared at the cave entrance. His amber eyes almost reminded her of Koraz. "Crystal?" Was his first word. "Hey..." She smiled looking at him.
"We will leave you two alone" Faolan said retreating with his wife out of the cave into the snow.

"I missed you" Onai told her. "I missed you too" Crystal told him. "I thought you had died that night, I remember looking at you as the elder wolf Lupaz walked away into the distance with you. I remember that I had tears in my eyes..." He looked at the ground uncertain of her reaction. She smiled as she heard these words. "I hardly remember anything, I was just a pup...." She felt a little burst of happiness.

~The Hunt~

That day both wolves went hunting together. It was a relief to know someone from her past, considering that both her parents died and she didn't belong to a pack, her only mate had gone missing and her days have been long and lonely. They chased each other up a hill, at one time Onai stumbled and toppled over down the hill as Crystal halted and stood there laughing her head off.

He caught up with her and they both walked up the hill to the top. Once they reached the hilltop Onai nudged her and started running away, while Crystal tried to catch him, her tongue hanging at the side of her mouth.

Once she caught up with him they ran in rhythm side by side. But being playful as he was he pounced on her and they rolled over play fighting in the snow. This hurt her feelings a little since that's what Koraz used to do. But nevertheless she continued to bite his ear and he continued to laugh.

Their paws padded along the old path. Both wolves slowed down to a trot, as the snow started falling and getting into their eyes. Crystal stopped and sniffed the air. "Can you smell it?" She asked. "Onai stopped and sniffed "Huh, weird I don't smell anything." He replied. "Oh well then follow me!" She smiled.

Not long after they reached a little field with bushes and thickets. The deer where hiding among the greenery. "There!" Whispered Crystal excited.

The young wolf glared through her calm eyes, as she spotted a small herd of deer linger near the small lake. The scent made it's way to her nose as she raised her muzzle higher, her sharp claws ready for a kill. Thinking about it for a while she slowly crept forward careful as to not disturb the deer. The thickets gave some sort of disguise and cover as she managed to take a few small steps towards the hungry herd.

Suddenly the leader of the herd raised his head, alert. Has she been spotted? No, the leader looked around as the wind blew her own scent away from the herd, making her almost certain of lunch. Picking the right time and the right fawn, Crystal managed to jump out and begin her chase.

At first the confusion of the herd rose but they soon realized that danger has just crept in. The herd began to flee in every direction possible, but the young wolf managed to pounce and dig her sharp and deadly claws into the flesh of a young fawn.

Onai crashed out from the thicket and headed towards the fawn. Without a word, he slashed his claws at the fawn's throat, hearing the piercing cry of the creature as it slowly sank to the ground - its beady eyes staring dully at the sky. Awkwardly standing there for a moment, Onai turned to Crystal.

The young wolf stared quietly. Her paws as if glued to the ground. She pirked up her ears to catch the sounds of the wolf. Finally she managed to cough up a few words " I could have managed, but thanks". She stood there awkwardly, and sat down on the white blanket of snow which covered the sleeping landscape. "You...could...err" she started chocking on the words, her eyes focusing on the kill. " You may have some if you wish, I won't be able to eat all of it" She finally managed to free those words. She kept side glancing at the wolf, not sure of his reaction.

Grateful, Onai dipped his head and did not hesitate to stick his muzzle into the food. The open meat wafered into his nostrils, and he hungrily ripped the fur, gulping down the meat. When he controlled himself, he made sure he did not consume the whole thing; so he forced himself to back away, dipping his head again apologetically. "Sorry." He muttered, resting his haunches into the snow as he eyed the she-wolf in front of him.

After watching Onai satisfy his hunger, she began eating the remains of the kill. The fawn's eyes kept their deathly stare the whole time she was eating, giving her a small shudder each time she looked. After swallowing the last chunks of meat she sat down. She stared politely at the strong wolf, as she began to clean her paws.
The snow felt cold against her hind legs. The presence of winter was clear as snow fell from the grey sky and began resting gently on her thick, white fur.

~Moonlight Truth~

Crystal gazed at the frozen lake, beside her sat Onai. His amber eyes shimmering in the moonlight. The two wolves cuddled together as the cold breeze made her shiver a little. His tail lay over hers and their paws touched as they both looked out into the lake, wondering what could lay beyond the horizon.
Crystal looked into his amber eyes and whispered lightly "Onai...there is something I need to tell you"

Onai looked at her gently, "Yes? What is it Crystal?" He asked. Taking her time Crystal managed to finally free some words. "I-I... I already have a mate.." Her voice drifted off. "What?!" Onai said unable to reach for any other word. He was too stunned to speak. "His name is Koraz, I mean.... Was" He stared at her slowly taking it all in. "I am sorry..." She whispered.

Onai took his time to answer "And so you lied to me? You acted as if you liked me!..." He kept his stare as he spoke "... And now you are telling me this" He lowered his head sadly. Crystal could see she hurt his feelings, he was upset all because of her. "I'm sorry" She told him once again.

Onai glared at her, he was full of anger and jealousy. His black fur was a mess as he shouted at her "How could you not have told me?" Crystal was surprised by his reaction but she replied anyways. "I was being honest Onai!". "And I trusted you!" He barked back.
Crystal was starting to get a little irritated by the tone in his voice and began to raise her voice " I wanted you to know, I didn't want to lie!" Onai too was getting angrier by her replies " I don't care! You caused all this, I never want to see you again!" With that he turned to leave.

Crystal watched as he walked off, she didn't try to stop him. Her eyes stung from the tears as she closed her blue eyes. She slumped down, upset at what had just happened. His words pierced her heart, each word was worse than a bullet.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 10:11:23 pm by CrystalWolfTear »
In-game username: gold feathers
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Re: Faded Hope Part 1
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2013, 08:59:45 pm »

Part 4 Death Has Come

The frost bit hard at Crystal's fragile body, the cold wrapping her in an endless dream. She lay there on the snow. The snowflakes resting gently on her scrubby fur. She closed her eyes.

Her mind longed to see Koraz as she remembered the last time she saw him by the river, as she slipped into the icy river, his terrified expression, his eyes full of fear.
That night she didn't sleep, she recalled. It was a tough nightmare that she couldn't wake out of. The river took her, pulled at her and carried her further away from him as he ran full speed along the river sides. His paws padded along as he tried to catch up to the current that pulled away his mate. She choked on the waters grip. But it was too late. He screamed Crystal's name but she was already underneath.

Crystal woke up without Koraz by her side. She noticed, however, her pup who was resting beside her soaked to skin fur. She began asking for Koraz but the pup knew nothing. "Where's Koraz, have you seen him?" She kept pestering. "N-no, he disappeared. When I reached this place I saw you already laying here, so I thought I would wait for him here" The pup replied.

The memory faded as Crystal lay on the snow covered rocks. Where was her pup? After all those years, she never saw both of them again.

The sun was already setting as the moon welcomed itself in along with the bright stars. The sun's rays bled through the lifeless trees which stood there with not a leaf on their branch. Snow coated each twig, and weighed the trees down.

Her body hurt as the bullet lodged itself inside her flesh. Blood coated her paws and fur. Her gaze slowly turned into a cry for help, nothing could stop her painful end as the hunter moved in. She remembered the ghostly figure which lurked in the mist as the hunter shot her down.

She ran full speed as the hunter chased her with his hounds. The thudding of paws and feet gave her shivers as she panicked, trying to get away from the confusion. She was startled to see that she had reached a dead end. She turned around to face the angry pack of hounds and the hunters rifle.

She backed away eager to get away from the killers. Quite ironic how she used to be a hunter herself and now she was the one that was hunted. Suddenly her paw slipped as she leaned back a little. Small stones fell off the edge of the cliff as she stepped away from the edge.

The hounds snarled at her as she felt an urge to protect herself. Defence... that's what I'll use she thought. She hesitated for a second as she lifted her self off the ground. Her paws straightened as she prepared to grab the hunters throat. But all did not go well. A loud bang echoed in the forest as she fell to the ground.

the hunter has fired his gun. She waited for him to take her and kill her but his touch never rested on her body. That's when she noticed that the hounds went quiet. Not a sound followed.
She lay slumped, her body was limp as the pain spread through her blood stream.

Forcing her eyes open slightly she saw the hunter gone and only a ghostly figure in the distance. She slowly mumbled the words "Koraz..."

That's all she remembered. The truth hurt but she knew she was dying. Her wound throbbed as the snow around her was painted red. That's when she felt a presence. Opening her eyes she saw a figure sitting besides her. Her eyes widened as she recognized the eyes. Those amber eyes she would know anywhere. Koraz.

"Hey Crystal..." He whispered sadly. She could see he was sorrowed about this. There was a long pause as she finally struggled one word "Koraz..." She forced a smile as she stared into his eyes.

"I missed you Crystal. I tried to find you but..." His words faded into a blurred sound. She felt this weakness flood in as she struggled to breath. Her eyes narrowed as the pain slowly disappeared. Her body felt numb. "Crystal!" Koraz said almost shouting. He began nudging her with his muzzle.

She looked at him with her eyes half closed, her gaze was cold. As the sun's last rays disappeared behind the hills, so did Crystal. He looked at her. Yet she struggled to look back. She managed to choke out one word "I..." her head fell against the snow, her muscles loosened. Her eyes closed for the last time.

"Crystal.." Koraz cried. "No..Don't do this!"... The silence which followed hurt him even more. No words came out of her muzzle and no soothing voice of hers reached his ears. He couldn't look at her fragile body which now lay lifeless on the bloodied snow. He stood up however his paws couldn't carry him as he slumped down unto the ground. Grief swallowed him as he looked away. The darkness has covered the dead lands as death covered Crystal's body.

He closed his eyes. Pain had gripped his throat as he struggled to recall what had just happened.

Part 5 Last Life's Nightmare

A tortured scream of loss exploded as he fixed his gaze on the Darkness. His journey had just begun and yet he was losing his beloved one. He felt like a tormented soul, haunted by unwanted destiny. His mind re-winded her, plummeting into the abyss of death, alone.

Her last words were still clear in his head "To find your enemy, you must find yourself" He also remembered what the mysterious wolf had told him "Yours is a path of loneliness and self-discovery". Linking those two together he understood what killed her, and why this creature did it.

These echoes of past, came to life. The sky rained fire, yet the sound was gentle, more like the autumn leaves rustling in the wind.
Waves of howling sparks and embers surrounded Koraz as the woods were slowly devoured by the fire. He had to be either very brave or very stupid to be lingering around when danger lurked behind every corner, in every shadow.

Through flame and dust He cast his mind to the twist of destiny that had brought him to this corner of hell. Even the clouds were stained crimson by the reflected glow of the flames. A snowstorm of golden sparks rained down upon his fur and paws making him flinch with pain.

Behind the flames, in the distance he saw a pair of soulless eyes, a mark of the demon. He began fighting the fire away. Beneath the blood-red sky, a life-or-death struggle began. A hand began beckoning him forwards, with only the briefest hesitation Koraz stumbled.

The demon watched him for a moment, curiosity blazing in it's dark eyes. It stared at Koraz's body which was ablazed with pain of loss. His soul was a little more than a hollow-eyed ruin, engulfed in clouds of embers and sparks.

Would he ever see the struggling rays of winter sunlight? The smoke shrouded his memories, dark confusion of his thoughts made him finally admit defeat. Yet for him, destiny was written.

Waking up Koraz opened his tired eyes which stung from the tears. It took him eight seconds before it all sank in. And he began wishing that it was his last day. He hoped that the hunter would return to finish off what he started. But nothing stirred in the distant woods.

In fact, he even swore he saw ghostly flames in the distance. Like the ones in his nightmare. When would this end?
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 10:06:08 pm by CrystalWolfTear »
In-game username: gold feathers
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Re: Faded Hope Part 1
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2013, 09:04:38 pm »
Oh mah gloob!
Your very talented writter. (Berrar than meh.)
Can't wait for more. :D
(Would floof you, but my PC isin't working. :/ )

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Re: Faded Hope Part 1
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2013, 09:10:57 pm »
Thanks, it is based on a real story that happened inside Feral Heart between my character and my mate. He went somewhere and I never saw him again...

And I am sure that you are great at writing stories. XD and it's ok, I don't mind ^^

In-game username: gold feathers
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Re: Faded Hope Part 1
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2013, 09:13:34 pm »
Nice story<3 :) You're a very good writer and a photographer :o

Keep up the awesome work here +floof

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Re: Faded Hope Part 1
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2013, 09:14:19 pm »
And i kinda think that this storie making, is always based of there in-game Rp's/char's.
But still cool. ;)

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Re: Faded Hope Part 1
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2013, 10:16:44 pm »
Nice story CrystalWolfTear! I can't wait to read more. ;)

Offline gold feathers

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Re: Faded Hope Part 1 - 5! Will make you Cry!
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2013, 10:10:28 pm »
Thanks all of you for your positive comments. I have now finished the story. There are 5 parts in total but to get the true feel don't skip through the pages, read it all. It builds up the tension. I hope this has turned out successful.

With each part I added a little soundtrack. Those soundtracks have inspired me to write it the way it is now. Please share your comments (Once you read the whole thing (; <3)

Good luck on reading this xD
In-game username: gold feathers
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Keep Marching On,This Is Worth Fighting For. You Know We've All Got Battle Scars.
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Re: Faded Hope Part 1 - 5! Will make you Cry!
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2013, 11:07:21 pm »
Wow! I read the rest of the parts and they were AMAZING! You have great talent and I hope you continue to write and become the best you can be. ;)