Author Topic: Havor's Dreadful Story  (Read 3234 times)

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Havor's Dreadful Story
« on: July 24, 2013, 12:19:18 am »
This includes: Blood, why not? I might even include a very violent scene if it's approved. Also includes a roleplay that is currently being continued in FH. :3 Also, Havor does look like Tsume quite a bit. lol. And yes, it's a human story. Problem? :3

Havor - Short white hair with firey amber eyes (He was very odd details) and usually wearing black. Very dark-skinned. (Derp, told ya so.)


All Havor's life he was forced into things, and it seemed his family was scared of something in him. Havor was always a scary child at school, but the bigger kids always made fun of the way he looked. He was so... different.
Havor was always the one to fight, yell and the one to harms sometimes. He finally was expelled at school for being a bully, but all Havor could see what he did was defense.
When he was 14 his father yelled at him for practicing fighting skills. Havor couldn't take it. But instead of crying, he attacked his father. He accidentally killed him, and Havor from that day vowed to never attack anyone.
Havor had grieved, but never told anyone. Not even his mother. The police noticed he was murdered too, and they were looking for the killer.
He had been depressed after that, feeling unworthy. He had no idea what lay ahead of him though.
The police were finally on to Havor quite a while later after he turned 15. "Are you the killer?" the officer asked, and Havor knew his mother was furious. But he knew it was true, so he kept silent.
"Why?" The officer asked then. "It was an ACCIDENT!" Havor shot at him, and he ignored the gasps. Even the officer was shocked.
Havor sat down, feeling completely guilty. The officer said nothing, he just walked out of the room.
Havor was still in the room as the police talked, their gazes very serious about the situation.
He didn't even want to talk to his mother at all. "He's nothing but pure darkness. Even if he's just a kid I can tell his future is horrible if he isn't locked away or put in the chair." Havor caught those words, then panic flooded his emotions. Instead of protesting, the officer nodded.
Havor let out a growl as the officer came in to grab him. "Why listen to him, huh?!" Havor shot at the officer, letting him know he heard everything. "He's wiser than you I suppose!" The officer shot back at him, then ran over to him. Havor used a practiced move of fighting on him that he used on his father in the same order, but stopped before making the last blow.
Seeing a window, he face palmed when he saw in was in the room. Idiots and I, can't believe it was right there! Havor broke out out by throwing one of the chairs, then climbed out. He was very thin, and since the day of his father's death Havor barely ate much, but once in a while he ate enough to satisfy him.
He hated himself after that as he lived on the streets, now taking all the chances for food.
When he was 16 he found a big knife on the street, used for killing he knew since it was an alley where gangs lurked around. Ever since then he a knife in his pocket.
In a fight once, he had a very bad injury on his arm. He didn't bother to ask for help though.
Instead, he lay down on a black garbage bag waiting for death as he watched the cars fly by.
But instead, someone came: he was older than him, actually an adult. He had black hair and blue eyes.
He was offered a home, and Havor accepted the offer and was taken to a small house. The guy asked his wife if Havor could be there for at least a bit, and she said yes.
It was a complete miracle for him, since he had no luck on the streets at all. The guy had a daughter his age, and a younger son and a son the same age as his daughter; they were twins.
He had ignored his past and been kind to them, but he was always the one being left out.
They had always suspected something bad of him, but the Dedlin's, the guy's name, daughter who he later found out was named Chila, was more of his friend. She had compassion toward Havor, and she didn't care where he came from.
Havor was more treated as a slave of the family though, or just someone who needed some where to sleep.

Chapter 2

Havor was 17 as he walked down an alley out of boredom. It had been a while since they spotted gangs and criminals down there, so he thought it was safe. His past not long ago when he was 15 he had become numb about and he was living well in the habit of living here.
It was silent still when he kept looking around. Nothing. At least no one special in this alley. He thought with a huff.
It's odd that this is a rather quiet alley. Probably for the best.
Walking back to where he currently lived, he did noticed that Chila was talking to some other guy.
Havor came by her then. "Who's this?" Havor asked her. "This is a good friend of mine named Zile." Chila replied calmly.
Hopefully just friend. Havor thought with a glare at Zile.
But Chila's laughter when Zile made a joke didn't make Havor think they are just "friends". Havor was more of a serious person, as he had no talent in jokes either.
He could sense fear in Zile when he got close, but he didn't know why. When Havor and Zile seemed to be alone, Havor asked him. "Are you sure you're just friends?" He rasped. "Yes, but I do kind of like her..." Zile admitted, and he could tell he hoped he wasn't talking his mind too much.
Idiot. Havor thought harshly. He realized he was still glaring at Zile, and he turned away.
Silently, he just walked away back to the alley he was walking in earlier that day. Havor took his knife out of his pocket and held it behind his back. "Hey, that's my knife!" Someone yelled at him, and Havor turned to face him.
It was someone he'd never seen before. "Give it back or you're in real trouble dude." The man, who was rather dark-skinned like Havor, had a daring look on his face. "Want it back? Then come and face me." Havor growled happily.
"Alright then." The man smirked.
Taking out his knife, Havor tried to remember the fighting moves he practiced alone. I can beat some idiot like him and show him not to mess with me.
Smirking, Havor ran quickly up to him but missed as the man dodged, then punched his back making him stumble forward.
Better than I expected.
Twirling around, he managed to hit the man with his knife on the shoulder. Then, the man took out another yet smaller knife than his.
"I have an extra. Thought you were easy meat for a second there." The man sneered at him.
"Thought you were too." Havor replied, then shot forward at the mysterious man immediately.
Trying to cut the knife down his back, Havor barely even got his back. The man tried to run his smaller knife upwards on the front of Havor.
Havor stepped back, but unexpectedly the man slashed his knife downwards when he stepped closer. Letting out a screech of surprise, Havor fell back. Luckily the knife hit nothing and he was okay so far, but it hurt him greatly.
The man jumped on top of Havor. "Had enough yet? Ready to give up the knife?" The man sneered.
Kicking upwards at his stomach, Havor managed to push him off. Wrapping his arm against his chest and his knife by the man's neck, Havor said nothing for a bit in a decision whether to kill the man or not.
"What a-are you?" Havor heard the man ask. "A k-k-killer?" Then, after a moment of silence Havor finally replied. "Shut up and get out of here before you're seriously hurt.. and I mean seriously hurt." Havor threatened as if he ignored the man's fear-voice.
Behind the man's head Havor was smirking. "Not without my knife." He said as he started to shiver. Stubborn creature.
"Get out of here or you're dead!" Havor raised his voice at him. Feeling the man struggling to get out now, he let go and saw him glance back at Havor, then run off. "Idiots these days." Havor growled. And not just that dude.

Chapter 3

Feeling the injury the man created on his belly, Havor noticed it was bleeding a bit. No, not just a bit.
Looking around the alley, he saw small trickles of blood and when he looked down at the knife cut, he saw it had soaked a bit of his clothes around him.
Starting to walk back then breaking into a run, he saw Chila and Zile talking. Then, they turned their heads to Havor.
"Oh my god, what happened?" Chila said with a worried look on her face as soon as she saw the blood.
"Just a little fight. Alleys aren't always the most..." Havor let out a groan when the pain struck him suddenly.
"Safest places." He finished his sentence. "I'm okay though." Havor told her. "No, you're not. We need to get you inside right now!" Chila said worriedly.
Taking Havor inside, as soon as Dedlin saw Havor he let out a small gasp. "What the heck happened?" "Just a small fight in the alley I guess." Havor replied with a huff.
Then, the pain struck him greatly again. It was obvious it had not hit anything though, so Dedlin grabbed one of those white bandage objects and wrapped it around Havor after cleaning it best he could. The family was broke, so he couldn't see a doctor.
So, Havor let his injury settle in. He still had his knife gladly, and he was perfectly fine after that.
But the rip remained there, and he was given a black vest to wear over it so it didn't show.
A scar was left there from that day on from the one that had tried to attack him. After that, Havor started to practice his fighting moves a bit more. Not just because of that, but because of something else.
Havor also watched as Zile and Chila grew closer and closer in the years they had been friends from best friends.
Havor was 19 when he realized were getting closer than best friends, and stomping toward Zile he heard Chila behind him before he reached him. "Hello, Havor!" She said excitedly. Havor was silent, and walked away before she could say anything else.
He was highly angry at Zile, as he liked Chila too. Zile didn't treat Havor well, either. Each and every day he felt angry at Zile for treating him like this.
One day, Zile finally got to the time to try and bully Havor.
"Do you like her too?" Havor knew Zile knew he did. "You don't have a chance if you do. You are nothing but a stray dog!" Zile laughed at him, and Havor let out a snarl. Without a second thought, Havor slid his sharp knife out of his pocket and put it to Zile's throat, slamming him against a wall. "I would gladly harm you greatly some day, you never-should've-been-born jerk." Havor rasped harshly, realizing he had offended Zile a bit.
Why should I care about him? Havor thought with a laugh. He didn't know it sounded a bit crazy. "Come with me you fool," Havor dragged the scared Zile off into a hidden area not far away. It was more like an alley. {Scary-ish Blood/gore warning ahead}
"Look, I don't CARE what you SAY. All I know is you're just a jerk trying to make me jealous and trying to hurt me like this, well, it's not WORKING. And you WILL regret it!" Havor raised his voice at Zile, seeing he was frozen in shock of Havor. He didn't know why he was shocked though.
slashing down the left side of his forward with his knife, Havor felt an odd sensation at this.
Then slashing it down the side of Zile's leg from hip to ankle, he heard Zile screech in pain. "I told ya so." Havor whispered in his hear with a grin on his face. Running his knife slowly down Zile's back a bit, he heard him whimpering in the terrifying pain Havor was giving him.
"F-forgive me Havor!" Zile said with a groan. "Why the heck should I?" Havor replied darkly.
After running his knife slowly down his back again and the side of his skull, Havor dropped Zile to the ground then pushing his knife right through Zile's arm. Screeching terribly in pain, Zile started to struggle a bit.
"What the heck are you doing to him Havor?" Havor heard a gasp behind him, and saw Chila run up to the bleeding Zile.
All he did was look away as Chila glared at him. "Havor... what have you become?" Chila asked him angerly.
Havor knew she might never forgive him after this, and all he did was stay silent for a few moments. Chila helped Zile up, then helped him limp back home. They both shot glares at Havor, then Chila spoke.
"I thought there was something good in you, Havor, but I guess not." Chila told him, then walked off with Zile at her shoulder as he limped greatly.
He deserved it. I can't believe she's so blind. Havor thought, but secretly he was grieving the fact Chila hated him now.
Zile needs to learn a real lesson... and not have Chila interrupt this time. Havor thought with a smirk.

Chapter 4

It had been months since Havor had decided to harm Zile greatly, and Zile had been recovering well.
Chila was still greatly mad at Havor, and she had not forgiven him at all nor did she think of him as a friend anymore.
Chila was only a year older than Havor: he had turned 20 not long ago, and Chila 21 a few months ago.
Chila was still questioning Havor, and when she asked him why, he just raised his voice at her. "At least I didn't kill him, right? I mean, you're blind to see what he's told and done to me!" Havor told her with anger in his voice. "But you could have killed him." Chila corrected, and only more anger poured into Havor's emotions. "He deserved to be harmed like that. You only stopped me because you like him." Havor looked away with a calmer voice, though he still felt as if he was burning in anger.
Chila was silent, and she looked away. She has no idea how blind she really is. She's just silent because it's true she likes Zile. I no longer care for her anyway. He thought with a harsh glare at her.
"Havor," Chila finally spoke to him calmly. "I am not blind. You are." He felt as if her gaze was looking at him now.
Rage burned in him, and he turned around quickly. "How do you know?" He growled, glaring at her as she backed away.
"Havor.. you have no idea who you really are, do you?" She asked, making him just more angry.
"Of course I do! You have no right to ask that of me!" Havor snarled, then pushed her skull at the wall.
Her forward started to bleed a bit as he realized he might have pushed her a bit too hard, but he didn't care.
"Who do you think you really are?" He snarled at her. "A person with a good heart... Havor, you're the monster and you don't even realize it."
Havor felt bullied and rage. Pushing his palm against her skull hard, he whispered in her ear then. "Are you so blind that you only see a terrible creature in me?" He asked her with a hint of pain in his throat.
"Yes, Havor." Chila replied, then Havor's glare got stronger and he pushed her skull against the wall more.
He heard her screech as crackling started to sound, and he didn't pay attention.
Finally he heard a huge crack as if something broke, and she fell limp with her eyes clouding.
Releasing his grip as blood tripped heavily from the side of her head, his numbness left him.
"C-Chila?" He asked, his emotion turning to shock. There was no reply as she continued to be limp.
Suddenly a voice sounded behind him, and he recognized it as Zile's. "What... CHILA!" Zile ran toward her, completely shocked.
Soon Havor realized that Zile found out. Chila was dead. Oh my god... she was right. He thought, completely shocked with grief.
Zile looked to Havor slowly, his emotion changing to rage and hatred.
Letting out a deep breathe and turning his emotion to numbness, he looked at Zile seriously.
But before he could reply, Zile got up and got closer to Havor. "What the heck did you do to her?!?"
"Zile..." Havor's numbness started to fail, and he didn't know why it was hard. "You KILLED her!" Havor's emotions then turned to complete shock, but he stayed silent only because it was true.
"It was an accident!" Havor stepped forward ragefully. "Like I am going to believe that, you're nothing but a killer, nothing but a monster here to ruin my life!" Zile pushed Havor backwards.
Steadying his balance, Havor looked back to Zile. But before he could reply, Zile shot at him. "Get out of here you murderer!" Zile looked at him with a glare.
Havor then began to pad away from Zile, leaving his home. I have no home here as long as Zile is here.
He thought harshly as he began to travel away, once more living like a stray again. But everything had changed.
What Chila said was right about me. I am a monster. He thought with sadness as he walked toward the wall in an alley, then sat down. Why should I care about them though? Traitors. But there was still the nagging feeling of grief after what had just happened.
~MAYBE To Be a Continued Chapter~

There's a few themesongs such as The Mind Electric and others, but meh.
Might be a bit derpy but... Writer-in-training here I suppose. ^^'
« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 07:13:27 pm by Hugrf »

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Re: Havor's Dreadful Story
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2013, 07:13:55 pm »
Update. :3

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Re: Havor's Dreadful Story
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2013, 09:30:17 pm »
This is really well-written :D One of my friends is writing the story of a psychopath (Not that I believe Havor is psychopathic or anything) as well, I believe she would be interested in reading this.

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Re: Havor's Dreadful Story
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2013, 10:28:44 pm »
FUUU darn you post length! I reached it. ;-; Anyway... here's the new chapters then. ^_^
Actually, Havor is psycho sort of.[/spoiler]
*coughcough* Now here it is! P.S. I think it sort of turned into crap. :I Blame it on Kaskera.

Chapter 5

Walking alone down the alley, he heard a voice behind him. "Hello there," the voice wasn't friendly at all. It had a daring expression.
Turning around to see another person that was more of a white person, but tan more likely.
Glaring and curious where this was going, Havor asked: "Who are you?"
"Why is that so important? You're here where me and my gang live." He huffed at Havor.
Rolling his eyes, Havor just walked away. "Hey!" the man snarled behind him, and then before he knew it, Havor was pinned to the ground by him quickly. A small pain hit the side of his neck. Turning his gaze to see a knife that hit the side of his neck, he rolled over in panic to counterattack the tackle. Pinning the man down now and sliding his knife out of his pocket, he immediately stabbed him in the arm to weaken him then grabbed the guy's knife out of his hand.
Taking the knife, he cut down ward of his body to his belly. Unpinning the man and leaving him in pain, he didn't realize the cruelness of what he just did until now. Serves him right. He thought harshly.
The screech was heard, and was answered with a few people running into the alley, glancing at Havor when he was walking out of the alley. He barely heard the conversation.
"Let's kill him." One of them whispered, and a snarl was brought across his face. Turning around to see them running toward them just then, his gaze made them pause with anger emotions on their face and their daggers were brought out. They were just daggers, not knives. "Dumb weapons for a dumb gang." Havor taunted successfully, then shot straight toward toward one knowing they were going to attack. His mind was focused on killing them, and he had no idea what he had been doing. With his knife he stabbed the guy right into the chest then pulled away in time.
Seeing one of the two other guys trying to slit his throat with their daggers, he dodged successfully then jumped forward at one, soon his knife meeting their windpipe then pulling away once more.
Seeing the last one with an angry glare in his eyes, Havor jumped forward toward him. He didn't realize how great of a leap it was, but he just.. did it like the others he jumped at.
The black-haired guy he saw now feared Havor greatly, but he showed no mercy. Stabbing down at his neck, he missed even though he almost got his shoulder.
The guy threw his dagger at Havor, missing gratefully but still slashed a wound in his left shoulder near by the neck wound. Havor threw his knife quickly back at the young adult, and successfully caught his throat instantly killing him.
Looking around to see the four people he killed, a strange sensation filled him and he didn't feel guilt. But he knew  he should, though his numbness took over.
Slipping his bloodied knife in his pocket, he walked away. Before he left, he grabbed the knife and daggers and threw them somewhere hidden away from the bodies. "Maybe they will find they have lost some of their gang members like that." Havor huffed his thoughts out loud to himself.
Killers and gangs will fear me. He thought with a smirk as he was walking away just then.
They will see how it feels to die sometimes. They will deserve it. His dark thoughts made him bloodthirsty, and he let out a slight chuckle as he was still walking away. Then, an odd snarling sound sounded behind him and he turned around. Seeing nothing, he turned his gaze back to it's former place only to see the creature that made the sound. It's ember eyes were glowing in the shadows, and it's eyes were slits. It seemed tall. When it stepped out, Havor saw what it looked like.
Black skin with four legs and sharp and deadly claws, hinted blue and orange or amber stripes running along it's entire body and faded in it's head with ember eyes and a spikey crest on it's head with deadly teeth and a tail with a spikey-fluffy tail tip that seemed a dark blue with hints of orange. It's teeth and mouth were black with hints of dark blue on the teeth.
Fear swelled in Havor's chest suddenly. It seemed like a creature he'd never seen before.
"Havor, you have chosen the wrong path haven't you?" It spoke, and that just freaked Havor out. "How do you know my name? What are you talking about? Who are you?" He asked the creature.
"Havor, why do you want to know me? I only know you because I've watched your suffering, and I'm sorry for you." The creature huffed as it drew closer, it's spikey tuft on it's lower back legs showing and it's gaze filled with sadness.
"Havor, it's too late for you." It said before Havor could reply. "Tonight and every five months of your life you will feel the worst pain ever just to become a creature that is hated among your kind. Prepare, child. I am sorry..." The creature huffed then turned away back into the dark shadows. When Havor tried to follow it, he was gone.
What did he mean? Havor asked himself. What's going to happen to me?

Chapter 6

Havor was still a bit frightened from the night before as his many questions ran though his head... His main question, what was the creature talking about and how did it get there?
Glancing around the clearing of the alley brightened by moonlight, his gaze felt a bit strange. Walking toward a wall as he peered to the side, he looked in front of him and noticed an amber shade of light hitting the wall.
Quickly, he searched around with his gaze in panic. No one. Glancing back to the wall, he neared his head toward it more.
The amber light was brighter, and Havor realized it as his eyes. What? Human eyes don't glow! He thought in confusion. Calming down about the situation, he suddenly wondered if this was a dream.
Walking around a bit to search the area, a great pain hit his face including his teeth.
The nerve struck down all the way from his shoulders to arm then... Like a pain he never felt before.
The creature's words rang in his ears, as another great pain like no other struck his eyes and he blinked painfully.
Letting out a small wail of pain, his voice became silent and Havor fell to the ground, a loud thud taking place there.
Is this what he told me about? Is this my death?!?! A new question came into his head.
He knew it would be answered one way or the other. Scratching his nails against the floor, it ended with more pain consuming him. He realized his nails were getting a bit... different.
Letting out a small squeak of pain as he stopped pawing at the floor, he closed his eyes.
Havor had no idea what was happening nor why he felt as if he was changing. He just hoped this wasn't his death, and he hoped it wasn't very serious.
But then again, what is even going on with me? The question similar to his other one finally made it through to his head.
It was hard to think. Calming down, once again he closed his eyes waiting to either die or see what was really happening.
Please have mercy on me, whoever you are...  

~To Be Continued~
Derp, probably continue this chapter too. I hope it's not crappy, either.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 10:31:00 pm by Hugrf »

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Re: Havor's Dreadful Story
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2013, 12:17:24 am »
What is going to happen to Havor O_O

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Re: Havor's Dreadful Story
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2013, 01:09:21 pm »
What is going to happen to Havor O_O
He's going to fly off on a Nyan Unicorn and live forever in space. :I

But anyways, I like that Hug, but it's a little too... realistic is probably the word for me. Though it's a great story and I love the detail written in it and I'ma stalk your forum page for more stories ^^
« Last Edit: August 26, 2013, 01:11:40 pm by EchoStar »

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Re: Havor's Dreadful Story
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2013, 05:06:30 pm »
*flails noodle arms* it's supposed to be realistic. ;3; *points to blood/gore warning* meep.
I'll probably think of writing the rest of that last chapter right there... but can you guys perhaps rate how good I am at writing this story? As in, the literature skills? derp..

Now, let's see.... :o

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Re: Havor's Dreadful Story
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2013, 05:12:09 pm »
You're great at writing! This story is very interesting.~ I'm spying this for more.

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Re: Havor's Dreadful Story
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2013, 08:05:15 pm »
*flails noodle arms* it's supposed to be realistic. ;3; *points to blood/gore warning* meep.
I'll probably think of writing the rest of that last chapter right there... but can you guys perhaps rate how good I am at writing this story? As in, the literature skills? derp..

Now, let's see.... :o
Yeah... I pay no attention to warnings xD but if your talking about rating on a scale of 1-10 I give it a 6.5.