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Topics - Mythrim

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I'm in the mood to do some artsy stuff, so feel free to take advantage of that to get something for your charrie~
Preferred art program: SAI for drawing, GIMP for editing.

Style: Cartoon / Semi-Realistic Anatomy

Free Portraits:

so no body or anything like that... just a bust image (shoulders and up). Like dis:

If you want a portrait, just post a screenshot or reference of the character I'm drawing, and in bold letters somewhere type the word "albuquerque".
Like... I'm not kidding because, if you don't, I won't do your request *evil laughter*.

I'ma leave 3 slots open for ye floofs, and I'll be checkin' here every few hours or so.
(P.S. It might take more than a couple days to complete all the drawings).

SLOTS (05/05/2017)
1.) Regularities --- Sakari
2.) CosmoFursi --- Cosmo
3.) Azura --- Azura
4.) Chipz --- Toast
5.) Kynvuu --- Kynvuu

SLOTS (02/12/2018)
1.) Accailia — Accailia
2.) Valar.Morghulis — Grace

Btw, you can ask me to do something more specific with the portrait, but if you don't I'll just let my brain do its thing and I'll do whatever.

References will work the best if you have some for your characters!

Last thing: NO REMAKES

First come, first serve. I usually spend 2-4hrs per piece (coloring takes up most of that time) so
I don't want to get too many pieces for me to be able to handle.

Just a flat, full-body image. I may or may not add shading, idk.

It doesn't have to be a wolf or lion!

If you want a full-body drawing then post a reference for me below and in italics somewhere type the word "blubber"
(yes, like from a whale). And again, I'm not kidding xD

I will open just TWO slots for this, as I mentioned before, because these pieces take a while for me to complete
and I don't wanna give myself a huge workload or anything. However, if I finish in a timely enough
manner, I might be willing to take a 3rd request. We'll see how the day goes ;P

1.) Ms. Tea --- Ms. Tea
2.) Dallas --- Roman
3.) Accailia --- Accailia I owe you one!

Again, these may or may not be finished within one day.
If you want poses or certain expressions, you better specify or I'll just do what I want >:D

If you have artistic references, those would work best for me as the colors are easy to grab and use.
FH screenshots will work, but take several different angles so I can see the character clearly.

I will not be offering remakes or corrections!

She said the "C" word!

That is right my floofs, I will now be offering cheap commissions outside of what I offer for free.
I don't do these kinds of things for free often, so these types of occasions will be rare.
On top of this, this thread will become a commission thread once the free stuff's over.

That's not to say I'll never do free stuff again, though! ^^

In the meantime though, all art I make will never exceed 5 USD.
Payments will be via PayPal, or you're welcome to pay me with deviantArt points! <3


 Portrait line art: 0.50 USD or 40
 Flat color portrait: 1.00 USD or 80
 Shaded portrait: 1.50 USD or 120

 Full-body line art: 0.75 USD or 60
 Flat color full-body: 1.50 USD or 120
 Shaded full-body: 2.00 USD or 160

Are you interested in commissioning me?  Wonderful! Just shlap some info onto this form--
Code: [Select]
Request: (Line art? Portrait?)
Payment: (PayPal or dA Points?)
dA User: (Only fill if you're paying with Points)
Reference: (Images or links to images would be fantastic)
Specifics: (Anything special you want done like poses, props, etc.)

may or may not be interested in art trades if you'd like to ask. Just PM or post with links to some of your examples
and I'll let you know whether or not I feel like agreeing to a trade. (I so sorry, I are picky ;-; )

BY THE BY, I  will do corrections and remakes for commissions so you get the most bang for your buck!

Site/Forum Help / Is there any way to change your forum username?
« on: April 29, 2017, 04:12:10 am »

Ever since the latest update, I guess there were some rule changes for spaces inside of a FeralHeart name.
The username I used to log into the game with was "Queen of Spades", same as my forum username.

Since the change, I find it mildly buggering that my usernames no longer match.
This isn't too important, I was just wondering if there was a way to change my
forum username to my new FH username.

(I already looked at profile settings).

Thanks in advance~!

Art Gallery / ..::|| Free Design-A-Character Lineart! ||::..
« on: April 28, 2017, 06:17:42 pm »
I just posted these in my shop for floofs wanting to ask for a preset, but I see no reason the rest of the community can't use it too ^^

Here's some free lineart for you guys. The images are links that will take you to my dA where you can download the image to edit without layers, or there's a link in each description (as well as some simple instructions) for people familiar with image layering.



Of course you can erase the big "Mythrim" there, but I ask you leave the @JURGEN as it's my signiture to prove the art is mine. If you want to use the art for something besides personal character designs, please ask me first. Thank you <3

Discussion Board / Need help deciding on a pokefusion~
« on: November 03, 2016, 09:28:05 pm »
Hey all you floofs, your friendly (inactive) neighborhood preset-maker here, and I'm here to announce something very important.



Anywho, if you're not sure what a poke-fusion is, it's basically taking two pokemon and mashing them into one.
Poke-shipping, if you will.

I've thought up two that I really like from the first generation pokemon, but I'm a little torn so it would be awesome if you guys would throw your votes in for it. Here's the image I made of like... preliminary head sketches.

So my two choices are Artisian (Articuno + Persian) and Kabuwak (Kabutops + Marowak).
Artisian would be like a griffin essentially, not really many other ways to combine a bird and cat.
Kabuwak would be a creepy "Reaper"-esque type of thing, with Kabutops' hand-scythes being turned into a scythe-lance.

Here's a link to the Strawpoll I made to vote-

So please, vote, and help me conquer this very unimportant personal dilemma. *holds fist in the air dramatically*

Other Mods/Creations / EMOTE MOD for AquaChocobo's NEW CANINE ANIMATIONS
« on: November 19, 2015, 06:55:10 am »
As lovely as the new animations are, I immediately noticed that it messed with the position of the right eyelid.

I took the liberty to re-do the emotes list to function smoothly with AquaChocobo's new animation mod.
I'm not quite sure if this also works for the felines yet--I've only worked on it for canines!

Game Help / Who Do I Go To?
« on: November 05, 2015, 06:49:18 am »
I was banned from FH for a week.

I was wondering who I would go to talk about this and dispute my case.

I don't expect my banishment to be completely lifted, but for what I did to get kicked, I feel as though it was maybe a bit extreme... I just have some important RPs that need my attention and they can't continue until I can log back on.

Presets & Markings / ..::||FREE FNaF Marionette Preset||::..
« on: October 05, 2015, 04:21:15 am »
Hi floofs!

Someone requested a public preset in my shop, so I'm posting this for everyone. As the title says, it's the Marionette from Five Nights at Freddy's.

As an added bonus, the eyes are animated so they fade in and out over a span of 5 seconds.
I also made it so the stripes on the forelegs and hindlegs glow.
And I added a purple glow for atmosphere.
Plus invisible wings.

You're welcome.

The preset will also be staying in the "Public Presets" area of my shop. You all can thank Narwal for requesting this. >w<

Click >>>HERE<<< to download the preset.

Game Help / Unknown Lag Issues With My Map?
« on: June 13, 2015, 03:11:22 am »
Hiya everyone, 'tis Myth! o/

I've been working on a map for a friend, and it's looking fabulous so far, but I'm having a strange issue. Whenever I'm in "F3" mode (free roam) whether I'm making the map or testing it, it's perfectly fine, but if I'm in "F2" mode (3rd POV) there's a weird lag around a certain area of the map.

It just so happens to be around the lake that I've made. And I don't know if it's a coincidence, but it's doesn't lag if I'm totally submerged in the water.

The moment I try to surface or walk on land, it starts up again.

Some things I have in the area that may cause lag?:
-Rocks with sound
-Trees with sound
-Waterfalls with sound
-Multiple water objects (like the water you place manually)

I don't know if it's for that reason, because I have things like that placed in other areas and they're not laggy at all. This spot even causes the music I've put in the map to skip like a broken record.

I tried exporting it to see if it was just the map maker, and trying it with different characters, but still the same results show. I haven't yet tried offering it to anyone else, but I feel that if it makes me lag that bad then it's not yet ready to share. And my computer has handled things far more dense and object-heavy than what I've made so far.

It's not even lag spikes either, it's a solid drop in my FPS that stays constant in that area. It's fairly large as well, it covers about a 5th of my map.

Here's some pictures:

This is a cascading series of waterfalls that leads into the lake, it's roughly in the center of the area that lags. There's about... 4 water objects there, including the one that goes on into the distance. And as you can see, there are other waterfalls, but they aren't laggy at all.

These 3 pictures are to help create a border in your mind, the grass-covered stones you can see in each one is the cascading waterfall in the first picture. Wherever my character stood, is where the lag began. I would've also gone deeper to take even more angle shots but the entire top-left corner of the map is so laggy, I can't even walk. 2FPS max on the opposite side of the lake.

The area circled in red is the area that lags ridiculously. That little piece of black that comes off from the lake is where the cascading rivers are found. I tried going to the far left corner but I get about 2 frames per second on the shore closest to that corner.

Any advice? ;-;

Art Gallery / Line-Art Experiment
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:37:43 pm »
So when my art shop was still around here, one of my biggest faults is that I never used skeletons to shape my character. I pretty much just did a "trial-and-error" type of drawing until I got something I liked.

I use GIMP and a basic Wacom tablet to do art and presets with, and I'd always use a pencil or paintbrush to do my work. Only issue with both of those is that neither of them really have a "neat" appearance--one's too fuzzy and the other is too sharp. I would use the lasso tool to clean up my art and color it afterwards (a very long and tedious process).

Lately I've been experimenting with both the ink tool and skeletons to completely skip a whole step in my previous process (completely eliminating the clean-up).

What do you guys say? owo

Art Gallery / Opinions on GIF that I made?
« on: March 08, 2015, 03:13:21 am »
This is my first time making a GIF frame by frame.

It's a little.... iffy but I had a really hard time cleaning up the edges and stuff. It's basically Kiara.... but colored like my fursona xD

(I've already set it as my profile pic as you can see).

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