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Topics - dragongirl1993

Pages: [1]
I really like the new Feralheart maps don't get me wrong. But out of all the maps that I've seen there is no Savannah like place. I think a Savannah map would be nice to have for lion role-play. The Beach is a nice place but it still looks more like a jungle then Savannah.

I've always ran into this problem when making a group or being in a group. Being the leader of a group does not mean just leading it. You also need to be online when requiting or to kick inactive people. I know that one person normally does not have time to come online 24/7. What would be nice is to have one leader and two trusted people. These two can not disband the group nor can they change the name. But they can invite and kick users. But they can not kick the main group leader. The main leader would also have control over kicking them of course if something were to happen like them going inactive.

Game Help / Please Help! How do I make items!?
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:29:23 am »
I have been looking everywhere and can't find any tutorials on how to make items. Does anyone know if there are any tutorials on how to make them? And if you know how to make them would you be willing to make a tutorial? I would be very thankful if you can help!

Request/Find Meshes / Please Help! I need meshes!
« on: May 13, 2014, 07:28:30 pm »
I need kitchen and bathroom meshes! Such as stove, sinks, conners, bar, tub, and other.

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