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Messages - Windstrider

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I'm back y'all! I'm gonna put each individual map's info and screenshots in a spoiler code so nobody has to scroll through a ridiculously long post. During the school year I'll probably not be on here much, and school will take priority over requests. During the summer however, unless I get a job or something comes up, this will be my priority!

6/14/17: Requests are now open!

I figured I'd put this in this section since 'general' probably suits one big thread more. I was tempted to put this in the Finished Maps section but this thread has a big mix of stuff in it. I decided it's better for me to make one big thread for all my stuff instead of making a ton of individual threads for all my projects and only make the individual threads for 'masterpiece' maps.

Sea Kingdom V1
So here's the first version. It started off as a test map but then I found the new underwater stuff and decided to make a full-blown map. Anyone who's read the Wings of Fire books knows what this is based off of (spoiler: it's basically a combination of the Deep Palace and Summer Palace, with my own twists). The main parts are the pavilion+vacation dens and the reef. There's no heightmap or mask since, again, this started as just a test map). Anyway, I think it's already pretty great the way it is for now, and I hope you guys like it too! The second version will most likely have the Deep Palace and reef and the Summer Palace as separate areas, unless the map gets too huge and laggy with all the detail. Without further yammering, here's the link and screenshots (only the ones of the mostly-done stage and end result to save space)! In the ingame parts you'll see my character looking different a bunch of times; I was doing a color test with that. Anyway.


Making the upper levels of the pavilion

The reef while in progress

Entering the floating/magic garden area

Flying over the topmost level

Lion and wolf statues on top of the highest level

Dragon (cough canine model with the back ears and weird-shaped feline tail) statues around the central crystal

Exploring the reef (have fun looking at all the little details and sea life)

Sunrise in the middle/main level of the pavilion

Selfie in front of my masterpiece! (My character has wings now tho)

Sea and Sky V1

Forest (somewhat WolfQuest-based)

~COMING SOON: My next maps; suggestions welcome!~Post your ideas and I'll add them to my requests list. The 'my ideas' part is one giant (or not-so-giant when I narrow it down for the moment) list of things I added on as I thought of them; they aren't in any particular order and I probably won't do them in a specific order. The request list will have the first request at the top, and the others added on as people request.
- Park
- Ice Kingdom
- Canyon
- Forest and plains
- Warriors first arc map
- Wolves of The Beyond map
- Far North/tundra and ice theme (will include jumpable ice floes etc)
- Parkour
- Cave full of glowing crystal features, get ready for more retextured trees and stuff xD

Upcoming: First priority
Two main projects at a time. Either one from my ideas list that you want to see or a request is welcome!
- [Forest V1]
- [open]

Requests/Pending List
When one in the above list is done I will move the first, or maybe the least time-consuming (so that person can get their map sooner instead of taking forever on a huge project and putting everyone 'on hold' for ages) of these up to the priority list.
I *might* also remake some of my old maps, but I'm probably going to do them completely from scratch. I don't even have most of my old files anyway.

Leaving / Hiatus (busy with school)
« on: September 27, 2015, 05:28:17 pm »
Well high school's going great, and I actually like it, which is a first. Most of my previous school years were either awful or just meh; hs has a different atmosphere and it's way better! But since I'm taking AP classes, I'll be a bit busy with homework and projects. So please don't take it personally if you send me a pm and I don't answer it for a while; I just don't always have time to get on here. For anyone who knows about my maps, I can't take requests right now since my game isn't even working atm. When I get it fixed, I'm going to start making aquarium-themed maps. If you watch the show Tanked you'll see where I'm getting my ideas. Anyway, that's about it. Just letting people know I'm actually still alive. xD

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Wind's Journal
« on: May 24, 2015, 05:09:02 pm »
-Reserved for journal entries-

Game Help / Re: Map Maker issue
« on: May 24, 2015, 12:38:20 am »
Hey! ^^ I checked and there's no duplicated particle files, and I made sure the images say "grayscale 1 layer" and "rgb 1 layer". I tried putting them in the folder, and even after I deleted them again, my game still crashed. I could have messed up the ogre.cfg file, but I replaced it with a saved copy so I'm not sure that's the issue either.

Game Help / Map Maker issue
« on: May 22, 2015, 08:24:46 pm »
Ok, I think I've identified what's causing my issue, but I have no idea why it's doing this. I made a height map and terrain mask in GIMP, but when I put them into the Terrains folder, FH crashed when I clicked map maker, even though they're both in png format! I've never had this issue before, considering I've probably got about 10 or more other map things that work just fine. O.o

Another edit: Ugh. It was apparently a mistake putting them in the folder again (at least I know that those files are definitely causing problems for some reason), because even after removing them again, the game itself won't even open without crashing. Same error message keeps coming up again: 'FeralHeart.exe has stopped working'

Member Bio & Journals / Wind's Journal
« on: May 19, 2015, 04:24:04 am »
Too lazy (will update later).

Mood: Chill
Currently: Eating graham crackers, drinking milk, and listening to techno mixes

Wow. Things are finally winding down to a close at school, and we're truly wrapping up now since we're starting to return textbooks and finish exams. Next week is the second-to-last week of school, and that's when we're unofficially finished with school. The last week is basically a week-long party, especially for us 8th graders; there's movies in class, an award ceremony, and a Spring Fling with a dj and ice cream truck. I'm super excited, especially about high school, but until then I have the whole summer to chill out and live it up. I have to get 60 hours in 6 weeks for a virtual PE program I'm taking to free up a class period next year, but at least the program for my age group at the gym is more weights and less running. Speaking of weight, nobody probably cares lol, but I'm finally about 100 pounds! I'm trying to put on some more weight before high school, and it's just a personal goal of mine to build more muscle. Hopefully I'll get to 5 feet soon-ish since I've been eating nonstop lately; and  I'm going to grow one way or another. ;)

Anyone who has read at least up to book 3 knows that Hermione had to use a time-turner in order to cram all the extra classes into her insane schedule. While I obviously don't have that crazy of a schedule, I'm similar to Hermione, being a workaholic sometimes. Even I'm getting summer fever; it's impossible not to.

So I'm pretty much done working my butt off and doing homework right away. Instead I'm taking naps after school (today's was from about 4 something to 9:30!) and totally procrastinating on things. The best part is, I don't really care as long as I keep getting good grades and turning things in. I've ran my tail off all year, and who doesn't do this kind of thing towards the end of the school year? It's basically like senioritis for 8th graders; the symptoms aren't much different. x'D

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