Author Topic: Forest Clan:Elements of 4 (ProLogue)  (Read 1639 times)


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Forest Clan:Elements of 4 (ProLogue)
« on: December 12, 2011, 12:24:34 am »
  Something felt weird,She saw four cats.1 looked like her,another looked like RussetStorm,another like Jayfeather and the last one looked like NuclearVirus.They startedto run.The one that looked like her was running like the wind,and ran into a blizzrad.The other that looked like JayFeather ran to a gorge,the 3rd one that looked like russetStorm through a fire and the final one that looked like NulcearVirus ran to a dead forest.Then her father appeared with a pelt of stars and two small moons for eyes "Wind,water,earth and fire will soon come together and collide with forever lasting darkness."He told her,then soon faded away.

(These are friends from my clan in FH,Those were their yeah.The cat having the dream is'll get more once i put out the chapters)