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Topics - NeverFearTheFall2468

Pages: [1] 2
Art Gallery / Katra's Art Cage/Shop|Updated!|Requests; OPEN!|
« on: May 27, 2014, 12:22:28 am »
My Art!
If you want, you can request. I need practice!

Recently, I have gotten a tablet to draw on. It is really convenient, even when I'm not drawing. So I will take requests if anyone wants, I just need practice. ;-;

Here is some of my art.

Just a simple one. No significant character.
This was just me playing around with burn and dodge, also smudge. No significant character.

I did this one with a mouse, not my tablet. Not a significant character.

I was bored. I made this one a while ago with my mouse. No significant character.

Random picture. No significant character.

I titled this one, Secret Side. I have been going through things lately, this is practically vent art. The character is Katra, and this is her secret side.

I don't know.

This one is a bit sketchy, just practice.


This one was for Echofrost225.

This one was for Kikiorylandia.

If you want a request here is the form.
Forum name:
Character name:
Character Gender:
Reference/Appearance(A picture is always nice):
Any setting?:
Anything else?:

I will take two requests at a time.

Slot 1- Zircon
Slot 2- Free

In Line
None at the moment.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays /
« on: May 24, 2014, 08:34:47 pm »

Since the year 2623 humans have been non-existent. Their actions ended them up dead, pollution and cruel ways. They left the earth in ruins, along with very few animals, as most had died out from the humans' decisions.

From that day on, a stray group of dogs had begun to rebuild their ruined earth. Now with an incredibly vast amount of knowledge, they have learned to speak and build. From that, dogs have established a very successful way of life. Most all dogs know about electricity and mechanics, while others specialize in things relying more on intelligence.

Along with the new city came a very strict government, they had laid down a long list of rules, or a law. If you were seen disobeying the law, a trial would be held. The sentences were life in confinement, a specific amount of time in confinement or death. Of course if you were sentenced to neither, you would be placed on parole.

In the year 2856, a group of rebels organized an uprising against the strict ways of the government. Although they were almost successful in over-riding them, all those involved were tracked down and eradicated.

The law of Utopia is the former law of humans, dogs had learned to read slowly and adopted the humans files.
Basically, robbery of ANYTHING is illegal, along with murder and such.

As a citizen of Utopia, you have a right to a living headquarters. They highly resemble former human homes. With bedrooms, at the minimum 1, a outside space, a room to relax and a kitchen where food is delivered by tubes connected to restaurants and cafes. Depending on what class you are, the homes will look different, there are three classes: lower-class, ,middle-class and privilege class. The privilege-class mostly consist of those involved with the government. Middle class is the majority of the city, whilst lower class are those on the streets or in crummy apartments.

All food in the town is from machines, the quality also depends on what class you are. Privileg class gets raw meat from cow and pig, covered with spices sauce and other toppings. Middle class gets raw meat with spices, lower class barely ever gets food. But when they do it is dry dog food with no toppings.

Events are held here, such as marathons, races and tests of intelligence. Sometimes agility courses are placed at the local arena. Prizes vary.
Citizen held events are birthday parties if you can afford one, they have balloons and treats, along with gifts. You may reserve any location in the city if discussed with the government. Having the party at your home is always allowed. 'Weddings' are held at the City hall. Theses 'weddings' are the reading of a paper, bonding you to your chosen mate for the rest of your life, divorce if you choose can be settled here as well. Funerals are a public affair, if the dog is in middle-class or up a funeral is held for them. Flowers are scattered, they are buried and family and friends are given time to mourn.

Utopia is a very clean city, and would like to remain that way. Which seems tarnished by recent rumors of an uprising. If you have read this far put 'Earth' in your other. The word around town is that a large group of dogs are meeting in secret and discussing a plan. The government on the other hand have grown weak almost, they wish to find this group and dispose of them.

Will you rise up against the Government or join them?

Discussion Board / Fandoms. We all have one.
« on: May 23, 2014, 10:41:04 am »
I need to know.

What fandom are you in? What is your most loved or liked thing you are involved in?
Most of these will be Warrior Cats, I just know it.

*Tiny whisper voice*
The thing I'm most interested in right now is Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler.
*Hides in corner of shame*

Introduction / Back from absence!
« on: May 15, 2014, 05:21:56 am »
Finally back from my 2 week absence and back on Feralheart. in-game and on the forums.
It was a very long two weeks, away from my new fetish(It's a secret, shh!), away from FH and such.
Well! Now I'm back!

Leaving / Going to be absent for a while.
« on: April 22, 2014, 11:48:23 pm »
Not leaving, but just a short absence.
This absence will be starting on Saturday, April 26. I am moving and will not have internet for over a week, if it is available earlier I will be on very soon.

See you later guys.

Site/Forum Help / Uh, can anyone tell me?[You can lock this now c:]
« on: April 19, 2014, 12:52:13 am »

I have been on the FH forums for a while now and I still don't know things that I should.

Only two questions, I have seen many, many fonts but I  have no idea which ones they are, or what they are called. What are all of them or most of them?

And colors, many, many colors also that aren't on the change color thingy. I know a few like silver, white, grey, but really that's all. Can anyone tell me a few of the colors?

I would appreciate your help <3


Believe it or not, there's no way out.
You are trapped, confined, CAPTIVATED.

Is there a way out? No one knows.

Your species is rare, because it never existed until 3 years ago.

Scientists have advanced greatly this year, mainly because they have introduced a new species of dog. These hybrids are made to be domestic animals, who are more obedient, powerful and protective. "We are very excited to see these new more advanced dogs. I've heard they have the heart and traits of a wolf, but, are not aggressive towards human." Says the mayor of the town. Not much information has been released yet but, we are hopeful and very excited.

These genetically advanced 'wolf dogs' have finally reached the public! The first person to get their hands on one was Jeffery Auburn. Here we interview him. "So, Jeffery, how's it going? Girl or boy?" " It's great, it's a girl and she is very calm." "Good, very good.. Anything different, um, appearance-wise?" "Oh, yes, her eyes are violet and her is pure black." "She sounds beautiful, Jeffery. So.. any aggressive behavior?" " Oh, no, not at all! She's an angel, a calm angel.."

Almost all the families worldwide have one of these dogs, but recently, 911 calls have been involving attacks of theses 'wolf dogs'. 20 deaths in this past while have involved the dogs, scientists are considering a mass recall.

In the past 5 days over 1,000 deaths involving the dogs have been reported, a recall has been announced. Most of the dogs who killed have run off to the wild.

Most dogs have been seized and taken to research faculties to be further tested. Sightings of the 'wolf dogs' on the outskirts of some towns have been reported. A vicious new rabies has ravaged 2 cities, it is said to shut down vital organs in the minimum time of 12 hours. A cure is being tested, but "fails each time" according to an insider. Families are taking their once beloved pet to the vet and having it put to sleep, we hope they captivate all the animals soon.

Dogs are confined in secure area. Some still roam wild. Research is needed to further understand the sudden violence. Confined dogs are placed in a virtual wilderness. Threat level: VERY HIGH

You wake up in a bright, white room. Humans hover over you with masks on. They stare at you with squinted eyes, an irritated tone in their eyes. You attempt to moved but you seem to be paralyzed. You have no control over yourself, it's beginning to scare you. The last thing you remember, you were running through the trees, away from something. The humans pull a large dart out of your side, a sharp pain travels over you. You whine in pain but the figures pay no attention to your wails. They speak in distorted voices, your vision is beginning to blur, one turns around and picks up a large needle type device. They lean over you in a menacing way, you are jabbed with the device. A hot, tingling pain overwhelms you. A yowl of pain escapes your motionless body. A man stabs you with yet another needle, the last thing you see is a bright flash of white.

You wake in a bed of lush green forest, wind ripples over your tired limbs. This time you can move, but you choose not to. Did the humans release you into the wild again? What did they put in your leg? Scents of others like you draft to your nose, all your senses seem heightened. You have an epiphany, you are in CAPTIVITY.

In case you have no idea what going on, here is the plot.
You are one of the wolf dogs, you have been captured and placed in a virtual wild. You have no idea of where you are, you only know you are caged. The thing in your leg is a tracking device. You are being watched constantly, a camera around every corner, but they are hidden. The humans must research you and see what caused you to get so violent. These humans create weather and hunting animals, to trick you into acting like you're in the wild. You want to escape, but you don't know how to. Or where to.
1-No god-modding, power-playing, auto-hitting etc. It gets annoying.
2- Mild gore, not too graphic. No cursing, find other alternatives.
3-Try to keep the genders equal.
4-If you read the rules put 'captive' in your other.
5-Realism is compromised, you may have, odd eye colors, a bit of odd colored fur.. you are a hybrid after all.

Code: [Select]
[img]-IMAGE HERE-[/img]
[size=10pt]Modifications(Eye color, fur colors etc.)-[/size]

Introduction / Really Super Duper Long Leave!
« on: February 03, 2014, 08:58:07 am »
Been gone, forever!
Wow it is scary how long its been since really..... anything. Why, yes, of course, few posts here and there. But, back from a scary black hole of goneness.... :3

Art Gallery / -Katra's Cage of Creation-
« on: January 03, 2014, 09:25:33 am »
So, I was bored, so I decided to make an Art Cage.
Lamest pun EVA

Oldest to newest

Anyways, I will be adding to this so, yeah.
Enjoy my Cage of Creation.

This is Goldentuft, she is my Warrior OC. Got bored on Paint. :3

Random picture I drew on Paint of Katra.

I made this for a Christmas siggie, since I didn't even have a picture for a siggie. It's of Katra, and the first full body picture I drew of her on Paint.

I hope you enjoyed this, Cage of Creation.
More to come!

Ask Me / Ask Katra! :3
« on: January 03, 2014, 08:02:35 am »
I might as well, so people know a bit more about me, since I'm kind of new.
Well, Ask away!

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