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Messages - Faust

Pages: [1]
Request a Preset/Marking / Preset for Aussie? [400 DA points!]
« on: July 07, 2019, 10:15:37 pm »
O why hello there. I recently got a new child and I'm looking for a preset for her! I can offer up to 400 points atm. Tysm!
//they are so my new main now btw, body marks are symmetrical either side//
Base by Keesness and edits by SpaceplanteehDesigns, both on DA and both absolutely amazing, so go check them out! <3

Sorry about the watermark! I do have the non-watermarked version, but I added one just to be safe. The only reason I put my usernames was so that A) Nobody can take them and claim to be me and B) So they aren't taken in general
Both of these have happened to me before. ^^*

They actually dont have a name just yet! I've been calling her Aussie for a filler, but I'd love some suggestions! So yeah, feel free to comment if you're either up to make the preset or if you have any name suggestions! <,3

Request a Preset/Marking / Lock pls thnx
« on: July 03, 2019, 03:07:39 pm »
pls lock k thnx

Pages: [1]