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Topics - TouchOfMadness

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Member Bio & Journals / Zealot's Bio of Fail
« on: December 25, 2014, 03:01:31 am »
I have been horrifically inactive for quite a while here on the forums due to school, life, etc., and this bio is long overdue. Anyways...

Hullur! I am ~Zealot~ here on the forums, but in-game you can find me as TouchOfMadness, wandering around the public maps as my OCs Carnassial or Zeal, or any one of my RP characters. In the wonderful world we call reality, I am a sixteen-year-old girl living in the United States.

I like:
The internet
Music (especially classic rock)
Writing poetry
Theatre (especially musical theatre. My two favorite musicals are "Les Miserables" and "Wicked")
Warm fuzzy socks

I dislike:
People who pretend to be stupid to get attention
My social awkwardness
All my fuzzy socks being in the laundry  :(

I am a little shy and derpy when I talk to someone for the first time, but pretty soon I show my crazy, spontaneous side, and not long after that my morbid, twisted sense of humor. I also love having intellectual and philosophical conversations, though at that point I tend to scare people, or lose them in barely coherent tangles of lengthy words and poetic ramblings XD. Still, if you see me around in-game or on the forums, feel free to send me a quick message, or just say "hi." I hope to make a journal soon as well as an "Ask Me" topic. Thanks for reading to the end of this pile of fail!

Game Discussion / Who would you be?
« on: September 08, 2014, 10:08:52 pm »
This topic idea just randomly popped into my head. If you yourself were to turn into one of your FeralHeart characters and spend your entire life as that character, which of your characters would you choose to become? I know for me it would be a very tough decision. Perhaps for you it would be a no-brainer. I think I would be the character that I'm planning to create in the near future, a wolf named Magpie, for her bold yet caring nature. Or I might be Carnassial, for her laid-back, fun loving personality. Or maybe I'd be...Ugh! I can't even answer my own question! *facedesk* Well, let's hope you all have better luck answering it.

Game Discussion / When the Roleplay Hits the Fan...
« on: August 21, 2014, 01:44:25 pm »
I'm sure you've had this happen to you at least once in the wonderful world of roleplay. You'll just be roleplaying like any ordinary day with your group, and all of a sudden, someone will say or do something strange, and, one thing leading to another, the roleplay descends into utter chaos and madness. Whether it's OOC drama or just an explosion of randomness and hilarity, whatever serious roleplay that had been going on at that moment just goes "poof!" I know this happens to me all the time. Once it resulted in my wolf character and another pack member making a list of jewelry and interior decor we could make out of the organs and body parts of our enemies. Another time ended up in my pack forming a recruitment drive twerk train (good times :3). And one time myself and two other pack members were chilling on one of the rock formations in Flourite. My character Cadfael was laying on her back when another wolf approached...

Ash: Crap! It's my mate! She's crazy. I've been trying to get rid of her forever! -crawls over and lays on top of Cadfael-
Cadfael: What are you doing?!
Ash: Shh! Just trust me on this!
Cadfael: GET. OFF.
Mate: -comes over- What's going on?
Ash: Baby, it's not what it looks like! This is...CPR! Yeah, CPR. She swallowed a bee. Isn't that right, Cadfael?
Cadfael: Derp.
So this continued for a while and got stranger and stranger as it went. Eventually Ash's mate somehow died, and so we started arguing over how we were going to dispose of the body. Undeniably one of the oddest conversations I have ever participated in. Anyone else have any experiences like this?

Game Discussion / Feral Heart: Expression or Escape?
« on: July 08, 2014, 02:43:38 am »
Why do I always come up with topics that I'm not sure where to put? Oh well. If it belongs elsewhere, can a mod please move it there? Thank you! Anyways, what I'm curious about is: do you consider Feral Heart as a place of expression, or a place of escape? Meaning, is Feral Heart a place where you be who you are, or who you would like to be? When browsing the forums, or frolicking about in the game, do you think of it as a whole other world from your everyday existence, or do you think of it as simply a place to socialize and hang out? I think it's obvious by now that I can't think of any better way to put it, so I'm just gonna stop and let you interpret how you will (good luck with that!).

Game Discussion / Have you ever had a dream about FeralHeart?
« on: February 06, 2014, 10:25:22 pm »
The title speaks for itself. Perhaps you were on FH late into the night when you finally decided to log off and go to sleep. Or perhaps there was a particular event online one day that you just couldn't get out of your head. OR maybe you're just plain obsessed with FeralHeart...*slowly raises hand* ;D Whatever the case, has this ever led you to dream about FeralHeart? This has actually happened to me a couple of times. I once dreamed that I logged onto FeralHeart, but the map I was on instead resembled Amethyst Mountain from WolfQuest. Another (a nightmare, really) actually took place on the forums, and I somehow said something so stupid that I managed to get everyone angry at me. I know I've had other dreams, but I can't remember any clearly at the moment. But enough about mine, I want to hear yours! Have you ever had a dream about FeralHeart, and what was it? (Please reply, 'cuz if I find that I'm the only one who's ever had this happen to them, I'm going to look really weird! XD)
P.S. I don't know if I'm posting this in the right section. If not, can a mod please lock this topic, and tell me where I can re-post it? Thanks!

Introduction / At long last!
« on: January 25, 2014, 12:19:34 am »
At last! Finally my days of watching forum life from afar are over! Erm, by which I mean I've finally built up the nerve to type my first post ::). Ahem...well, with all that awkwardness aside, you can call me Zealot, or Zeal for short. I'm not particularly new to FeralHeart, as I joined this past November. But, up until this point, I've only ever been active on the game. I really wanted to become active on the forums, but I never did. My reason? I was mortified that I would say something inconsolably stupid, something that would become forever memorialized on the internet. At long last, and, yes, after much hesitation, I've joined with the wonderful world of the FH forum! This is probably about to become too lengthy, so I guess I'll bring it to a close. If you want to meet me ingame, I'll usually be on one of my two Fursonas, xZealx or Frigidity. Thanks if you're still reading this! If you aren't, I don't blame you. :P~Zeal

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