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Messages - TouchOfMadness

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Game Discussion / Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
« on: November 13, 2018, 11:14:05 pm »
I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed. Most, if not all, staffers started off as normal players. It's not like they're these third-party authorities ready to ban anything they don't understand. Their sensibilities aren't that much different from those of normal players. In short: If you're afraid something in your roleplay is not fit for a staff member to see, then it's probably not fit for anyone to see (unless you keep it to a private map, in which case a staffer can't really fault you because you're keeping it out of the public eye).

Game Discussion / Re: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« on: November 13, 2018, 07:13:43 pm »
I've actually noticed a few more in-game roleplays popping up over the past couple days. Maybe I've just been subconsciously looking for them since taking a stroll through this topic. Whatever the case, it's proof that they do still exist, so keep an eye out for them! I also saw a RP leader accept two players who didn't speak English as their first language, promising to be patient with them. Not really relevant to the topic at hand, but it just warmed my heart ^^

Game Discussion / Re: How Old Are The Floofs In FearlHeart?
« on: November 12, 2018, 05:51:55 pm »
20, going on 21 in March. We old relics can still have a bit of fun, can't we? :)

Game Discussion / Re: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« on: November 12, 2018, 05:43:21 pm »
I have to agree with you. I mean, Discord's a great place to organize group information and bond with other group members outside of RP without having to create and curate an entire site. Still, I don't quite understand the appeal of text-only RP when you have the opportunity to act it out in a more visual, spacial way. There's just something special about being able to see and interact with your friends as your characters, to set out across the public maps in search of the perfect little cluster of rocks and trees to serve as your home base. Geez, is this how old people felt when texting became a thing?

Of course, I guess there is the appeal of not having a post limit in Discord, but that brings me to a tangent rant. I'll just put it in a spoiler, so read if you wish.

Why do people think that a good RP post has to be so looooong? You can be succinct and also be descriptive if you leave out irrelevant details. You don't need to describe how the light shines differently on your character's "orbs" every time they slightly move their head. Chances are, no one's actually reading your fifteen-sentence posts word-for-word; they're just skimming for sparknotes while they craft their own posts. All you're really doing is dominating the space in the chat and making it so that other posts get pushed out of view before anyone gets a chance to read them. Honestly, I find it a little obnoxious. Okay, mini-rant over.

Not sure if I added anything new to this discussion, but I just wanted to show my commiseration. Maybe we all could RP together someday, for old times' sake.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Tommi!
« on: November 12, 2018, 03:12:13 am »
Favorite mythical creature?

Favorite weather?

Which instrument sounds the best to you?

1. Dragons. Definitely dragons.

2. Snow. If it's gonna be cold outside, might as well look pretty!

3. Oh, you just HAD to ask the music major about instruments! Um, I'd have to say the oboe. It just has such a beautiful, clear sound.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Tommi!
« on: November 12, 2018, 03:02:14 am »
What is your favorite animal?

Tea or Coffee?

Do you like hugs?

1. Owl. No particular species, just all owls in general.

2. My loyalty changes from day to day lol

3. I do like hugs, as much as people seem to think I don't!

Ask Me / Re: Ask Tommi!
« on: November 12, 2018, 02:53:45 am »
What's your favorite default map whether it'd be the new or old ones?
Favorite drink?
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
Any movie or book genres you like?

1. I really like Cherika Valley and Kibou Ridge. So much to explore! In the good ol' days I used to spend a lot of time in Atlantis. I know it wasn't very popular, but I thought it had a unique charm.

2. I love a good chai latte, either iced or hot!

3. Though I love both dearly, I gotta say dogs win by a slim margin.

4. I've always been partial to fantasy, both in movies and books, but I also love a good horror story.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Tommi!
« on: November 12, 2018, 02:43:01 am »
What's your favorite character?

What is your favorite color?


1. Hmm, tough one. Probably Nepenthe. She's the oldest character I still have in-game, and I find it very easy to take on her stern, brooding demeanor when playing as her. I have some characters that I still need to create in the game, so that might change!

2. I love ocean-y blues and greens ^^

Ask Me / Ask Tommi!
« on: November 10, 2018, 09:35:56 pm »
Hello yes I am Tommi, formerly known as Zealot. I'm making my return to FH after three years of absence, with the hope of completely reinventing my presence here. I didn't really give a full description of who I am in my Introduction post, so I figured I'd let you guys decide what you want to know about me. So, all you curious cats, canines, cryptids, et cetera, get asking!

Game Discussion / Re: Poll for one huge snuggle pile
« on: November 10, 2018, 08:39:12 pm »
A little late to this thread, but I'm so down for this! If we're still deciding on the map, my vote's on Kibou Ridge.
 What better place to snuggle than in the snow? We could all pile in around the campfire, or completely fill one of the dens until it overflows! Lol

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