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Messages - TouchOfMadness

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Game Discussion / Re: Favorite Map Since Version 1.16
« on: November 10, 2018, 08:14:58 pm »
I gotta say either Eastern Pass or Cherika Valley. I think they both offer really cool, huge environments that you just couldn't find with the public maps in the last version. They also have lots of spaces that are perfect for RPs, so people don't have to squabble over who gets the best dens and whatnot.

Introduction / Re: It's been eighty-four years...
« on: November 10, 2018, 07:06:39 pm »
Thank you all so much! Getting such a warm welcome really reminds me of everything I loved about this site. I think I'm going to try and be more active than ever now. I actually have a decent drawing tablet now, so I should be able to contribute more to the creative side of the community (unfortunately I don't have my tablet with me at college, so it might be a couple weeks before I can make good on that promise).

*On a side note, I've done some thinking about that whole nickname thing, since TouchOfMadness is a bit of a mouthful. I decided to try the acronym, which is "TOM". Of course, "Tom" is a bit of a misleading name for a female, so I did some playing around with it. What I ended up with is "Tommi". So, yeah. You can call me Tommi (unless someone else in the community goes by that name, in which case I'll keep working on it).

Hope to see you all around!

Introduction / It's been eighty-four years...
« on: November 09, 2018, 10:10:32 pm »
Well, actually it's been three-ish years, but that's still a long heckin' time to be away! I suppose I should give an explanation,
 but the truth is, I don't really have one. I guess I just drifted away from FH and the community as I prepared to enter the world of adulthood. But I've decided that the world of adulthood is just too scary for me, so here I am again!

I doubt anyone here even remembers me at this point, so I might as well re-introduce myself entirely. Also, after logging back in and seeing all the cringy stuff past-me left behind, it'd probably be best if I just pretend that I'm a completely different person. Well, here goes:

I'm TouchOfMadness. I used to go by "Zealot" here on the forums, but I'm gonna do away with that. Maybe I'll think up some other, better nickname in the future (I'm open to suggestions!). I played FeralHeart from 2013 to 2015, back when I was an awkward teen starving for social interaction. Fast-forward three years, and now I'm a slightly less awkward college student who, on a nostalgic whim, decided to dust off her old account and see what's changed. And wow, things HAVE changed! Completely different maps, different music tracks, a revamped Bonfire Island with actual bonfires! I'm really glad to see that this community is still going strong after all this time. I really enjoyed my time here, and now I think I'd like to enjoy some more.

So, what do you say? Will you welcome this prodigal daughter back into your ranks?

Game Discussion / New roleplay plot idea. Opinions?
« on: July 20, 2015, 05:54:02 pm »
This is just an idea for a roleplay plot that I've been formulating, and I want to put it out here and maybe get some feedback. :)

So, I'm both a theatre nut and an English literature nut. And where do those two things meet? Shakespeare! What if there was a roleplay whose storyline included adaptions of the plots of Shakespeare plays? Plays such as "Hamlet", "Henry V", and even "Much Ado About Nothing" would be likely candidates. Now, obviously the plots would be adapted to fit the roleplay and those in it, and, of course, you wouldn't have to speak in Shakespearean English (unless you want to, which would be perfectly fine...and completely awesome). There would still be  independent roleplay; the Shakespeare would only make up part of the central plot. I'm not doing a very good job at explaining this, am I? -_-'

What do you think? Are you a fan of Shakespeare? Does this seem like it might work, maybe even be fun? Have you ever seen a roleplay similar to this? What type of roleplay (wolf, lion, etc.) do you think this would best fit in? Am I rambling pointlessly? Do you want me to stop talking now? Okay.

*I just realized that this might be in the wrong board. If it is, can a mod/admin please move it to where it belongs? Thank you very much. ^^

Game Discussion / Re: Are You an Early Bird or a Night Owl?
« on: July 20, 2015, 03:27:50 am »
In real life, I'm definitely a night owl. If it were socially acceptable, I'd probably go nocturnal. I go to sleep at around 2 or 3 AM and get up at around 11 AM (well, at least when I don't have school). However, I actually prefer the daylight in-game, as it seems so much shorter lived than the nighttime.

Discussion Board / Re: Hearing colors?
« on: July 19, 2015, 05:46:12 pm »
True to my forum name, I am a synesthete. I have lexical-gustatory synesthesia, which means that sounds and words evoke different tastes. Though I still hear, say, and read words and sounds the same, I can experience a "phantom taste". I also have ordinal-linguistic synesthesia, meaning that I assign colors, genders and even personalities to numbers and letters. Synesthesia is fascinating, isn't it?

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Musical?
« on: July 19, 2015, 05:37:10 pm »
Wicked. Definitely Wicked. Though I was recently in a production of Shrek the Musical, and I loved it! Soon I'm going to be auditioning for Sweeney Todd and/or West Side Story. Wish me luck!

Game Discussion / Re: Mates!
« on: July 19, 2015, 05:27:26 pm »
I personally have no problems with mates (with the exception, of course, of relationships that become dangerously personal, as previously mentioned). I myself have never had a mate, or pursued such a relationship, but if I did it would be restricted to an individual roleplay. And, as others have said, it would most likely be with someone who is already a close friend.

Game Discussion / Things we just can't resist doing
« on: July 19, 2015, 01:56:07 am »
No matter how hard we try to be normal, upstanding citizens of FeralHeart, there are some things we just can't resist doing. Here are some of my examples:

-Jumping off Ascension Island and teleporting home just before you hit the ground.

-F3ing into the sky just to see how high you can go.

-F3ing into people's faces until you have bug-eyed monstrosities.

-Sitting atop the walls of Ficho Tunnel.

-Leaping like a graceful dolphin across any expanse of water.

So, what things can you not resist doing in the wide wonderful world of FeralHeart?

Forum Discussion / Re: FeralHeart Dictionary
« on: July 18, 2015, 02:09:39 am »
Wow, this topic is still alive?!

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