Author Topic: Cervellamers Prehyrcrat (The Hyrcrat)  (Read 1308 times)

Offline HappyTreeFriends

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Cervellamers Prehyrcrat (The Hyrcrat)
« on: July 23, 2014, 06:57:39 pm »
Cervellamers Prehyrcrat is a tribal species originating from The Fox and The Wolf, along with some large felines. They did not come from a labratory, and are not a part of humans at all. but instead their bizarre interbreeding resulted for being stranded  on an island when the land they shared broke apart Billions of Years ago. They still drift farther apart from eachother today.. They do not bark, but make loud screeches, Resembling a fox.  The Males and Females are both the same size, and The Hyrcrat, being exposed to so many things, that even it's age has slowed down. There average life span is 3,000 Years old, But some strong have lived to be 8,500. They do not age after full maturity, Which is 100 Years. They do not become elders, but instead die just as they had More than 2,900 years ago. They are considered a beautiful species, if a human laid eyes on one he'd itch for their coat to sell. But they are very hard to kill. Fire, Iron, and Silver would kill them, Mainly because they have never touched anything human. Nontheless seen a human. Their pelts are black, with 'Sharp' White markings, And near death they turn grey. During mating season the males look for females, giving off soft chuffs to call one over. If the male and female share an emotional bond, they will mate for life and have exactly 3 Litters, With about 1 Grin(Pup) per litter It is rare to have two, but if they do it is a joy. They are cheerful and loud around their members, howling and screeching whever they have the chance. They are playful. However, If a stranger to their species steps into their path they will use their sharp canines and poisonous tongue to pop their heads off. They are extremely tall and curious creatures, however they often stay in the shadows. They are sensitive, so if something they don't like can make them turn completly messed up, Whether they turn aggressive or Afraid. Rarely they turn to cannibalism, but if so they will normally eat any omegas or defiant to their Monarch(Leader). There must be two leaders and they do not have to have an emotional relationship with each other. Usually, It is The mate or sibling, Possibly Offspring who are the secondary leader. Their eyes are blind slit, and black, and when born they Originally have a black mane. As they mature their mane gets more exotic, Sometimes even turning as light as blonde. Sometimes, if a Hyr is not satisfied with it's natural mane color, it will use berries and powders to dye it. Why do they have these colors? They believe that their creator, Named Arkaas, Was unique and had beautiful colors. He was so handsome and colorful that they made him their king. The proof of his existance lies in their hair.

A roleplay shall be out soon. Name for the roleplay is unknown(Help meh name et!), and the map is currently being made. (Whisper HappyTreeFriends if chu wanna help me name it, or if ya wanna join. Maybe a friend request too?

DO NOT COPY OR CREATE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. You have the ability to create a pack with the map that will soon be created, but that's it. No Loners.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 07:15:00 pm by Flippy »