Author Topic: "Different"  (Read 2329 times)

Offline Flatsoda

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« on: August 06, 2011, 06:00:22 pm »


The "Different" are a sub-species of both the Canidae and Felindae family.
They can be any canine or feline,any shape or form,any color.


At birth,most "Different"s have no markings whatsoever,and they are a milky white with red eyes.They are born deaf,but they can see.
At a later time,about 12 weeks,"Different"s pelts start to become darker and their' neon markings appear.
At 3 months,"Different"s are now old enough to go out and explore the world,sight,hearing and smell fully operational.Markings are now fully-colored.
At 1 and 1/2 years,"Different" are now semi-adults.Frills along the back start to appear.
At 2 years, "Different" are now fully grown. Frills are fully-grown along the back now.They are either a shade of Black or grey.

Basic "Different" Feline and Canine appearence


The yellow markings can be any NEON color.


They have very,very good hearing.They can hear a pin drop a mile away.
Their' night vision is poor,but in the daylight everything is clear and sharp to them.
They have thorn-sharp,hooked claws that help with climbing and/or battle.
Most prey is startled off,neon colors don't blend in well with Snow,ground,ferns,trees ect.
They can think very clearly,usually tricking enemies.
...They have a very big vocabulary...


.: Wounds :.
.: Female :.
.: Adult :.
.: Erntemond :.


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« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 08:21:24 pm by Wounds »