Author Topic: Leg Huggers  (Read 2138 times)

Offline Lupus116

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Leg Huggers
« on: October 02, 2016, 11:33:41 pm »
Leg Huggers
Judge them by there name do you? There actually quite the interesting species. So let's dive in to their lives.
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Leg huggers are rare and tiny creatures that live in large groups called colonies, they're genderless and asexual. They of course live their life hugging legs. There are two types of Leg Hugger, Colony leaders and normal leg huggers. Colony leaders are bigger in size and can have more eggs than the normal leg hugger, and yes they lay eggs. They also have pouches where the eggs will stay for a month, and when the babies hatch they also stay in their pouches for a month. Leg huggers live 14-16 years while Colony leaders live 16-18 years. Leg huggers also can have a feline body or a canine body, but none the less they're all leg huggers, but canine like leg huggers do not live in colonies with feline like leg huggers

Colonies work together, everybody's doing something all hours of the day, whether it be guarding the home base, feeding the young, sick, injured and old, or doing a leg hugging patrol, yes they do leg hugging patrols. The Colony leader will organize which leg huggers do which job through the entire day, the colony leader will also do some responsiblities. Currently there are two colonies, one residing in Kiwimbi beach for felines, and another for canines in Seaside grove.

Reproduction and relationships
Leg huggers may be asexual but they don't split cells to reproduce, they can lay eggs and keep them in their pouch. They will take very good care of their eggs and young, they will constantly feed their child, making sure it is fat and well. This is because leg huggers lay only 1-3 eggs, colony leaders laying 2-5, but it is very common for the egg to either not grow anything, the baby inside is undeveloped, or it dies. Sometimes Colony leaders will eat a child if it is also a colony leader, this is to reduce competition and rivalry, sometimes they will chase the colony leader baby out though, and if it survives it can start a colony, but one colony leader will be picked to be the next colony leader in their current colony. Now, disregarding reproduction and maternal instinct, Leg huggers can have mates, well they call it a bonded pair, because sometimes leg huggers pair up to assure their offspring's survival, and sometime's it's out of pure love that they pair up.

Baby leg huggers are known as hugglings, as they're hyperactive with hugging after they get out of their pouches, hugging adult leg hugger's legs or running off to hug other legs. Hugglings are layed and born in spring. Hugglings are very secretive and introverted, usually having one or no siblings, but with time they become more social like a true leg hugger. Anyway, leg huggers are born rather small, which is often why they stay in a pouch for the first month of their lives and are fed often, when they come out they're hyperactive, especially when they're five months old, that is when they reach rapid growth, they will eat a lot of bugs for protein, sometimes they try to even catch anything in the area, usually lizards or fish, but anything will do for them. The rapid growth will end at a year and 5 months, and they become a mature adult at three years of age, two years is when they start having responsibilities. But colony leader hugglings are slightly different, when a huggling is born a colony leader from the current colony leader, they're born much bigger, still relatively small though. They reach rapid growth at 1 year, and end at 2 years.

Phsyical shape
Leg huggers are very tiny, being the size of a cat, and colony leaders being the size of a lynx or bob cat, in game leg huggers are always below average, and colony leaders are slightly below average, exactly around average, or above. They do have an advantage though, they may be tiny but they have retractable teeth and claws that are 4-8 cms long, 4-5 cms being the most common length. Leg huggers can also be bulky and strong, but the majority of leg huggers are thin, long and swift. Leg huggers also have tall pointed ears, and they can have multiple types of tails, but the most common is the lynx tail.

Leg huggers may resemble canines and felines, but they actually eat plants and bugs. The only time they eat meat is when the colony leader is eating a colony leader baby that could turn into a future rival, and when hugglings go into rapid growth if they can catch something. And most shockingly they eat blood, mostly at night when they're hugging legs for a long time, this is because they don't get enough food most of the time from hugging too many legs. They will drink a quarter of a liter of blood, and for the first five months of a leg hugger's life they will drink half a liter of blood, if and when they need to drink blood.

Leg huggers are very friendly, not making many rivals, the only case they make rivals is competition. Competition being a competition for territory, because sometimes a leg hugger is driven from there home, or they don't have enough resources, when this happens they will go and blunder the nearest colony, or the farthest colony, depending on if they win and the resources the other colony has as well. But yet again they have more allies than anything, except with actual packs and prides, most animals being against them, but that won't stop them. Leg huggers are very caring for their colony, they will feed the sick and injured, or old. They will even sacrifice themselves for members of other colonies, if they're allies. Leg huggers are very much extroverted, maybe not in their first two years, but their third year and beyond they love to socialize and play with others. They love working in groups, if they have a job alone they're often depressed. They have a strong feeling to protect too. They're also not very territorial, unless there is competition, but if not, they like having other prides or packs in the area, it's free legs to hug! But sometimes it's a pack or pride that drives them out

Fur colours
Leg huggers have very interesting colours, they have natural base colours, but their markings are always a neon colour, or a dark color, but the dark colours are unnatural colours, like purple, or green. around the eyes is a natural colour, or sometimes above the eye is black, and below is white. And the underfur is always lighter than the base colour. The nose can be any natural colour, and the tip of their tail is the same as their underfur, or base colour. And they don't have manes, but some hairstyles are aloud, very few though.

In game
This is a species in game, and if you'd like to join, message me, reply on this topic, or whisper me, my in game username is Canis116. It is currently spring and there are eggs at the moment, but we don't need babies as of now, you can still join as an adult, and remember there are two colonies, a canine one in Seaside grove, and a feline one in Kiwimbi beach. Also please no items.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 11:42:02 pm by Lupus116 »

Offline Lupus116

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Re: Leg Huggers
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2016, 11:34:27 pm »
I accidentally pressed enter on this, wait a sec for me to type this out.

EDIT: sorry about this double post
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 03:00:43 pm by Lupus116 »